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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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67 Central Street
(Corner Brook)

This is an exceptionally well-preserved example of the type-4 house designed and built for the Newfoundland Power and Paper Company by the well-known architect Andrew Cobb. The type-4s were the most common of the four main house types designed by Cobb, each of which had several variations. Type-4s were rented to skilled tradesmen, foremen and clerical staff working in the mill.

67 Central Street
Before restoration.
© 2003 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(30 Kb)

Constructed in 1925, the house is noteworthy for the high level of preservation, both on the exterior and interior. Indeed, the building captures the architectural essence of Corner Brook's townsite at the time of its inception. It has always been used as a single-family residential property.

Andrew Cobb's designs for 67 Central Street, and all other townsite houses, were inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement. The two and one half storey structure has a steeply pitched gable roof, a covered front porch, and spruce shingle cladding, all common elements of the Arts and Crafts style.

67 Central Street
After restoration.
© 2004 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(20 Kb)

In 2002, the property was sold by Darren Patrick Brake to Deanna and Carl Marshall, who began to restore the house to its original condition. The original features of the property were maintained where possible, with a built-in china cabinet moved intact as part of the restoration. The house was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure on September 7th, 2002 by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Updated September, 2004

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