National Council of Welfare
Symbol of the Government of Canada


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  2. Total Welfare Incomes: Step 1

Total Welfare Incomes: Step 1

How much are welfare incomes in Canada?

Use data from our Welfare Incomes report to create your own charts and data tables based on household type and province or territory.

  • Total welfare incomes include basic social assistance and additional welfare benefits, plus child benefits, tax credits, the GST credit and resource rebates.
  • Current dollars are not adjusted for inflation. Constant dollars factor out the effects of inflation over time.  If you would like to compare welfare incomes over time, use constant dollars.
  • The household type Disabled Person-AISH refers to Alberta's program of Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH).
  • For more information about definitions and methodology, refer to Welfare Incomes 2009.

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