Statistics - Long Description

Committee's Findings and Recommendations
Committee's F&R 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Grant and Partial Grant 42% 45% 56% 56% 52%
Denied 56% 55% 43% 41% 45%
Cases closed * 2% 0% 1% 3% 3%

*Cases that were referred for which the Committee concluded that the matter was not grievable or the party had no right to grieve (e.g. a retired member of the Canadian Forces).

This graphic shows the recommendations issued between 2009 and 2013 (582 cases) as of June 30, 2013. It sets out the distribution in % of the Committee's recommendations by year. Between 2009 and 2013, the Committee issued Findings and Recommendations (F&R) on 582 grievances of which 50.7% (295 cases) had recommendations to grant or partially grant the grievance and denied the grievance in 47.8% (278 cases). 1.5% (9 cases) were referred for which the Committee concluded that the matter was not grievable or the party had no right to grieve (e.g. a retired member of the Canadian Forces).

Chief of the Defence Staff Decisions
Committee's F&R CDS agrees and
partially agrees
with the Committee's F&R
CDS does not
agree with
the committee's F&R
Case withdrawn
at CDS Level
Grant and Partial Grant 87% 12% 1%
Denied 87% 5% 7%

This graphic shows the CDS' Decisions issued between 2009 and 2013 as of June 30, 2013. Of the 582 Findings and Recommendations (F&Rs) issued by the Committee, the CDS rendered 413 decisions. Of these, 193 decisions addressed cases where the Committee had recommended that redress be granted or partially granted. The CDS agrees or partially agrees with the Committee in 87% of the cases; the CDS does not agree with the Committee in 12% and 1% were withdrawn at CDS Level. The remaining 220 decisions addressed cases the Committee had recommended that redress be denied and the CDS agrees or partially agrees with the Committee in 87% of the cases; the CDS does not agree with the Committee in 5% and 7% were withdrawn at CDS Level.