Fish Preparation Unit Grade two
Lesson Plans
There have been several requests by the community to provide traditional education along with contemporary education in our school so that valuable traditions would not be lost. It was then determined that there was a need for teachers (both Native and Non-Native) and Elders to begin working together to develop some practical units that could give some of the heritage, that may otherwise be lost, back to the students. I believe that once students learn who they are and who their descendants were, they can begin to build their own self-esteem and identity.
This unit was developed as a small part in providing one aspect of my students' heritage right in my classroom. It was created with grade two in mind, but can easily be adapted to other grades. It is a unit developed around the 17 legends that are associated with the 17 bones in a jackfish head. It is meant to be combined with another unit on fish preparation. Although it focuses on Language Arts, it can also be used as a thematic unit to cover all areas of the contemporary curriculum in social studies, science, math, art, phys-ed and health. The Web Diagram that is included gives several ideas that can be incorporated into the classroom. The unit should be incorporated by using traditional hands-on activities as well as the knowledge and help of the Elders in the community.
I wanted to give my students the opportunity to work closely with Elders and attempt to bridge a generation gap that has begun. The unit was also a terrific opportunity for me (a non-Native teacher) to learn and understand some of the traditional ways of the people of Island Lake.
Advance Preparation There is quite a bit of preparation for this unit in terms of the Elder's job and the teacher's job to keep in contact with the Elder to be sure that they have everything that they need. Johnny needed to have a jackfish and another jackfish head a few weeks in advance so that he could take the fish head apart so the children could clearly see the bones that he was talking about when he told the legends. The time that Emma and I spent talking to Johnny was very rewarding. He is full of great stories and ideas to help the children learn in our classrooms. I found it a little frustrating that I couldn't understand what he was saying directly and I know some of the meaning of the stories can be lost in translation. I wanted to be able to talk to Johnny one on one rather than through a third person. I guess that will have to come with a lot of time!
This is how the legends became books and teaching tools. Johnny got the fish head and took it apart. Then, he recited the legends on to a tape. Emma then translated them into English form and they then were written in Syllabics. I took the English form and simplified them into the format of children's books. Hopefully they will be a good resource for my classroom as well as others.
Materials Needed:
2 jackfish
2 cassette tapes
2 video tapes
Activity Description The main focus of the unit will be on the legends that are associated with the seventeen bones of the jackfish head. Our Elders will come in to the classroom to show both the jackfish head and tell some of the legends to the students. To reinforce the stories that the students have heard, we will do follow-up activities such as doing role plays or reinactments of the legends. The students will also be drawing a picture of what they've learned from the legends. I also will have prepared children's books for all of the legends that are told. The students will be able to read the legends which will be the same level as their reading abilities. I hope that through the combination of interacting with the Elders and doing hands-on activities, the children will be able to take the legends home with them and share them with their families.
Fish Names fish = kinose = Spelling Words
fish _____________ _____________
fishing _____________ _____________
ice _____________ _____________
pole _____________ _____________
rod _____________ _____________
net _____________ _____________
eat _____________ _____________
hook _____________ _____________
trap _____________ _____________
float _____________ _____________
fish pole
* *
net eat
* * Spelling Words
fish _____________ _____________
fishing _____________ _____________
ice _____________ _____________
pole _____________ _____________
rod _____________ _____________
net _____________ _____________
eat _____________ _____________
hook _____________ _____________
trap _____________ _____________
float _____________ _____________
fish pole
* *
net eat
pickerel = okas =
jack fish = anchwa pis =
perch = asawe =
whitefish = attikam ek =
trout = kos =
maria = misay =
1. Here are some other words that will help you while you're learning about fishing.
jigger needlebar lead sideline plastic float
2. Write your spelling words in Syllabics.
fish _______________ ice______________
rod _______________ net______________
trap_______________ hook______________
eat _______________
3. Your spelling words are all mixed up. Can you unscramble them?
shif _______________ lpoe______________
cei _______________ ookh______________
ten _______________ tae______________
infihsg _______________ prat___________
oaftl _______________ dro_____________
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