Administration of special allowances


Administration of special allowances

Case number


This case demonstrates that the manner in which the Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (SOAA) is administered in the Canadian Forces fails to conform to the requirements of the Compensation and Benefits Instructions for the Canadian Forces (CBI), authorized by Treasury Board. 

While the CBI requires that a member be posted to a position designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) and meet the standards prescribed by the CDS in order to be eligible for the SOAA, in this case it was apparently the Director General Compensation and Benefits who designated the positions while the eligibility standards were prescribed and regulated by the Commander Joint Task Force II. Moreover, it would appear that at the present time the allowance is awarded based on the member rather than on the position he or she occupies.


The Board recommended that the CDS order a review of the SOAA eligibility criteria and administrative procedures so as to ensure that payment of this allowance complies with the regulations.

Final Authority Decision

The CDS also expressed agreement with the Board's systemic recommendation to review the eligibility criteria for the Special Operations Assaulter Allowance and its administration, asking the Comd CANSOFCOM to ensure that payment of this allowance is in accordance with CBI 205.401(1), which provides that only the CDS can designate positions that will receive the allowance.