Completed Access to Information Requests 2013

Completed Access to Information Requests 2013
Month Request Number Request Summary Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
January Nothing to report N/A N/A N/A
February Nothing to report N/A N/A N/A
March Nothing to report N/A N/A N/A
April A2012-00029 Looking for data confirming the size in bytes of all computer and blackberry accounts, including all internal CFGB accounts for the following users: Bruno Hamel, Jim Price and Caroline Maynard. All disclosed 1
May Nothing to report N/A N/A N/A
June A2013-00004 All documents related to Canadian Forces Grievance Board Case #2010-040 Disclosed in part 106
A2013-00006 Formally requesting records containing detailed F&R for the following case numbers: 2012-049; 2011-109; 2010-072; 2010-096; 2010-056; 2011-115; 2012-031; 2012-062; 2011-110 Disclosed in part 135
A2013-00007 Requesting all records held by Chairperson and/or Vice-Chairperson in their Personal Outlook folders/Drives/(External Flash Memory) that make any reference under DAOD 5012-0 whereby Responsible Officers are mistakenly or improperly performing the Test for Harassment, performing their own "mini investigations" or not taking complaints at face value, not assessing harassment allegations as if true. Requesting all relevant F&R and CDS decisions from relevant case files. (1 January 2008 to present) Disclosed in part 281
A2013-00008 Requesting all records pertaining to the SCC Dunsmuir Decision in 2008 and/or its impact on the CF grievance Process. Include any record that makes mention of rendering DMCA release decisions void ab initio. Records held in files at CFGB offices. Emails held in Personal Outlook folders and/or Q drives (including Flash media) of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, between 7 March 2008 to present. Disclosed in part 39
A2013-00009 Requesting all records held by Chairperson and/or Vice-Chairperson in their Personal Outlook Folders/Drives/(External Flash Memory) that make any reference to the issue of DMCA releasing CF members without the provision of adequate reasons. Include all emails sent to and received from DMCA3 and all emails sent to and received from the former CDS and the current CDS regarding this issue. Timeframe: 7 March 2008 to present. Disclosed in part 18
July Nothing to report N/A N/A N/A