Infrastructure in Ontario


Gas Tax Fund

Just over $3.873 billion in federal gas tax funding will flow to Ontario municipalities from 2014 to 2019.

Building Canada Fund: Major Infrastructure Component

Projects since 2007: 27
Federal contribution: $2.1569 billion
Total eligible cost of projects: $7.3319 billion

Building Canada Fund: Communities Component

Projects since 2007: 290
Federal contribution: $350.8 million
Total eligible cost of projects: $1.0705 billion

Building Canada Fund: Communities Component Top-up

Projects: 187
Federal contribution: $191.6 million
Total eligible cost of projects: $575.8 million

Provincial-Territorial Base Fund

Total allocation: $175 million
Federal Funding committed: $175 million

Green Infrastructure Fund

Projects: 8
Federal contribution: $234.3 million
Total eligible cost of projects: $703.5 million

Infrastructure Stimulus Fund

Projects: 1,993
Federal contribution: $1.4703 billion
Total eligible cost of projects: $4.1389 billion

G8 Legacy Fund

In addition to funding under the Economic Action Plan and the Building Canada plan, Ontario also benefitted from projects funded through the G8 Legacy Infrastructure Fund.

Learn more about the G8 Legacy Fund.

Gas Tax Fund Spotlight

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Check out a Gas Tax Fund Project in Barrie.

Project Profiles in Ontario

Learn more about some of the projects in Ontario by selecting a community name:

Building a green community

Ajax's Carruthers Marsh Pavilion, a community centre and rest-stop for visitors
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Project location: Ajax

The Town of Ajax in Ontario's Durham Region is equally committed to providing residents with excellent municipal services and preserving its rich natural heritage. Thanks to financial support from the federal Gas Tax Fund, the Town recently completed two projects to support these goals.

The new centre built for the Operations and Environmental Services Department has an energy efficient roof system, and a geothermal heating and cooling system. Workers also installed 484 solar panels that will eventually allow the Town to sell electricity back to the power grid as part of a 20-year contract with the Ontario Power Authority.

The new centre sits beside the Emergency Services Headquarters. Both buildings are certified for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), making this the first LEED municipal campus in Ontario.

Ajax also used Gas Tax funding to build the Carruthers Marsh Pavilion, a community centre and rest-stop for visitors to the east end of the Town's seven-kilometre waterfront trail. The centre is LEED certified as well and provides another location for the Ajax Waterfront Recycling Program, which salvages approximately 1,000 kilograms of beverage containers annually.

These facilities are great examples of how the federal Gas Tax Fund works at the local level to support a cleaner environment and more sustainable future for Canadians.

State-of-the-art Ajax Recreation Centre has something for everyone

Ajax Recreation Centre
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Project location: Ajax

In this rapidly growing town, indoor and outdoor recreation space was scarce. So in 2008, the Town of Ajax decided to do something about it. After consulting with residents, the Town worked with architects and designers to make their Recreation, Parks and Culture Master Plan a reality.

Fast-forward five years to the Grand Opening of the Audley Recreation Centre. This more than 5,100-square-metre facility with something for everyone is enhanced by its surrounding 22 hectares of parkland to support both active and passive recreational activities.

"The Audley Recreation Centre is the largest capital project ever undertaken by the Town, and represents Council's commitment to providing recreational programs and services to Ajax's growing and diverse population," said Mayor Steve Parish. "This impressive and contemporary building nestled within an existing community will serve generations to come."

Indoors, the Audley Recreation Centre features a 25-metre, six-lane pool, warm-water teaching pool, full-size gymnasium, fitness and dance studio, and a community and preschoolers' room. Outdoors, people can enjoy an inclusive playground, concrete skate park, splash pad, walking trails, multi-use courts and special event space.

Funding from the federal Gas Tax Fund transfer was used to attain LEED Silver Certification for the new recreation centre, making it as environmentally friendly as it is user friendly.

Residents and visitors to Ajax can look forward to enjoying the Audley Recreation Centre for many years to come.

Better salt storage saves time, money and the environment

A new 650-square-metre building for winter road traction and de-icing materials in Amaranth.

Project location: Amaranth

The Township of Amaranth is at the headwaters of Canada's historic Grand River and borders one of the largest wetlands in southern Ontario. The township recognizes the importance of its surroundings and places a high priority on environmental sustainability.

Before receiving a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Amaranth stored its salt/sand mixture outside, where even adding extra salt couldn't prevent it from freezing. Workers had to break up the mixture before they could use it. Under these conditions, salt seeped into the groundwater and nearby wetlands.

Amaranth fixed these problems with a new 650-square-metre building for its winter road traction and de-icing materials.

The township can now respond more quickly to hazardous road conditions and no longer needs to spend money on extra salt to mitigate freezing. Salt seepage is not an issue any more.

Federal contribution: $86,711

Reducing the risk of water pollution

Street corner in Amherstburg.

Project location: Amherstburg

Amherstburg is situated on the Detroit River near the mouth of Lake Erie. Possessing a rich supply of heritage architecture and as one of Ontario's oldest towns, it holds a particular historical charm.

Until recently, the community's outdated sewer system was threatening both its environment and growth potential. Its combined storm water run-off and wastewater management system often exceeded the capacity of the area's treatment plant, resulting in frequent discharges of untreated water into the Detroit River.

With a contribution to the project from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Amherstburg took action and separated the sewer system. Work crews removed the existing combined sewer system and replaced it with a new trunk sanitary sewer and storm sewer pipes. Work included new maintenance holes, catch basins and roadway drainage systems, as well as any required road surface, driveway and sidewalk restoration work.

Now that the project is complete, the community will be able to manage treatment needs within its current plant capacity and significantly reduce its untreated bypass flows. Communities along the Detroit River and those along Lake Erie downstream from Amherstburg will all benefit from the reduction in pollution.

Federal contribution: $310,000

"Carpe diem" (seize the day) in Arnprior

The expanded Arnprior Public Library, completed in June 2010

Project location: Arnprior

Twenty years ago, the Arnprior Public Library was designed and built with a view to future development to accommodate the needs of this growing community.

Recognizing the time had come to expand the library, Arnprior's town council seized the opportunity for funding available through the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Completed in June 2010, the library has new space for additional computers, service desks and special collections, such as audio, large print and second language books. This project delivered a number of items on the wish list: a much-needed second meeting room, a dedicated area for teens and an elevator to facilitate accessibility.

Now, more than 15,000 area residents are benefiting from broader library resources and programming. Best of all, statistics show that the library use has increased.

