Our Program Delivery Partners

Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation

Launched by the Government of Canada in the summer 2012, the Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation (SOFII) is supported through FedDev Ontario's Prosperity Initiative and is being delivered by the Western Ontario Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) Association and the Eastern Ontario CFDC Network Inc. SOFII provides interest-bearing business loans to support innovation and growth in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the region.

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME)

CME, through FedDev Ontario's Prosperity Initiative, provides financial support via the SMART Prosperity Now program to southern Ontario manufacturers for investment in product and process improvements that develop and/or expand export opportunities and global competitiveness. Intake for applications closed on May 31, 2013.

Medical Devices Canada (MEDEC)

Through FedDev Ontario's Prosperity Initiative, MEDEC provides financial support through New Horizons for MedTech to SMEs in the medical technology sector in southern Ontario to support their global market development efforts and increase their export capability.

Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC)

The OCC, through FedDev Ontario's Prosperity Initiative, provides financial support to SMEs via the Ontario Exporters Fund (OEF) and Export Market Access (EMA). The OEF provides funding to SMEs to hire an experienced Export Manager to help them gain and/or increase access to international markets by developing a focused export strategy. EMA helps SMEs access and expand growth in foreign markets through international market development activities.

Yves Landry Foundation (YLF)

YLF's AIME Global initiative, supported through FedDev Ontario's Prosperity Initiative, provides financial support to southern Ontario manufacturers who engage in skills training that will lead to advancements in innovation within the manufacturing sector in Ontario. YLF is currently accepting applications for their waiting list in the event that future funding becomes available.