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Stoodley Fishing Stage
(Grand Bank)

Stoodley Fishing Stage was constructed circa 1880s by Mr. Robert Stoodley, an inshore fisherman. He used the property until 1911, when it was willed to his two sons George and Henry, who continued to use the stage as inshore fishermen. The stage was then passed on to Elic and Philip Stoodley who used the stage for the same purpose as their fathers and grandfather had. In addition, the building was used as a slaughtering house for a variety of animals. After Elic's death in 2001, his half was passed to his grandson Timothy Matthews.

Stoodley fishing stage under restoration.
© 2003 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(48 Kb)

In terms of construction, the building is a wood frame structure, with wood shingle siding. One unique feature of the property can only be seen from the inside, as the building has a wall separating the two halves, keeping separate the portions of the property owned by different individuals. In the 1960s a small extension was added to one half of the building. The stage head, restored as part of the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador's Fisheries Heritage Preservation Program, has two levels, allowing the catch to be passed up from the lower level to the level above.

The Stoodley Fishing Stage is the last remaining structure of its kind in Grand Bank. Architecturally, the stage and stage head are an interesting example of vernacular fisheries architecture. Historically, this building designed for an inshore fishery is something of an oddity, as Grand Bank was primarily a centre for the offshore Banks fishery. The stage was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on September 7th, 2002.

Updated September, 2004

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