Federal contribution: $225,000

Vital new fire hall for Ashfield-Colborne

The three-door, six-bay facility can easily accommodate the department's fleet of three response vehicles. It also accommodates expanded gear rooms, equipment maintenance areas, and a firefighter training room.

Project location: Ashfield-Colborne

Until recently, fire protection and first responder emergency services in the Townships of Huron-Kinloss and Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh operated out of a small, 51-year-old building. The aging facility was in disrepair, lacked sufficient space for fire-fighting staff and equipment, and had poor ventilation.

Thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the 23 volunteer firefighters who make up the Lucknow and District Fire Department now have a brand new, energy efficient home.

The three-door, six-bay facility can easily accommodate the department's fleet of three response vehicles. It also accommodates expanded gear rooms, equipment maintenance areas, and a firefighter training room.

"This new fire hall is a vital asset to our communities," said Mitch Twolan, Reeve of the Township of Huron-Kinloss. "Having a safer, more effective fire hall that holds more equipment and facilitates improved training gives every area resident peace of mind."

Federal contribution: $375,000

To learn more about this project, visit the Projects from Start to Finish: Lucknow & District Firehall profile.

To learn more about how the Government of Canada is supporting Canadian volunteers through infrastructure projects please visit the following link on Canada's Economic Action Plan blog.

Project to restore main street and water supplies accelerated

King Street in Asphodel-Norwood.

Project location: Asphodel-Norwood

Without a contribution from the federal Building Canada Fund, the Township of Asphodel-Norwood would not have been able to complete the reconstruction of King Street. This project also benefited from the streamlined and faster federal environmental assessment process established in 2009.

With work complete, residents in this Peterborough County township are enjoying a main municipal business area with a new road surface, water main, and storm sewer system, as well as improved sidewalks.

"This project will improve residents' safety on King Street and provide more accessibility to local businesses and services," said former Township Reeve, Doug Pearcy. "It will also ensure clean and plentiful water for living, working and fire-fighting, and that local homes and businesses won't be flooded during inclement weather."

Federal contribution: $1,145,260

Prioritizing community roadwork investments

A residential street in Barrie
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Project location: Barrie

The City of Barrie is committed to smart, sustainable growth. When considering infrastructure investments, it factors in residents' needs, population growth projections and the importance of the surrounding agricultural land - a key asset for the Greater Golden Horseshoe area.

It also recognizes that well-maintained road surfaces improve traffic flow, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase safety and reduce maintenance costs for both municipalities and motorists. Barrie put a portion of its 2011 federal Gas Tax Fund allocation towards completing a study on road conditions. This allowed them to assess future road maintenance requirements and develop an approach that prioritizes road infrastructure projects.

Barrie also used part of its Gas Tax Fund allocation to improve four residential streets. Cedar Point Drive, Codrington Street, and Innisfil Street were resurfaced. Maple View Drive was also widened and had new bicycle lanes added to encourage non-motorized transportation and improve safety.

With priority roadwork already being completed, the residents of Barrie benefit from smoother roads and a more sustainable plan to address their road improvement needs.

Improved efficiency reduces costs and greenhouse gases

The aeration system in Black River-Matheson
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Project location: Black River-Matheson

Set among more than 150 pristine northern Ontario lakes and rivers, the Township of Black River-Matheson is one of the world's most productive gold and base-metal mining regions.

It's little wonder that the community is committed to preserving its pristine landscape while planning for future growth.

Until 2010, the local wastewater treatment plant required frequent maintenance, consumed excessive amounts of hydro and had limited capacity. A 2009 assessment determined that the plant would function more efficiently if the aeration system was upgraded.

Using a portion of its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation, the Township made the necessary upgrades. The Matheson Sewage Plant can now function at a higher capacity, while using less electricity.

Thanks to these improvements, the community is in a better position to support future development and put its savings towards other infrastructure projects.

Relocating a public works facility to promote the community

The inside of the new Public Works building in Blind River

Project location: Blind River

Blind River is a welcoming community of approximately 4,000 people. Ideally located on the Trans-Canada Highway half way between Sudbury and Sault Sainte Marie, it offers visitors the beauty of Lake Huron's North Channel and a culture moulded by a century of logging.

In a residential area close to downtown, the town's public works facility used to operate out of a number of aging, cramped buildings. Considering their age, poor structural condition and downtown property constraints, the town council decided it was more cost efficient to build a brand new building on the outskirts of town.

The new facility is now complete and has consolidated all the municipal services operations. It houses heavy equipment bays, office and inventory space, and a separate salt/sand storage dome. And by re-locating the new facility, the project has also reduced heavy truck traffic in the downtown core.

A third of this project was funded by a contribution from the Government of Canada's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Federal contribution: $743,333

Innovative Mobility Hub

An integrated transit system in Brampton

Project location: Brampton

The City of Brampton has developed an integrated transit system to serve residential, recreational and commercial needs in a northwest neighbourhood.

As part of that transit system, the Mount Pleasant Mobility Hub connects to systems serving the Greater Toronto Area and beyond for commuter rail, bus rapid transit and conventional transit users. The $23-million price tag to build the Hub was shared among the three levels of government. The Government of Canada's contribution came from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

The Hub includes bus layover areas, shelters and amenities such as bike storage space to encourage alternative modes of travel. The road work was designed around the needs of both pedestrians and transit, and features decorative crosswalks, public art, and a weather-protected canopy and sidewalk. The project also included building a public square and restoring an historic Canadian Pacific Railway station into an arts facility and library.

Mayor Susan Fennell called the Hub and community surrounding it a "poster child for proper planning." She hopes it will reduce car use while enhancing residents' quality of life.

Federal contribution: $7,666,667

Bridging the gap to a safer road network

The completion of the new Jacques Bridge

Project location: Brethour

In the heart of northeastern Ontario farm country, about one hour north of Lake Timiskaming, lies the charming rural community of Brethour. Now, thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, residents and visitors to the area are benefitting from a safer road system with the completion of the new Jacques Bridge.

The project involved removing an old bridge over Pontleroy Creek and replacing it with a wider, stronger bridge. As well as increasing safety, the new bridge is helping reduce travel time for farmers. For residents of Belle Vallée, just south of Brethour, the project has also provided an important emergency exit route.

Maurice Matteau, Councillor for the Township of Brethour indicated that, "the old bridge's weight restrictions and a 2006 engineer's report recommending replacement within five years made this an essential infrastructure investment."

