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Newfoundland & Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
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Lawlor House
(Trinity East)

A house that has remained in the same family for more than 125 years, the Lawlor House is the oldest dwelling in Trinity East.

© 1998 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

The house was built in 1871 for Robert Lawlor and his family. At that time, Lawlor was one of the more prominent citizens in the community. Besides being the community's cooper, he was also bestowed the title "Inspector of Pickled Fish" in 1875. Robert Lawlor also passed down the coopering tradition to his family. Up until the 1950s all of the owners of the house were coopers.

After Robert Lawlor, the house was passed down through the family. His son, Martin, next owned the dwelling, followed by Martin's son, Stan. After Stan's death, the house became the possession of his wife, Mary Rita. Lawlor House remains a private residence.

Lawlor House is considered an excellent example of the salt-box style of dwelling from the latter half of the nineteenth century. It is a two-storeyed wooden structure with a mortise and tenon frame. Other than the removal of the original gable roof in 1949, the house has remained virtually unaltered since it was built. The current linhay roof is unique in second-generation salt-box houses on the Bonavista Peninsula. Most have the linhay roof sloping down to the first storey, creating limited height on the second storey; this house has ample height on its second floor. The house retains the original window configuration and the entire set of outside doors.

Lawlor House was recognised as a Registered Heritage Structure in March 1996.

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