In the Old Testament, we read of the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. As the story goes, Joseph is his father's favourite, making his brothers very jealous. Joseph is given a multi-coloured coat as a token of his father's affection. The brothers are subsequently dispatched to Egypt and on the way, decide to abandon Joseph and tell their father he's been murdered. The evidence is the blood-stained coat. Joseph ends up in Egypt and is thrown in prison. While there, it becomes known that Joseph can predict the future through the interpretation of dreams. As it happens, the Pharaoh has a dream that no one can explain to him. It speaks of 7 fat cattle and 7 lean or sickly cattle. The Pharaoh needs to know the meaning of his dream. He hears of Joseph's interpretive powers and summons him for an explanation. As luck or fate would have it, Joseph correctly interprets the Pharaoh's dream, telling him that the 7 fat cattle represent 7 abundant years of full, rich harvests. The 7 lean cattle represent 7 years of famine and hardship.

Joseph tells Pharaoh that he must plan for the future and store grain and reserves to prepare for the 7 lean years to come. As the story goes, Pharaoh heeds Joseph's advice and his kingdom prospers during the difficult years while the others suffer greatly. Joseph is richly rewarded and becomes Pharaoh's most trusted advisor.

Although just a story, this biblical tale speaks of a natural disaster and also, proposes a solution for the purpose of overcoming the problem. During the Jewish Passover service (that which describes the flight out of Egypt) the ritual describes the Ten Plagues, those being: Blood, Frogs, Insects, Flies, Cattle Disease, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, Slaying of the First Born. The "plagues" represent disasters of the day, blights that made everyday life a misery and worse.

Throughout history, humankind has suffered through all manner of disaster, those that were natural, man-made or individual. Somehow, we've managed to avoid extinction, more perhaps through luck than ingenuity. The world's problems, however, are increasingly complex and more difficult to reverse. Thus, it requires a collected effort to have any impact at all.

The purpose of this teaching unit is to have students identify significant problems that may relate to environment, human conflict, socialinjustice or poverty for example. The final project will culminate in students working in teams to design and/or build an invention that will help alleviate a particular problem or design and implement a public awareness campaign about an important issue.

This project is most appropriate for Grades 4+, but can be tailored to lower grade levels if desired.