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Captain Blackwood Fishing Stage

The Captain Blackwood Fishing Stage is a wooden one and a half storey gable-roofed building. Constructed around 1830, it is a good example of an intact outport fishing store/stage. Provincially, there are few examples of such structures left in their original shape and condition.

Captain Blackwood Fishing Stage
© 2004 Heritage Foundation
of Newfoundland and Labrador
(34 Kb)

The Captain Blackwood Fishing Stage has seen extended use as a fisheries premises. During the late 1800s and early 1900s it reportedly was used by a Captain Blackwood, who sailed schooners in the Labrador fishery. Throughout the 1900s it was used by others involved in the fishery.

Fishery buildings were designed for practical use and had to endure the rigours of a harsh environment. As such they were not intended to be permanent structures, and are exemplified by the use of rough materials, simple design elements and utilitarian construction techniques. Such buildings are intrinsically linked to a way of life centred around the sea and are associated with the fishery as practised before the age of modern refrigeration.

The Captain Blackwood Fishing Stage was declared a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in April 1999.

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