
Economic Action Plan buttonInfrastructure Canada delivers a broad range of infrastructure programs, providing flexible and effective funding support to provincial, territorial, municipal, private sector and not-for-profit infrastructure projects.

Through the Government of Canada's Economic Action Plan, Infrastructure Canada has supported about 6,400 projects.

The seven-year, $33 billion Building Canada plan will continue to run to 2014. As part of the Building Canada plan, Infrastructure Canada is contributing to projects through both the Building Canada Fund and the Provincial-Territorial Base Fund, which will continue to create jobs and result in long-term benefits for Canadians.

As part of the Building Canada plan, the Gas Tax Fund also continues to deliver $2 billion per year. These investments provide predictable, long-term funding for municipal infrastructure that contributes to cleaner air, cleaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The Government of Canada will provide $2 billion per year permanently beyond 2014.

In addition to these ongoing initiatives, Infrastructure Canada manages other infrastructure programs, which are scheduled to wind down and no longer take new applications or project proposals.