James Price


Picture of Vice-Chairperson, James PriceJames Price joined the Committee in January 2004 as a team leader in Operations Directorate, and was appointed full-time Vice-Chairperson in December of that same year.

Mr. Price brings to the position extensive experience in all areas of military law, including the military justice system, international law and operational law.

Originally from Twillingate, Newfoundland, Mr. Price joined the University Naval Training Division in 1966 while attending Memorial University. After seven years of active service, he attended Dalhousie University, graduating with a Masters of Public Administration in 1976 and a Bachelor of Laws in 1980, the same year he was called to the Bar of Newfoundland.

He engaged in private legal practice before joining the Canadian Forces (CF) in 1981, as a legal officer in the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the CF.

During his time with JAG, Mr. Price served as Director of Prosecutions and Appeals where, in addition to coordinating prosecutions and appeals in the CF, he guided the section through its transition to an independent prosecution service. He subsequently served as the Deputy Director of the new Independent Military Prosecution Service.

After serving as Assistant JAG (Europe), Mr. Price was appointed a military judge by the Governor in Council in 2001, a position he held until 2003. During this time, he presided over cases involving both service offences and offences under the Criminal Code of Canada.