
JUNE 2013

Volume 1, Issue 1


Welcome to the inaugural issue of the official FedDev Ontario newsletter designed to provide news and updates from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario on the Agency, the region, our economy and its potential.



@FedDevOntario: Congratulations @Communitech for your recent collaboration on quantum mechanics to secure data transfers
May 30, 2013

@FedDevOntario: MP Ambler congratulates Westacres Public School students on art project at Don McLean Westacres Outdoor Pool
May 29, 2013

@FedDevOntario: Thanks to all those who joined us @OCEInnovation Discovery 2013 #ocediscovery
May 28, 2013

@FedDevOntario: Need corporate advice? Meet with @FedDevOntario experts at #ocediscovery Ask an Expert event
May 27, 2013


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Kitchener (Headquarters)
101 Frederick Street, 4th floor
Kitchener, Ontario
N2H 6R2
Fax: 519-571-5750
Toll Free: 1-866-593-5505
Twitter: @FedDevOntario

Minister's Message

I am pleased to share with you the first issue of the FedDev Ontario newsletter. Since its launch in 2009, FedDev Ontario has made significant progress in creating jobs, increasing productivity and competitiveness of southern Ontario. Through Economic Action Plan 2013, the federal government’s renewed commitment will allow the Agency to continue building upon its success to support the development of a prosperous and globally competitive southern Ontario economy. This publication will shine an ongoing spotlight on our economy, southern Ontario’s emerging opportunities and initiatives, and the great potential of this region. I invite you to explore the strengths of our region through the many success stories and features on new projects and initiatives underway in southern Ontario today.

The Honourable Gary Goodyear
Minister of State (Science and Technology)
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Creating a Southern Ontario Advantage

FedDev Ontario Supporting a Prosperous Future

FedDev Ontario supports the southern Ontario economy by building on the region's strengths and creating opportunities for jobs and economic growth. The Agency's suite of "Southern Ontario Advantage" initiatives have supported and helped positioin the region to compete effectively in the global economy. These initiatives have helped to grow businesses and other organizations through partnerships and investments in business skills and entrepreneurship, innovation, research and development and increased productivity. Click here to learn more about FedDev Ontario's successes.

Success Stories

Let's Talk Science

Let's Talk Science is an established organization that engages youth, educators and volunteers in science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) outreach programs. The organization identified a need for increased span across southern Ontario, ultimately engaging more youth and encouraging them to consider STEM careers. Watch a brief video to see how FedDev Ontario helped Let's Talk Science reach its goals with the help of its Youth STEM initiative.

Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative

FedDev Ontario's Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative is connecting post-secondary institutions and small- and medium-sized businesses throughout southern Ontario to commercialize new innovations and bring big ideas to market. Watch a brief video to see how Queen's University and Niagara College are collaborating with local businesses to bring exciting new ideas to life.

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters

Representing more than 10,000 leading companies across the country, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) is Canada's largest trade and industry association and the voice of the manufacturing sector across Canada. CME's SMART Program - created in 2008 and supported by FedDev Ontario's Prosperity Initiative and the Southern Ontario Development Program - helps manufacturers improve their productivity and increase their competitiveness in the global economy. Watch a brief video to learn from southern Ontario manufacturers firsthand how the SMART program helped them develop a competitive edge and keep important manufacturing jobs in Canada.

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