
[Main Page] [Rural Roots] [The Midway] [Exhibits] [City Involvement]
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Rural Roots
The Midway
City Involvement

Schoolnet Digital Collections

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Ex Centennial
1988 anniversary cake.
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Centennial Poster
Appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, August 13, 1988.
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1993 Poster
Promotional poster.
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Overhead view of exhibitors at the 1993 Agrifest (Winter Fair).
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Indoor cattle show at the 1993 Agrifest (Winter Fair).
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Horseriding at the 1993 Agrifest (Winter Fair).
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A sheep.
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Ex Grandstand
The grandstand in Lansdowne Park before a 1993 Rod Stewart concert.
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Doc Barth's medicine side show.
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1993 Entrance
Entrance to exhibition grounds.
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International performers stage.
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Swingin' Ride
A classic on the midway.
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Conklin's Ferris Wheel
Looking at the ferris wheel on a sunny day.
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1997 Exhibition Grounds
Looking down at the midway and grounds.
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Sheep at the Petting Zoo
A shaggy sheep.
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The Midway
Games on the midway.
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Flume Ride
New at the 1997 exhibition was the flume ride.
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Chaos Ride
Pay to have chaos in your life.
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Ticket Gates
Ticket Gates at the 1997 exhibition.
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WildCat Roller Coaster
New at the 1997 exhibition.
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The WildCat Roller Coaster and Frank Clair Stadium
Is that a butterfly in those clouds?
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[The Early Years] [Between World Wars] [Post World War II]
[The Booming Years] [The Modern Era]

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