Contact Us

You can also contact us by:

  1. E-mail
  2. Telephone
  3. TDD
  4. Fax
  5. Mail

You can also go to the Questions and Comments page to submit inquiries or comments related to the review of military grievances by the MGERC or to our We Welcome your Feedback page to submit suggestions and comments about our Web site.



1 877 276-4193 (Toll-free)

Note: Our hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. If you leave a message, we will contact you in the next 48 hours.


1 877 986-1666*

* A TDD is a special device that lets people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired use the telephone to communicate, by allowing them to type messages instead of talking and listening. A TDD (also known as TTY) is required for both parties involved in the conversation.


1 866 716-6601


To contact us via mail, please write to:

Military Grievances External Review Committee, formerly the Canadian Forces Grievance Board
60 Queen Street
10th floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5Y7

Staff Directory

If you are interested in reaching a Military Grievances External Review Committee, formerly the Canadian Forces Grievance Board employee, please search the Government of Canada Employee Directory (GEDS).

Work Opportunities

Job opportunities are posted on the following Web site:

Please note that we cannot accept unsolicited resumes. All applications must follow the proper channels.