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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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Pye House
(Cape St. Charles)

The Pye House is the last remaining 19th century house in Cape St. Charles, Labrador. It stands in the centre of the community with a commanding view of the harbour. The building is a two and half storey, steeply gabled house with wood shingles, narrow wood clapboard and a nailed timber frame. It features four bedrooms on the second floor, a front room, kitchen, pantry, and another room used for a variety of purposes. The current bathroom was formerly a porch. The building also at one point had a verandah on the main facade.

Pye House, Cape St. Charles
© 2003 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(37 Kb)

A lack of detailed historical information makes it difficult to date the Pye House with any degree of certainty, but oral tradition estimates that it was constructed between the 1830s and 1850s. What is certain is its long association with the Pye family. The house was built by James Pye for his eldest son William (Billy) Charles Soper Pye. From William it passed to his son Silas, and then to a Frank Pye. Frank's son Loyde took over the building in 1953.

The house was used over the years as a single family and two family residence. It also served as a community post office and one of the rooms on the main floor also served for a time as a small general store. Previous to its use as a store, it was used by the local midwife as a room for overseeing births.

When restored, the Pye House will be used by guests of the Battle Harbour Historic Trust and as a residence for researchers working on the Southern Labrador Reseach Initiative. Due to its age and its geographic and historical context, the Pye House was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on March 27th, 2003.

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