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  People Profiles

 Dr. George J. Wherrett (1896-19??)

Dr. George Jasper (John) Wherrett was active in the antituberculosis campaign in Canada for over forty years, first as a provincial medical officer, then as executive secretary of the Canadian Tuberculosis Association, and later as consultant to the Department of National Health and Welfare on the problem among the native peoples of Canada. He was appointed to succeed Dr. Wodehouse as Executive Secretary of the Association in 1933, and his term lasted until 1962 when Dr. Jeanes became Executive Director.

- Archibald
- Dalton
- Cook
- Fagan
- Ferguson
- Frappier
- Gage
- Grzybowski
- Jeanes
- O'Brien
- Porter
- Stewart
- Wherrett
- Wodehouse

For twelve years, Dr. Wherret was a member of the executive committee of the International Union against Tuberculosis and a consultant to the World Health Organization. As President of the IUAT, Wherrett brought the World Tuberculosis Conference to Toronto in 1961.

Following his retirement, Dr. Wherrett wrote a book in 1977 entitled The Miracle of the Empty Beds: A History of Tuberculosis in Canada. This work remains the most exhaustive report on the fight against TB in Canada to-date, and was an invaluable resource in the preparation of this website.