Federal contribution: $126,666

Going green is paying off for Brockville

Solar panels on the roof of the Brockville Memorial Centre
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Project location: Brockville

Thanks to financial support from the federal Gas Tax Fund, the City of Brockville now has 1,200 solar panels on the roof of the Brockville Memorial Centre.

This project was part of the City's 2010 Development Strategy to attract new residents to the community and stimulate the local economy. The solar panel system is expected to generate about 275,000 kilowatts of clean energy each year. This will provide $200,000 in annual revenues through an agreement with the Ontario Power Authority. The panels started generating electricity for the provincial grid just two months after the project's completion in July 2011.

Brockville now has one of the largest municipally-operated rooftop solar generation systems in Canada. Aside from the economic benefits, the project reflects the municipality's commitment to environmentally-conscious development, which is in itself appealing for potential new residents.

Securing power sources

Newly installed emergency power systems in Callander

Project location: Callander

Located only minutes from North Bay on the southeast end of beautiful Lake Nippissing, the Township of Callander is known for offering the benefits of both small-town country living and big-city amenities.

Until recently, however, the risk of power outages posed some serious threats for the community. The sewage lift stations and community centre had no back-up electricity. Without power, wastewater would flood back into people's homes and businesses, causing property and environmental damage. And without a back-up power source, the community centre could not effectively serve as the township's emergency shelter.

Emergency power systems have now been installed thanks, in part, to a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. The new generators tie into the existing electrical distribution systems and have automatic transfer switches.

Residents and business owners can now feel more confident as seasonal storms blow in. The generators will keep their sewer system operating smoothly and if a disaster should strike, a fully functional emergency shelter will be available until things return to normal.

Federal contribution: $100,000

Community arena good for another 30 years

The new ice skating facility in the Preston Auditorium in Cambridge

Project location: Cambridge

Thirty-seven years ago, the Preston Auditorium, located in the southern Ontario city of Cambridge, was a brand new ice skating facility. Its roof was solid and its heating and cooling systems were state of the art. At that time, no one could predict the facility would one day be used by 200,000 people per year.

In 2009, Cambridge decided the Preston Auditorium needed to be renovated from top to bottom and applied to the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Cambridge received funding to modernize the rink's refrigeration system, and replace the electrical, heating and cooling systems, as well as to create a new vestibule, to replace the roof, and to improve the parking lot. The city also invested in making the building more accessible to people with disabilities, and provided an elevator.

The Preston Auditorium is now ready to provide another three decades of skating, hockey and community activities.

Federal contribution: $800,000

Smarter asset management in Cambridge

A street in Cambridge
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Project location: Cambridge

To meet the growing challenge of keeping roads, sewers and other municipal infrastructure in good working order, the City of Cambridge used its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation to put a new city-wide asset management information system in place. This holds information related to asset specifications, costs, deployment, monitoring and maintenance in a single system.

One feature of the new system is Geographic Information System technology. This allows municipal vehicles to record road and sidewalk surface conditions as they travel around the community. As the information is processed, work orders are automatically triggered if maintenance is required. Any changes in road conditions are immediately posted to the City's Web site and sent out through an email alert system to help emergency service providers avoid problem areas. City workers are also using digital closed-circuit television robots to monitor sanitary and storm pipes.

By streamlining the management of the City's $1.2 billion in assets, Cambridge is improving workflow processes, service delivery for citizens and productivity, not to mention significantly reducing operating costs.

Cambridge's innovative approach has paved the way for technological solutions in other Canadian municipalities.

Improving road safety and water quality with one project

Monk Street in Chapleau

Project location: Chapleau

The community of Chapleau is approximately 843 kilometres north of Toronto. Located in the middle of northern Ontario's towering old growth forests and lush wetlands, tourism and forestry are among its top industries.

As the only road leading into Chapleau, Monk Street supports a lot of traffic, including 60-70 heavy forestry trucks per day. Over the years, the road had deteriorated badly. Potholes were so deep, the community was concerned about truck loads coming loose and falling into the path of other drivers. Narrow lanes and a lack of sidewalks were also compromising cyclist and pedestrian safety.

The water mains, storm sewers and sanitary sewers under Monk Street were also old, with build-up impeding water flow and quality. Residents had to let their taps run to get a glass of clear water.

Chapleau decided it was high time to fix the problem and has now done so thanks to the availability of special funding under the Communities Component of the federal government's Building Canada Fund. The fund was topped up as one of the infrastructure stimulus measures of the Economic Action Plan.

Monk Street is now freshly paved and wide enough to accommodate both motorists and cyclists. Sidewalks have also been added. With new water mains and storm sewers, residents now also have better water quality. And now that there is proper surface drainage, the road should last a lot longer too.

Federal contribution: $607,777

Helping women and children in Chatham-Kent escape from violence

The Chatham-Kent Women's Centre

Project location: Chatham-Kent

In southwestern Ontario, the Chatham-Kent Women's Centre provides shelter, counselling and education services, as well as housing support to victims of domestic abuse. Previously, the building it operated out of was too small to accommodate all the shelter's needs and was inaccessible to persons with disabilities.

Thanks to a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the City of Chatham has now retrofitted this facility and doubled its size. The project included the addition of five new family bedrooms and upgrades to make the building accessible to all.

With these changes, the Centre no longer has to resort to motels or community partners to help house clients. This has put it in a better position to fulfill its mission of helping victimized women and children establish lives free of violence.

Federal contribution: $322,475

Sustainable rural development

Anaerobic treatment facility and electrical power plant.

Project location: Township of Georgian Bluffs and Township of Chatsworth

The Townships of Georgian Bluffs and Chatsworth used funds from three levels of government—including the Communities Component of the federal Building Canada Fund—to build a green, revenue-generating treatment facility for septage pumped from septic tanks and other organic waste.

The new anaerobic treatment facility and electrical power plant is reducing the strong odour of septic waste in the area and removes up to 99.5 per cent of pathogens. It also harnesses the methane gas produced from the septage, which is burned to produce electricity and then sold back to the power grid.

The townships contend that the facility is among the first in Ontario to treat septage with an anaerobic digestion process that produces electrical power. The plant is capable of producing 2,400 kilowatt hours per day.

Federal contribution: $833,334

Community safety comes first

The new community centre in Chute-à-Blondeau

Project location: Chute-à-Blondeau

Although there was a community centre in Chute-à-Blondeau, in the Township of East Hawkesbury, it was badly deteriorated and slated for demolition. The township applied to the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to create a new gathering place.

