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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures

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Harding House

The Harding House features an exceptionally well preserved exterior, and is regionally representative of the Queen Anne style of architec-ture. It is an outstanding example of the style for the community and that section of Newfoundland and Labrador's coast.

Before restoration.
© 2003 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(27 Kb)

The Harding House was built for Edward Harding in the 1890s. He had one daughter, who married James Dominy. Dominy tragically drowned shortly after their mar-riage and his widow moved to St. John's. The house was rented for several years to the Newfound-land government for use as a dwelling for the local magistrate. It was subsequently owned by Tom Harding who raised a family there in the early 20th century.

After restoration.
© 2004 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(35 Kb)

The house is of wood timber construction and features a steep gable roof with double bay windows. It retains its original wood shingles on the peaks above the bay windows and some decorative bracket work on the front facade. The 2/2 windows are also original to the structure. Besides a commanding view of Greenspond Harbour, the gardens hold some wonderful, ancient lilac trees.

Tom Harding's three grandsons, Harry, Fraser and Rick, sold the house to Gail Crocker in 2002. The Harding House was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on September 7th, 2002.

Updated December 9, 2004

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Memorial University of Newfoundland