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Martin Greene House and Outbuildings

Built in the early 1900s, the Martin Greene House is an excellent example of the adaptation of new styles to meet traditional preferences. It combines a hall and parlour plan with a centre hall plan resulting in a gable-ell layout. This design was introduced to Tilting by men from the community, including the Greenes, who had worked in New England, often referred to as “The Boston States,” and had seen similar homes there. Several homes were constructed in later years utilizing the same form.

Martin Greene House and Outbuildings
© 2004 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(34 Kb)

The Martin Greene House is a physical example of a way of life that saw people make great use of the resources available to them. Built by Lambert Greene upon his return from Boston, the house was constructed using large sections from another house which he owned on Greene's Point. In a community in which it was common to move or launch entire buildings, it is not surprising that an older home would be recycled in such a fashion.

The associated outbuildings speak to a way of life intrinsically linked to the land and sea. The cellar and stable each served a vital purpose in a subsistence economy which demanded that food be stored for both animal and human consumption. The stable was moved from Greene's Point around the time that the house was constructed. Other outbuildings provided storage and working spaces.

There are very few examples of outport homes with the majority of their original outbuildings still remaining. Such buildings were designed for practical use, employing rough materials, simple design elements and utilitarian construction techniques.

The Martin Greene House and Outbuildings are located in Tilting's Registered Heritage District. They were declared Registered Heritage Structures by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in October 2003.

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