The old structure was demolished, and a new two-level building was constructed in its place. The building is equipped with a back-up generator and fire safety equipment, and will also serve as an emergency shelter. The existing well was also rehabilitated to provide potable water to the facility. The new building is hooked up to the municipal sewer system, and landscaping work and a new parking lot completed the job.

Residents of East Hawkesbury now have a place to come together in times of celebration and special events and, if need be, during an emergency.

Federal contribution: $329,980

From brownfield to serviced subdivision

Brownfield site in Cochrane.

Project location: Cochrane

Renewed mining operations around the northern Town of Cochrane increased demand for residential housing in the town, which serves as a service and supply centre for the surrounding area.

Cochrane needed to put the infrastructure in place to allow for an increased population and growing economic base. At the same time, a large abandoned site near the centre of town needed to be cleaned up and put to better use.

The Town of Cochrane combined the two needs and began work in 2009 to clean up the former school site. Hazardous materials were removed and new water, wastewater and electrical infrastructure installed. New landscaping has revitalized the look of the property and added green spaces that will have a chance to mature as residential development gets under way.

Funding from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, matched provincially and municipally, was applied to the project. Former Cochrane Mayor, Lawrence Martin, recognized the importance of the funding from senior levels of government, saying, "These programs made it possible for us to renew our infrastructure."

Federal contribution: $150,000

Restoring historic downtown for future prosperity

Infrastructure improvements to Collingwood's streetscape in Ontario

Project location: Collingwood

The Town of Collingwood is located on the shores of Lake Huron. According to the Town's web site it sits between the best skiing in Ontario and the world's largest freshwater beach. Nestled in the heart of a breathtaking tourist area, the town has become a key recreation centre for the southern part of the province.

Collingwood's charms include an historic downtown core. Until recently, however, the surface infrastructure in the central business area was not up to par. With uneven sidewalks, poorly marked streets, insufficient lighting and obscure pedestrian walkways, public safety and business access had become a concern.

Recognizing these hazards needed to be addressed for the town to maximize its economic potential, Collingwood applied for a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to revitalize its downtown core.

New paving stones now clearly identify pedestrian and retail areas. Trip hazards have been removed. Accessibility is better. Street lights illuminate dark spaces and new traffic lights are improving vehicle flow. Bicycle lanes have also been added and parking spaces re-oriented for safer use.

These improvements to Collingwood's streetscape will directly contribute to the economic viability of the town, with a view to increased tourism business and the quality of life of its citizens too.

Federal contribution: $2,000,000

New water service plus enhanced reliability equal development opportunities

Replacing the water main along Brookdale Avenue in Cornwall

Project location: Cornwall

Although Brookdale Avenue in Cornwall is a main thoroughfare with high-traffic volumes, the development land on either side had no water supply infrastructure and so little appeal for commercial investment. The old water main along Brookdale Avenue also needed replacing. Frequent failures and interrupted water supply plagued the north end of the city as well as parts of the neighbouring township.

In 2009, Cornwall successfully applied for a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. The project was twofold – replace the faulty water main and add water service to the land adjacent to Brookdale Avenue. This has helped lay the groundwork for future economic growth along the corridor.

"Sometimes we take it for granted that we have ready access to clean, fresh water," said Cornwall Mayor Bob Kilger. "This project not only improves our water system, but also acts as a catalyst for new development on one of our busiest entrances to the City."

Federal contribution: $700,000

Expanded town hall improves services for amalgamated communities

The expanded Town Hall in Douro-Dummer

Project location: Douro-Dummer

Out of the seven communities amalgamated in 1998 to form the Township of Douro-Dummer in Peterborough County, the community of Centre Dummer had the largest, most central municipal services building. While a logical choice to become the new Township Hall, the building still lacked enough space to accommodate the increase in clientele and wasn't fully accessible.

With help from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the community set to work to remedy these problems in January 2010. Now finished, this project has expanded staff work spaces, and made room for a dedicated records office and an equipment room.

The outdoor entrance ramp has also been rebuilt, the front counter expanded and new automatic doors added to ensure everyone has access to the services they need.

"This expansion solves the overcrowding issues at Town Hall and provides staff with adequate room to work," remarked Reeve J. Murray Jones. "The retrofit included a new elevator, ramp and automatic doors that now make the building safe and accessible for all who enter."

The renovations have now made it possible to more effectively serve the needs of the Township's significantly wider area and population.

Federal contribution: $366,666

Resurfacing of Tenth Street

Tenth Street in Earlton

Project location: Earlton

Tenth Street is the commercial corridor for Earlton, with significant traffic coming from Highway 11.

There was an immediate need to resurface Tenth Street to remove the bumps and dips that cause water to accumulate and freeze during the spring and fall seasons, a potential safety concern. Repairing this road also better positioned the Township of Armstrong to host the 2009 International Plowing Match, which attracted over 70,000 people to the area.

"The rehabilitation of the main street of Earlton Village in Armstrong County will be beneficial for all residents and visitors to our region," said Jules Gravel, Reeve, Township of Armstrong. "The road was dangerous, [but] thanks to the help of the federal and provincial governments, the problem is now gone."

Federal contribution: $219,775

Improving high-speed Internet access across Eastern Ontario

Eastern Ontario Regional Network

Project location: Eastern Ontario

Quick and easy access to the information highway is essential to competing in today's marketplace. High-speed connectivity helps residents stay informed and keeps businesses up-to-date on evolving business trends, marketing techniques, and product distribution methods. It also opens doors to broader global markets.

To promote regional interests, a group of county and municipal representatives called the Eastern Ontario Warden's Caucus launched the Eastern Ontario Regional Network project. Financial support from the Major Infrastructure Component of the Building Canada Fund helped advance the project.

The first stages saw the installation of a 5,500-kilometre continuous network backbone of new and existing fibre-optic cable. This network will connect to the latest-generation high-speed switches at more than 160 Internet access points by the time the project concludes in 2014.

Once fully operational, the new broadband network will provide high-speed Internet access to a the majority of the businesses and residents in an area spanning from the Kawartha Lakes to the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, up through Renfrew Country, and as far south as Prince Edward County.

This project will unlock new economic potential for the region and support the development of innovative approaches to conducting business.

Federal contribution: $55,000,000

New water mains to provide safe water and economic prosperity

Project location: Elliot Lake

The City of Elliot Lake recognized the need to protect its communal water source, while supporting new industrial and commercial development.

Broken water mains often interrupted the potable water supply, and resulted in days of repair and boil water advisories. As well, Elliot Lake needed new water mains to serve its relocated industrial park, making way for waterfront recreation and tourism.

Thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, both issues are being addressed through a single project. A new water distribution system has now been put in place to provide area residents with safe and reliable water whenever they need it. A portion of the funding was used to install new water mains to the new industrial park location.

As Mayor Rick Hamilton put it, "Not only have we improved the water supply for over 2,700 local residents, we are working toward ensuring the Pearson Drive industrial area is a well serviced alternative for existing and new industrial businesses, and reclaiming our waterfront."

Federal contribution: $307,230

Dangerous intersections replaced by new roundabouts

One of the new roundabouts in Essex County

Project location: Essex

The County of Essex recently opened two new roundabouts, which will bring safer, more efficient commuting to area residents.

The new roundabouts are located where County Road 31 meets the 3rd Concession, and where County Road 23 intersects with County Road 8. Both intersections had poor sight lines and inadequate signal systems, which had resulted in frequent traffic congestion and accidents.

The roundabouts have calmed traffic significantly in these areas and greatly improved road safety. With their enhanced landscaping, they are also serving as aesthetic gateways to the county's urban areas.

This work was made possible, in part, by a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Federal contribution: $833,333

Much more than a library

The new library in Fort Frances

Project location: Fort Frances

Funding for Northwestern Ontario's Fort Frances Library and Technology Centre was almost fully secured when the economic downturn in 2008 forced the town's Council to cancel the project.

Unwilling to let it end there, the Fort Frances Library Board applied and was successful in obtaining a $983,689 federal funding contribution through the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund. FedNor provided a $170,000 regional development grant, while the balance of funding came from the municipality, province and Trillium Foundation.

The Board celebrated the completion of the centre in June 2010. Board Chair Joyce Cunningham says the facility is much more than a traditional library. It is a pivotal part of the community.

"Contained within our new 13,622 square feet is an activity centre, a digital conference centre, and an information technology lab," said Cunningham. "Also, in partnership with the Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre, we now offer unprecedented services and programs in support of the development of new business in the Rainy River District."

Hopes are that this new facility will help support the development of new high technology industries, and commercialize new ideas by connecting people, knowledge and resources.

Federal contribution: $1,153,690

New Outdoor Recreational Complex

The Georgina Recreational Outdoor Complex

Project location: Georgina

The goal was to provide an environmentally sustainable, four-season, outdoor recreation complex that would make Georgina, located on the south shore of Lake Simcoe, a sports and recreation leader. Mayor Rob Grossi commented that it will "inspire all residents to a more active and healthy lifestyle, contribute to community pride and well-being and attract tourists, large tournaments and high-caliber athletes to the region."

The Georgina Recreational Outdoor Complex includes everything from soccer pitches, lawn bowling greens and toboggan runs to baseball diamonds, hiking trails, ski hills, and tennis and basketball courts. It also has a tubing hill, beach volleyball court, water playground, ropes course, and ice rink. Picnic and banquet facilities, gardens and interpretive conservation areas round out the park's features.

The entire complex follows the principles of sustainable design to enhance the quality of the environment, conserve energy and resources, and manage storm water run-off. For example, an existing forest area was preserved, and several ponds and wetlands were added to reduce storm water impacts.

This more than $14 million project received a third of its funding from the Government of Canada through the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund.

Federal contribution: $4,736,459

New technology to help protect the Great Lakes

Goderich Water Pollution Plant.

Project location: Goderich

Rich in historical charm and natural beauty, the Port of Goderich values its reputation as Canada's prettiest town. Thanks to a contribution from the Communities Component of the federal Building Canada Fund, it can also now boast a new ultraviolet (UV) water disinfection facility.

Previously, the Goderich Water Pollution Plant used a chlorinated wastewater disinfection system that did not comply with the new Canadian wastewater regulations. To help preserve the environment, these regulations require the total chlorine residual (TRC) levels in wastewater effluent to be 0.02mg/l or less.

With the updated UV water treatment facility, the Town's TRC level is currently at zero. "I'm delighted to say that we are no longer putting chlorine into Lake Huron," said Mayor Shewfelt. "As a town, we take what we put into the lake very seriously and I believe this upgrade has put us ahead of many other communities on the Great Lakes."

This project has also addressed structural improvements at the Plant, including a roof replacement and repairs to the sewage pump station.

Federal contribution: $250,433

Investments in area's natural attractions helping attract tourists

Gordon/Barrie Island Parks Rehabilitation

Project location: Gordon/Barrie Island

Nestled in a corner of Manitoulin Island, the Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island has many unique landscape features from limestone cobble shores, to rolling farmlands, to bur oak prairies and inland lakes.

These features, as well as excellent opportunities for sporting and leisure activities, draw numerous tourists and seasonal residents to the area every year.

Recognizing that beautiful surroundings are key to a community that relies on tourism, the federal government provided a third of the costs needed to complete the Gordon/Barrie Island Parks Rehabilitation project through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

This project involved applying fresh gravel to park entrances, adding topsoil and native grass mixtures to green spaces, and installing park equipment such as new docks, shelters and eco-friendly outdoor washroom facilities. A newly paved parking lot and exterior seating areas at the community centre were also completed to help reduce maintenance and increase usability for special events.

By enhancing the overall look of the town's parks and improving their amenities, the residents of the Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island are now primed to further capitalize on the areas' natural assets and attract even more visitors.

Federal contribution: $62,490.33

Replacement of Benlock Road Overflow Bridge

Benlock Road overflow bridge in Grafton

Project location: Grafton

The Benlock Road Overflow Bridge is a vital part of the Town of Grafton's local road system. Over time, the narrow, single-span, concrete structure deteriorated significantly and needed to be replaced.

With help from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, a new two-lane structure with a bridge and approach barrier is now in place.

Speaking about the project, Chris Bent, P.Eng., G.D. Jewell Engineering Inc., said: "The Building Canada Fund has allowed for the replacement of a deteriorated bridge that was a top priority with the Township. The new structure will have a life expectancy of 75 years."

Grafton residents are now enjoying better road safety and a more efficient local transportation system.

Federal contribution: $175,000

Protecting Kenogamisis Lake

The new sludge treatment and storage plant in Greenstone

Project location: Greenstone

In the early 1930's, the discovery of gold on the shores of northern Ontario's Kenogamisis Lake resulted in the Town of Geraldton, now part of the Municipality of Greenstone. Today, the lake continues to be important for the community. Funding for the Geraldton Sewage Treatment Plant is helping to protect the community's water.

With support from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, the municipality was able to replace undersized sewage pipes, and add sludge treatment and storage capacity at the plant, reducing the risk of untreated sewage being released into the lake.

