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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
Listing by Place

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Loyal Orange Lodge #9
(Green's Harbour)

The members of the Loyal Orange Lodge built this lodge in Green's Harbour between 1895 and 1898. Built on a rock foundation, the wooden structure features arched windows and door, wooden shingles, and a unique circular window with a star motif in the gable end. The interior arched ceiling still retains the original beaded-board sheeting. The Lodge is a prominent landmark in the centre of the community.

© 1998 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador


The Orangemen built the Lodge primarily for their own meetings, socials, dinners and concerts. The structure also served the needs of the larger community as a forum for public meetings and church socials. In 1930 it was used as a court house, and was later used as the site for high-school public examinations. Today the Lodge continues to be useful, both as a place for Orange functions and as a polling both in federal and provincial elections.

The structure was designated a Registered Heritage Structure in April 1995.

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