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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures

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Reid's General Store
(Heart's Delight)

This shed-roof timber frame building was built circa 1920 and operated by Frederick Ellis Reid of Heart's Delight. It housed a fish store, salt shop, herring factory, carpentry shop, flour store and a wharf for schooners. The remainder of the building is rougher in nature, reflecting its utilitarian background. The exterior is covered in a mix of clapboard and shingle, with decorative eaves brackets.

Reid's General Store, Heart's Delight
© 2003 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(47 Kb)

The building represents an important part of Newfoundland and Labrador's commercial fisheries heritage. The old store features a commercial shop on the front elevation, with large storefront windows, and recessed doorway. The interior of the shop section retains some original shelving and counter features.

The building passed from Frederick Reid to his son Ellis and his wife Mabel. They ran the business for a number of years before building a new structure in another part of the community. In 1983, the building was sold to Tom Crewe, grandson of Newton Reid, who was a well-known resident and schooner owner in the early 1900s.

Reid's General Store was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on October 2nd, 2003.

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Memorial University of Newfoundland