Federal contribution: $597,333

Curbing landfill materials and enhancing the earth

Organic waste processing facility in Guelph
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Guelph

The City of Guelph is committed to balancing local economic development with environmental sustainability. Putting the commitment into action, the City used a portion of its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation to build a state-of-the-art organic waste processing facility.

The new facility will reduce Guelph's carbon footprint by transforming green-bin waste into clean compost that can be sold to farmers and garden centres. The building itself is also environmentally friendly. It incorporates numerous energy-saving devices, such as air curtains on the loading bay doors. By using naturally occurring microbes that break down odour-causing compounds in the exhaust air, cleaner air will also be released back into the environment.

The facility can convert up to 30,000 tonnes of organic matter per year. With Guelph currently generating only one third of that capacity, the facility will also be able to process waste from surrounding municipalities. Previously, Guelph had to transport its organic waste long distances to other communities for processing or dispose of it in the land fill site.

With this new treatment centre, the City is saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and producing a viable soil revitalization product. It has provided a local, long-term solution to managing organic waste that will endure for many generations.

The project is a great example of the types of projects that the federal Gas Tax Fund supports.

New beginning for Acton Library

The Acton Branch of the Halton Hills Library in Halton Hills

Project location: Halton Hills

Halton Hills, a small town in the Greater Toronto Area, is well known for its community spirit. This is especially evident at the Acton Branch of the Halton Hills Library, which not only offers reading and information services, but acts as a focal point for social gatherings and daily community activities.

There were challenges with the more than 40-year-old building. It was not easily accessible to people with mobility challenges, had limited parking and insufficient space.

Thanks to a financial contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, residents are enjoying an improved media centre with eight new Internet stations. Three study rooms are equipped with sliding doors to reduce noise. The library now also features a double-sided fireplace, automated check-out machines and a designated area for children's activities. The building is also accessible to everyone with its new entranceways, elevator and larger parking facilities.

Jane Diananti, Director of the Halton Hills Library, couldn't be more pleased with the results, calling the project "a tremendous gift to the community."

Federal contribution: $1,166,667

Ensuring safe, secure water supplies

Ensuring safe, secure water supplies in Hamilton

Project location: Hamilton

As part of a major investment in water treatment in Hamilton, $14-million in federal funding from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund was used to modernize the City's Woodward Water Treatment Plant. The province and municipality contributed similar amounts to the project.

The aging plant required upgrades and the replacement of key components. It also lacked the capacity to accommodate residential and commercial growth.

The project created about 500 jobs according to the City, while helping to ensure that Hamilton's citizens enjoy clean water for the next 60 to 80 years.

Federal contribution: $14,000,000

Historic landmark restored and modernized

Hamilton has restored its city hall, in Hamilton.
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Hamilton

Thanks to financial support from the federal Gas Tax Fund, Hamilton has restored its city hall, an iconic example of modernist architecture's International Style and a designated heritage building.

Constructed more than 50 years ago, the facility required extensive upgrades to improve its operational efficiency. It also needed a major facelift to restore its architectural features.

On the exterior, work crews renewed the original mosaic wall tiles, glass façade, black marble wall panels, eaves, and forecourt fountains. Inside, they refurbished the building's marble service counters, wood-slat ceilings, terrazzo floors, and wood wall panels.

Today, the asbestos that was used to insulate piping in the older building is gone. And with new exterior cladding, windows and a green roof, the building envelope is more environmentally sound and energy efficient. These improvements, along with key mechanical and electrical upgrades, are expected to reduce the building's energy consumption by 35 per cent.

More than half a century after it opened, this civic landmark and symbol of modernist innovation now looks as fresh as it did in 1960. Modernized on the inside as well, it is better equipped to meet the needs of Hamilton citizens.

New recreation complex adds to community pride

The new Regional Recreation Complex.

Project location: Hanover

The new Regional Recreation Complex offers hockey, ringette and figure skating facilities for the town of Hanover in southwestern Ontario.

Thanks to the Building Canada Fund and provincial and municipal contributions, Hanover was able to replace an existing arena that, while rich in nostalgia and history, no longer met the needs of the community.

The new 6,224 square metre complex was built on the site of the old arena and is attached to the town's aquatic centre. In addition to a new, regulation-size rink, the complex features a dry land training area and a multi-purpose room. Engineers used the latest technology to ensure a reduced environmental footprint.

Mayor Kathi Maskell sees the new complex as a way for her generation to enhance the health of future generations. It also adds "to the vibrancy of our town and the pride in community felt by the people who live here."

Federal contribution: $3,500,000

Safe and secure in Hastings

The interior of the new community centre in Hastings

Project location: Hastings

The community centre in Hastings also serves as the Township of Carlow/Mayo's emergency evacuation centre. This means that the building must meet specific structural requirements to withstand natural disasters.

Until recently, the building's load capacity didn't meet the current standards. Its roof and walls needed strengthening, and energy efficiency and accessibility were lacking.

With funding in place from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the town set to work to address these issues in July 2009.

Now complete, this project replaced the roof trusses and ceiling joists, as well as the ceiling's substandard insulation and vapour barrier. Concrete was pumped in to fill empty areas under load-bearing wall footings and cracks in the foundation walls were repaired. New wiring and drywall were installed. The addition of a barrier-free washroom has addressed accessibility needs.

The project has prolonged the life of a well used gathering place for local community groups, such as the Little Mississippi Seniors Club. It also delivered a safe and secure shelter for when disaster strikes.

Federal contribution: $50,000

Work on municipal buildings done

Project location: The United Townships of Head, Clara and Maria

The Townships of Head, Clara and Maria consist of the four hamlets of Deux Rivieres, Bissett Creek, Stonecliffe and Mackey, located on the westernmost border of Renfrew County in the Ottawa Valley. Running along 60 kilometres of Trans-Canada Highway and bordered by the Ottawa River and Algonquin Park, the area is a natural playground renowned for its many outdoor activity opportunities.

For these communities, a federal investment of $22,833 through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund has supported work to bring three municipal buildings up to date.

Improvements to energy efficiency systems, insulation, and lighting have resulted in safer, more efficient working conditions for public works personnel.

With all three projects complete, the municipality is now better equipped to support its citizens through public works services to the community.

Federal contribution: $22,833

Heavily used road gets needed upgrades

Huron Road in Huron-Kinloss

Project location: Huron-Kinloss

Located on the shores of Lake Huron in southwestern Ontario, the Township of Huron-Kinloss is blessed with a scenic setting. Its incredible sandy beaches and sunsets attract many tourists. The township's population has also increased as more and more Bruce Nuclear Power Facility employees made the community their home.

