National Council of Welfare
Symbol of the Government of Canada


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What is the National Council of Welfare RSS feed?

The National Council of Welfare RSS feed allows you to quickly view new items in a variety of ways at your convenience. To receive notification about new items added to the National Council of Welfare website, you can subscribe to our RSS feed.

First, you need to have an RSS Reader (if your browser does not already support one), and then subscribe to the RSS News Feed.

RSS Readers

In addition to RSS Readers being built into Firefox and the latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, there are numerous RSS Readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet. The websites below are provided solely for the convenience of users. The National Council of Welfare is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or the reliability of the content nor does it necessarily endorse the sites.

RSS News Feed

To subscribe:

1. Click on the orange RSS graphic below.

2. Copy the URL that appears in the address bar of your browser.

3. Paste the URL into the appropriate field of your RSS Reader.

Orange RSS graphic for News feed


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