Mission, Vision and Values


To provide an independent and external review of military grievances to strengthen confidence in, and add to the fairness of, the Canadian Forces grievance process.


The Military Grievances External Review Committee, formerly the Canadian Forces Grievance Board, is a centre of expertise in military grievances and a model administrative tribunal, through its fair and efficient processes, professionalism, and good governance.


  • Excellence
    • We strive to attain the highest standards through continuous improvement and leadership.
  • Integrity
    • We commit to fairness and transparency in processes, actions and decisions.
  • Respect
    • We commit to courtesy and professionalism in dealing with others.
  • Learning
    • We commit to an environment where creativity, innovation and personal development are fostered.
  • Accountability
    • We adhere to the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service and accept responsibility for our actions.