Over the years, the once rural Huron Road has turned into a heavily used urban route. However, it was rough, uneven and badly broken up in some areas due to an insufficient road bed. Poor drainage also created flooding and ice hazards.

Fortunately, Huron-Kinloss recently renewed Huron Road and replaced its storm sewers with the help of a contribution from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund.

The roadside ditches were filled in and replaced with roadside storm sewer infrastructure to improve drainage, and new asphalt was applied to the surface.

The improved roadway is allowing everyone in Huron-Kinloss to get around more safely. It will also reduce the need for ongoing road maintenance for years to come.

Federal contribution: $976,666

Ensuring continued growth

Kingston road under which larger watermains were installed to expand the distribution system.

Project location: Kingston

Population growth and increased summer temperatures have increased the use of potable water in Kingston, a city of about 118,000 located at the mouth of Lake Ontario. Despite implementing water conservation measures, demands on the existing system had sometimes caused low water pressure and made it difficult to fight fires.

To address the water shortage concerns of the ever-expanding city, Kingston upgraded its water plant and distribution system. The changes to address aging infrastructure and accommodate the increased demands were made possible, in part, by a federal funding through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

The work included a new water reservoir facility and booster pumping station. Workers also installed larger watermains in key areas to expand the distribution system. The project also added needed jobs to the region's economy.

Former Mayor Harvey Rosen called the changes "a critical piece of Kingston's infrastructure planning" that was essential for the city to continue to thrive.

Federal contribution: $3,333,333

Smoothing the way in Kirkland Lake

Taylor Avenue, in Kirkland Lake

Project location: Kirkland Lake

Kirkland Lake's rough and rugged origin as a gold-mining camp has largely given way to modernity to make it one of northern Ontario's most vibrant communities.

As a major east-west artery in the town, Taylor Avenue regularly endures heavy traffic. It's also a busy pedestrian route for school children and seniors, but until recently, badly cracked and uneven sidewalks forced people to walk on the road. An equally poor road surface made driving dangerous. In winter, movement along the already narrow street was even more dangerous with sight lines obscured by large snow banks.

The town needed to correct these issues, and so it sought and was approved for funding from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund.

The project entailed widening the road, repaving the surface and replacing its sidewalks. The water and sewer mains were also replaced as part of the project.

Now, instead of being reminiscent of the town's rough and rugged history, Taylor Avenue is a smooth and safe route for residents and visitors alike.

Federal contribution: $711,135

Applying new technologies

An excavator digging a hole.

Project location: Kitchener

The City of Kitchener has become a proponent of a relatively new and more economical approach to repairing leaking or older sewers and water mains.

With an investment from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Kitchener used trenchless technology to rehabilitate some of its aging sewers and water mains.

If a water main was cracked and leaking but an inspection of the pipe with a remote camera indicated damage was not extensive, crews flushed out the main and inserted an inflatable liner to reseal the pipe along its length. Rather than digging up the road all along the water main, the city dug only two small holes — one at each end of the repaired length of pipe. With trenchless technologies, the repairs also took a lot less time and money than traditional methods.

Wasteful leakage of treated, potable water has now been eliminated with minimal intervention and disruption to the city's traffic and pedestrians.

Grant Murphy, Director of Engineering for the city pointed to the importance of keeping sewers and water mains in good repair: "At the end of the day, a cleaner water supply leads to a strong environment and a healthier community."

Federal contribution: $833,000

Centre in the Square rehabilitation project

Centre in the Square Rehabilitation Project in Kitchener

Project location: Kitchener

The Centre in the Square Rehabilitation project involved renovating sections of Kitchener's premiere live performing arts venue, located in the heart of the city.

The Centre in the Square opened in September 1980 and welcomes approximately 190,000 audience members a year to a wide variety of events, from dance, music and comedy performances to children's plays and musicals. The federal government provided a third of the fundin0 . g for this project through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, with matching contributions from the Province of Ontario and the municipality.

Work to rehabilitate the Centre included creating a new access road on the property to facilitate patron drop-off, upgrading the seating of the main performance space and creating a new, smaller performance space near the entrance. New retail space was also added to the lobby.

The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery received a number of building system upgrades as well. It now has better water and drainage systems, and more energy efficient office lighting.

This central venue has improved customer experience and prepared itself to continue its key role in attracting tourists and arts lovers from across the region.

Federal contribution: $400,000

Community welcomes updated hall with open arms

The Lakehurst Hall in the heart of the Kawartha Lakes

Project location: Lakehurst

The Township of Galway-Cavendish and Harvey, located in the heart of the Kawartha Lakes, celebrated the official re-opening of the newly renovated and expanded Lakehurst Hall in November 2010.

The former hall was badly in need of upgrades and wasn't fully accessible to persons with disabilities. With the kitchen in the basement, getting food up and down the stairs for events was a hassle and safety issue.

With help from the Communities Component of the federal government's Building Canada Fund, the community completely renovated the building.

Along with a new exterior shell, roof and updated architectural features, the building now has a modern kitchen located on the main floor. The basement was also renovated, and accessible bathrooms can now be found on both levels. A ramp has also been added to the entrance to round out the new accessibility features.

Lakehurst Hall is an integral part of the local community life, serving everyone from seniors to youth. It hosts a variety of programs and numerous local events each year. The renovations allow all residents to use the facilities with ease. They will also help nurture the town's future growth and economic development.

Federal contribution: $200,000

Popular Main Street gets a major facelift

The newly improved Main Street in Lambton Shores

Project location: Lambton Shores

In Grand Bend, located along the majestic shores of Lake Huron, there is a saying that all roads lead to the beach. The town's unique access to the only public beach in the area, its many shops and restaurants, and its proximity to the Pinery Provincial Park make it a popular tourist destination in southwestern Ontario.

As Grand Bend businesses primarily rely on tourism, the town decided it needed to enhance Main Street, one of its biggest assets. It applied for support to make this goal a reality and got it.

The downtown core has now received a complete makeover thanks, in part, to a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. Pedestrian walkways have been improved, and native plants and trees re-introduced to enhance landscaping. Extra seating areas and traffic calming measures were also added, along with a new "welcome" archway.

The reconstruction of Main Street is a key part of Grand Bend's plan to attract more visitors and strengthen its economy.

Federal contribution: $870,830

Improved water quality and distribution

New watermains are being built in Laurentian Valley

Project location: Laurentian Valley

Halfway between Ottawa and North Bay along Highway 17 lies the growing, vibrant Township of Laurentian Valley, home to approximately 9,600 residents and a number of thriving businesses.

