Federal Visibility Guidelines for Funding Recipients and Partners of FedDev Ontario

Presentation of Federal Identifiers
Use on Project Signage and Websites
Use with Other Logos
Use on Promotional Materials
Use on Recipients' Corporate Materials
Downloading Federal Graphic Identifiers
Contact Us


FedDev Ontario is committed to providing transparent information to Canadians about expenditures for its programs and services.

Given the variety of situations where federal graphic identifiers may be applied, recipients and partners are encouraged to contact the FedDev Ontario Communications team directly for case-by-case guidance.

Presentation of federal identifiers

There are three general options for acknowledging Government of Canada contributions. Use of the Economic Action Plan (EAP) logo is encouraged primarily for project signage and web recognition. The Canada wordmark is the next preferred option and can be used in a variety of combinations, including on its own, with FedDev Ontario’s corporate signature, or with an acknowledgement line.

  • Only authorized versions are to be used and are not to be altered in any way.
  • The Canada wordmark and EAP logo may not form part of a headline, phrase, or sentence.
  • These symbols are trademark protected and may only be used with permission.

Use on project signage and websites

When a project is funded only through FedDev Ontario, the support should be recognized using EAP signage and/or the EAP web button. EAP web buttons should be hyperlinked to: www.actionplan.gc.ca (English) or www.actionplan.gc.ca/fr (French).

Example (web button/signage):

Economic Action Plan web button

Use with other logos

When the Government of Canada is one of several contributors to a project, the identifiers of all contributors should be visually balanced.


EAP logo used with other logos (sample image)

Use on promotional materials

Materials that communicate or promote projects or initiatives undertaken by grants and contributions recipients or FedDev Ontario partners are required to acknowledge the support of the federal government through the use of graphic identifiers. These materials include products for both internal and external audiences such as printed reports, posters, news releases, displays, and paid advertisements.

When federal identifiers are used, they are to be accompanied by an acknowledgement line so it is clearly understood that the materials are not produced by Government of Canada.


With the support of the Government of Canada’s Economic Action Plan through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.

Use on recipients’ corporate materials

Materials that are produced as part of day-to-day operations should not make reference to the federal government and are not to incorporate Government of Canada graphic identifiers. These materials include products such as letterhead and envelopes, business cards, or advertising related to staff recruitment or a tendering process.

Downloading federal graphic identifiers

Right click the hyperlinked file in the website. Click the "Save Link As…" option (in Firefox) or the "Save Target As…" (in Internet Explorer) to download the desired graphic.

Downloading graphic identifiers
  GIF Size EPS Size
"Canada" wordmark canada_c.gif 10 KB canada_c.eps 283 KB
FedDev Ontario corporate signature - English first FedDevOntario_e.gif 22 KB FedDevOntario_e.eps 412 KB
FedDev Ontario corporate signature - French first FedDevOntario_f.gif 22 KB FedDevOntario_f.eps 415 KB
Economic Action Plan - English first CIIF_sign_EF.gif 23 KB CIIF_sign_EF.eps 6 MB
Economic Action Plan - French first CIIF_sign_FE.gif 22 KB CIIF_sign_FE.eps 6 MB
Economic Action Plan - English first (Web button) EAP_btn_ENGFRN.gif 13 KB EAP_btn_ENGFRN.jpg 33 KB
Economic Action Plan - French first (Web button) EAP_btn_FRNENG.gif 13 KB EAP_btn_FRNENG.jpg 32 KB

Contact us

For assistance, approval, or to obtain the federal graphic identifiers in alternate formats, please contact Communications at communications@feddevontario.gc.ca

Please allow 10 business days for approval on requests regarding the application of visibility requirements. For advertising requests, please allow a minimum of 15 business days for approval.

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