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  People Profiles

 Dr. C. William L. Jeanes

Dr. Bill Jeanes was born in Wales and graduated in medicine at Guy's Hospital, London, in 1943. He held various hospital appointments in London, specializing in tuberculosis, until 1957 when he came to Canada with his wife and three young children.

In Canada he was for 15 years medical director of the Canadian Tuberculosis Association and was responsible for the organization of the national tuberculosis program, working from coast to coast. In 1962, Dr. Jeanes became the Executive Director of the Association, where he remained until 1972.

- Archibald
- Dalton
- Cook
- Fagan
- Ferguson
- Frappier
- Gage
- Grzybowski
- Jeanes
- O'Brien
- Porter
- Stewart
- Wherrett
- Wodehouse

Dr. Jeanes, onboard the MV Christmas Seal, interprets an x-ray of Rev. W.T. Brown at Badger's Quay in the summer of 1954.

In 1972 he joined the staff of the International Development Research Center and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) where he was chief of Canada's International health development programs in over 40 countries in Africa and Asia. He was also with the Canadian delegation to the World Health Organization from 1974-86.

In 1987 he became a consultant to Canada's Laboratory Center for Disease Control (LCDC) and was responsible for programs in tropical health and quarantine, particularly affecting Canadian travelers.

-- taken from http://www.baycadd.com/~path/profile.html#billj