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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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Winter Home
(Clarke's Beach)

Still considered by the older residents of Clarke's Beach as the house of "the man who made furniture," Winter Home was the residence of Newfoundland's most famous furniture maker, Henry William Winter.

© 1998 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

The land on which the house sits has been occupied by the Winter family since 1880. Originally the structure consisted of a house with a general store attached. This store was run by Ellen Winter, and when she passed away in 1911, her son, Henry William Winter, took possession of the house. By this time he was already a noted furniture maker and had set up a shop across the street from his mother's house.

In 1919 there was a significant reconstruction to accommodate Winter, his wife, and their nine children. The general store remained basically untouched and is the only original section from the 1800s.

After Henry passed away in 1936 his wife, Mary, continued to live there until her death in 1950. After her death the house came into the possession of William Winter and his wife, Florence. The shop continued to operate for several more years, but was eventually phased out in the mid-1950s. William Winter still owns the house.

No one knows exactly when the original building was constructed, but for all intents and purposes, Winter constructed a new house during the rebuilding in 1919. The wood frame construction is of a box-type two-storeyed home. Four bay windows with false pediments dominate the front. The siding is of hand-hewn cedar shingles, but local clapboard is used in some areas. The peaked roof has a low angle with overhanging eaves.

Reflecting the fact that Winter was a master furniture maker, little touches have been added to the interior and exterior of the house, including decorative brackets that support the eaves.

The house is unique in that it is the only dwelling in Clarke's Beach located on beach front property. Situated near the Conception Bay Highway, it is considered one of the most distinctive features of the town.

While most of the alterations to the house have been made to the interior, some exterior alterations have been made, especially after the store closed. However, the house is in excellent shape for a structure of its age. It remains a private dwelling.

Winter Home became a Registered Heritage Structure in April 1995.

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