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Wedding of Mary Laye and On Lee


"It was noticed last Friday that something unusual was going on at the Chinese settlement at the east end of Douglas Street. Preparations were made for a grand display of fire crackers, etc. We dispatched our Chinese reporter to learn what was up, and soon ascertained that one of the Chinese merchants was getting married to a young lady of his race, who lately arrived from China.

The ceremony took place at the residence of On Lee, the happy man, and the Grand Master of the Chinese Free Masons officiated, a large number of friends witnessing the uniting of the couple.

After the wedding a large dinner party assembled in the Masonic Hall, tastefully fitted up for the occasion. When the tables were in readiness the bride and bridegroom escorted their guests into refreshments [sic]. The tables made considerable display of substantials and ornaments.

All seated, music inside, and bombs and firecrakers outside the hall gave the signal for participating in the good things provided [sic]. After each guest had done ample justice to the dinner, wine was supplied by the bride first and then by the bridegroom. It is unnecessary to say that the wine was freely drank and congratulations expressed for the future happy days for the newly wedded pair. The Secretary of the large made some complimentary remarks, which were well received. Some handsome presents have been presented to Mrs. and Mrs. [Mr.] On Lee." - Inland Sentinel Jan. 17, 1884 p.3 (Linda J. Eversole. On Lee House - Documentary History. appendix 5).

Above Picture: Mary Kai Kee, wife of a wealthy Yale merchant, Kai kee.

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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