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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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Squires Barn and Carriage House
(Mount Scio Road, St. John's)

These two wood frame utilitarian buildings, a barn and carriage house, were built by the Squires family circa 1918. They are located on the south side of Mount Scio Road, St. John's, within the Memorial University Botanical Garden. For the past 30 years, both have been used for storage of gardening tools and equipment. The buildings are surrounded by the nursery area.

© 2001 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(14 Kb)

The two structures are as good representative examples of early 20th century agricultural architecture of a type once common in the Freshwater Valley area. This was one of several spots in the outlying regions of St. John's where there were small farming settlements. The barn and carriage house were used by the Squires family for many years, and the buildings remain on their original site.

The barn was added to by the family over the years, and a section was added to the rear by the staff of the Botanical Garden. Both buildings, however, have retained most of their original fabric, including windows and doors. The carriage house also includes a deep, rock walled root cellar, which is still used - not for preserving root vegetables as in the past but for forcing flower bulbs.

The Squires Barn and Carriage House were designated as Registered Heritage Structures on September 15th, 2001 by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, as components of Newfoundland's agricultural and horticultural history. The designation was the first in the history of the organization where recognition was given to a building specifically linked to agriculture.

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