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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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Anderson House
(42 Powers Court, St. John's)

Anderson House, built circa 1804-1805, is most likely the oldest structure in St. John's. The two-and-a-half-storeyed hipped-roof building is an excellent example of later eighteenth early nineteenth century homes. The structure was built for James Anderson who was a sergeant in the militia at the time.

Anderson House
© 2004 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(37 kb)
The house is built on land bought in 1802 from Dr. Jonathon Odgen, a Newfoundland chief justice. In 1815 the structure was used as a military barracks for the officers of the local garrison. The officers used the eastern end of the ground floor to stable their horses. Unfortunately, the eastern section has since been demolished.

The house has had numerous occupants in its long history. In 1860 the home was sold to Henry Tillman, who subsequently sold the structure to the Power family. The building changed hands once more when William Finlay acquired the house. It was then acquired by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of St. John's. Anderson House is presently used as office space by a private business.

Anderson House was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on March 23, 1996, and was presented a commemorative plaque by the foundation on Heritage Day, 1998.

Article and image updated August, 2004

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