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Pearce Foley House

In the late 1860s, stepbrothers and schooner men Mr. Clarence Walsh and Mr. Pearce Foley left Tilting to live in Seldom, due to the availability of timber in the area. Being the only Roman Catholics in Seldom, they decided to move back to Tilting, which was a Roman Catholic community. Walsh sawed down his house and took it with him, while Foley cut timber there, and took it back to Tilting to build a house.

Pearce Foley House, Tilting
© 2002 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador

(21 Kb)

Pearce Foley completed his house circa 1875. It is typical of many homes in the community, with a sharp peaked roof, wooden clapboard, doors and windows. It has double corner boards making it somewhat special, and is one of the older surviving houses in Tilting. The current windows date to circa 1966.

After Pearce Foley died, ownership of the house passed to his son Clarence. Clarence worked at Earle Sons and Co. in Tilting as wharf manager for 40 years. He was well known as having a remarkable memory for local history and genealogy.

The house once was the central feature of a larger premises, which included a stable with an attached store where sharemen slept, and a stage. Sadly, these features no longer remain.

The Pearce Foley House was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on April 13, 2002.

Updated December, 2004

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