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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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3 Park Place
(St. John's)

Number 3 Park Place in St. John's was recognized as a Registered Heritage Structure because of its contribution to the local heritage cityscape, the significance of its architectural design in the Second Empire style, and its association with one of Newfoundland's most prominent architects.

© 1998 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador


The Park Place houses, and others on adjoining lots on Monkstown Road were most likely constructed in 1881 at a time when the Newfoundland economy was growing. The houses were certainly built sometime after 1878 when the Southcotts acquired the land. Number 3 was constructed by John Thomas Southcott (1853-1939). Together, the Park Place houses form the best group of Second Empire style houses in St. John's. The style was introduced to the city by John Thomas after he returned from England in 1876. It was spread throughout Newfoundland by the work of the family building firm, J. and J.T. Southcott, of which John Thomas was a partner. The firm had been started by his uncle and his father who had come to Newfoundland from Exeter following the fire of 1846.

The concave-curved mansard roof with hooded dormer windows, the decorative cornices under the eaves and the bay windows on the first floor, is characteristic of the Second Empire Style as it appears in St. John's. All four houses of Park Place appear on the insurance map of January 1888. The centre building in the grouping exhibits a Newfoundland characteristic of the Second Empire style. An attempt is made to present a homogeneous streetscape by arranging entryways on the sides instead of on the facade of the building. Both halves of the building are houses built on the centre-hall plan, but the axis of each of these runs parallel to the street. The effect is to convey the impression that a multiple dwelling is one large single dwelling.

From 1904 to 1913 Number 3 was the residence of James Harvey Monroe (1861-1922). Monroe had immigrated to Newfoundland from Ireland in 1882 to assist his brother Moses in managing the Colonial Cordage Company. The Company, known as the "Ropewalk", made rope, twine and nets. By the mid 1880's the firm employed 180 people.

Number 3 Park Place in St. John's was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation in October of 1998.

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