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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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St. Anne's Church
(Little Fogo Islands)

Designed and built by local craftsmen and carpenters of all denominations, St. Anne's Church is in the resettled community of Little Fogo Islands. Built in 1873, the church is simple in appearance and is an excellent example of a well-preserved mission church.

© 1998 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(No Larger Version Available)

The small, independent-minded community of approximately 200 people united to provide supplies and labour for the church's construction. The church's interior, from the windows, railings and wooden domed ceiling, down to the altar, pews and kneelers, were handcrafted by local residents. The framing for the 5.5 metre by 10.9 metre single-storeyed structure was sawed by pit saws and joined by trunnels. Trunnels are wooden pegs known as "tree nails". Holes were bored in the framing timbers and the trunnels were then used to fasten the timbers together. The six windows were also made locally.

The church was important to local fishermen because it was a reference point for marking fishing grounds and navigating through the rocks and shoals. In foggy weather, the local people rang the bell to help guide the fishermen safely into the harbour.

Although the government resettled the community, the church remains and is visited each year by tourists and former residents. During the summer months a Catholic priest holds a service in the structure.

In recognition of the efforts and skill of the local residents who first built the structure, and the people who remain committed to its maintenance, the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador declared St. Anne's Church a Registered Heritage Structure in September 1995.

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