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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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Waterford Manor
(185 Waterford Bridge Road, St. John's)

Designed early in the twentieth century by noted architect William Butler, Waterford Manor has served as a house for several prominent Newfoundlanders. Located on historic Waterford Bridge Road, it has also been used by the government as an office building.

Waterford Manor
Before restoration.
© 1998 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

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Waterford Manor was built in 1905 for Andrew and Anne Delgado. Delgado, a native of Spain, ran a successful candy and fruit emporium, and his wife operated a tea room from the house at one point.

The Delgado's sold the house to the Honourable Sir Edgar R. Bowring in 1917. Bowring and his family are famous in Newfoundland history for their involvement in the island's business and political worlds. However, the family is also known for its philanthropy. In 1911 Edgar Bowring made available $30,000 for the establishment of a park that still bears his family's name. In 1917 Waterford Manor was used as a convalescent home for soldiers sick or wounded in the First World War.

In 1929 Bowring sold the house to the Honourable Peter Cashin. Cashin himself is no stranger in Newfoundland history. He served as a minister in the Newfoundland government and used Waterford Manor as his residence. After leaving Newfoundland for a number of years, he returned and became the most outspoken anti-confederate voice in the National Convention debates between 1946 and 1948.

In 1936 the Cashins sold the house to Robert B. Job, another prominent businessman and politician. Like Cashin, Job was actively involved in the National Convention and was an avowed anti-confederate. He retained the house until 1946 when he sold it to the government.

During the next 45 years the house operated as an institution for Newfoundlanders in trouble. The list of agencies that occupied the house includes a home for unwanted babies, delinquent girls, orphaned boys, a social services office and an abuse centre office.

Waterford Manor
After restoration.
© 2004 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(38 Kb)

In the early 1990s Patricia Badrudin bought the house from the government. By this time the house had fallen into a state of severe disrepair. After a year of extensive renovations to the building, it reopened as a bed and breakfast and still operates as one today.

Waterford Manor is located only a five-minute walk away from historic Bowring Park and has a view of the Waterford River from its back window. It is a three-storeyed wooden Queen Anne Revival style mansion with multiple turrets. Recent renovations have carefully attempted to restore the house to its original state.

Waterford Manor was recognised as a Registered Heritage Structure in May 1993. This structure was also awarded the Southcott Award for heritage restoration by the Newfoundland Historic Trust.

Updated August, 2004

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