Preparation for Bannock Making Lesson Plans
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8
Rationale Nursery students are usually four and five years old and you are required to be patient with them. In our community, bannock is one of our natural breads, which came from our great grandmothers. It was passed on to us, the younger generations. The little children think that only grandmothers make bannock. When our Elder Teacher was presenting, the students felt that they had something from KOOKUM (grandmother). The students' mothers do not usually make bannock. They found that making bannock was new to them. They shared their bannock with their parents.
As for the practical side, this unit will help them. It will build their muscle coordination, as well as their hand-eye coordination. Their physical being will grow and they need to build it. As a whole child it will help them in socializing, emotional development, language and thinking. As they do their bannock, they feel proud when they are finished. They will learn to clean up after themselves and to put away their material/utensils. All this is bilingual, as they don't understand English a lot.
Looking at the future, I am sure they will remember what they had been taught in their younger days. Just like elders say, children do not forget, it will come back to them. They will learn one of the ways to survive that was taught to all of us.
If this unit is used for older students, it could be more structured and integrated into all subjects.
The lessons of this unit were done twice a day, due to the split of the nursery students into morning and afternoon classes.
Advance Preparation You need to buy mixing bowls for the appropriate number of students. The following is a list of supplies that you need a few days in advance.
- an Electric Frying Pan or a Hot Plate
- Utensils (plastic forks, spoons, knives, spatulas, Cookie Cutters, plates , etc...)
- Cameras (Still and Cam corder)
- Film (still and VHS tape)
- camera operator
- Elder
- Audio Cassette for recording Elders' stories
- Tape recorder
- Finding T.A.'s for assistance
- Pictures aids for teaching safety
- Stoves for baking bannock
- Fire wood for Campfire bannock
Materials Needed:
Flour, Lard, Baking Powder, Raisins, Salt Pork, Paper towels, Napkins, Chart Paper, Pictures of bannock.
Reflection of the lessons By: Lesley Harper
The lesson were good for the nursery classes, but they are just learning and I did not expect a perfect outcome. I know they understood what they were being taught because they wanted to make more bannock. The students can't sit still for a 40 minute lecture, they need to do a lot of hands-on activities. They are just learning to talk and learn new words. The students were familiar with the names of the ingredients in the Island Lake Dialect and also in English.
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