With a cast-iron water pipe system that was almost 50 years old, build-up and contamination issues had become a chronic problem for the community. The condition of the water is not only extremely important for residents, it is critical for the main employers in the area. Reliable water pressure was also becoming an issue for fire-fighting.

Now, thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, a new watermain has been installed. This has greatly reduced blockages, while residents enjoy better water quality assurance and a more reliable water distribution system.

Federal contribution: $100,000

Redirecting traffic flow for urban and rural prosperity

The four-lane East Side Arterial Road running alongside Leamington

Project location: Leamington

Located in Essex County, Leamington lays claim to being the "Sun Parlour of Canada" because of its exceptional location on the southern tip of Ontario. It is also known as the "Tomato Capital of Canada," with four square kilometres of this crop and one of the largest tomato processing plants in the world.

Until recently, the region's only north-south throughway ran directly through the middle of the community's downtown core. The heavy traffic caused severe congestion and numerous accidents on Leamington's narrow streets. This was not only a problem for local air quality, it also impeded access to the area's rich agricultural and manufacturing sectors.

Essex County applied for and received a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to build a new arterial road.

Now complete, the four-lane East Side Arterial Road (ESAR) running alongside Leamington is providing commercial vehicles with much easier access to local greenhouses, processing facilities and area manufacturers.

Having diverted heavy traffic away from the city's downtown core, Leamington residents and businesses have new room to breathe and grow.

Federal contribution: $1,799,428

Better water storage coming to London

The Pumping Station in London

Project location: London

Construction on the Southeast Reservoir and Pumping Station in London is moving full steam ahead thanks to an investment from the Major Infrastructure Component of the federal government's Building Canada Fund.

A major part of the HELP (Huron, Elgin, London Project) Clean Water program, this project will address some key water storage issues for the region. The current water reservoir and pumping station does not store enough water to cover the two-day emergency storage supply required by the Ministry of the Environment's standards.

The project will be completed in two phases. The first phase consists of building a reservoir and increasing the pumping capacity to meet the needs of the City for the next 10 years. The next phase addresses long-term requirements to meet local needs up to the year 2024.

Federal contribution: $18,141,550

Busy intersection redesigned for better safety and traffic flow

The first elevated roundabout in London

Project location: London

The City of London now has its first elevated roundabout. It is at the intersection of Hale and Trafalgar Streets over the Canadian National Railway tracks.

Hale Street and Trafalgar Street are busy collector and arterial roadways. Previously, the tracks, which handle high speed VIA Rail passenger and freight trains, also passed through the intersection at the same level. With pedestrians, trains and vehicles all competing for the same space, delays and accidents were common.

By elevating vehicle and pedestrian traffic above the train tracks, the new roundabout has addressed these chronic safety issues.

The new overpass is making it easier for Londoners to get around and do business, whether travelling to work, moving products, attending community events or running errands. It is also easing traffic congestion and simplifying railway operations.

This project was made possible by funding from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Federal contribution: $3,950,000

Forest City improves community trail system

Springbank Gardens, the new multi-purpose community centre in London

Project location: London

Often referred to as "the Forest City," London is home to pristine natural conservation areas, spectacular parkland, and a trail system that connects its wooded areas along the south branch of the Thames River. The trail system is a multi-use pathway enjoyed by thousands of pedestrians, cyclists, rollerbladers and skateboarders each year.

Among the amenities along the trail are washroom facilities, a multi-purpose community centre (Springbank Gardens), and a feature park with an operations support centre known as Rose Garden. These facilities, as well as portions of the pathway itself, however, were inadequate to accommodate growing usage and were in serious disrepair.

Now, thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, residents and tourists of Canada's 10th largest city are enjoying a smoother, safer path, and greater accessibility to new and improved facilities.

Renovations to the the Springbank Gardens Community Centre included expanding the main space, adding storage space, and bringing the washroom facilities into compliance with barrier-free standards.

With more opportunities for cultural and community programming, on top of the improved pathway, this project has gone a long way in encouraging greater use of this outdoor network and improving Londoners' quality of life.

Federal contribution: $450,000

Improving water quality in Southwest Ontario

The Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant.

Project location: London

The HELP (Huron Elgin London Project) Clean Water program will serve half a million people in southwestern Ontario municipalities. Without adequate resources, these municipalities faced the challenges of leaking mains, aging pumps and other machinery used to distribute and ensure water quality. Emergency repair crews working at high cost to maintain the aging system were often needed.

Thanks to an investment through the Major Infrastructure Component of the federal government's Building Canada Fund, the HELP Clean Water project will go a long way in solving these problems. It will increase the size of London's Southeast Reservoir and improve its pumping station, and build treatment plants to handle sediment and residue. A new pipeline for the London water supply will be added as well as an emergency backup generator for the Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant, and more.

"The goal of HELP Clean Water is to maintain the quality of life and economic growth in the Region," says former London Mayor Anne-Marie DeCicco-Best. "This innovative, forward-looking project will ensure the continued provision of safe, sufficient drinking water to our homes and businesses for generations to come."

Federal contribution: $49,985,307

London Industrial Park, Phase III

London Industrial Park, Phase 3

Project location: London

London's Innovation Park is the third of a four-phase, prestige industrial park development plan. Located along Highway 401 on the road to the London International Airport, it is key to London's Industrial Land Development Strategy, a vital component of the City's overall economic development plan.

With financial support from Canada's Economic Action Plan, approximately 50 hectares (124 acres) of serviced, prestige industrial land was made ready for further development by installing industrial sewer and water infrastructure, storm management ponds and roads that can accommodate oversized industrial traffic.

Hopes are that Phase III will continue to attract economic development within the corridor. "We thank the other levels of government for partnering with the City of London on these projects," said former London Mayor, Anne Marie DeCicco-Best.

Federal contribution: $4,700,000

Shedding new light on a historic town

Project location: Magnetawan

Magnetawan is the oldest settlement in the Parry Sound District. Its well-preserved history, combined with beautiful natural surroundings, brings many tourists through the area each year.

South Sparks Street runs through the heart of this community and provides access to the local school, three churches, the post office, a seniors' centre and the Trans-Canada Trail.

Until recently, the condition of this road caused some serious safety concerns. Uneven road surfaces made driving dangerous and wheelchairs could no longer navigate the severely cracked sidewalks. Minimal street lighting was also a problem.

Recognizing that the street needed to be reconstructed, Magnetawan applied for a federal financial contribution from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund.

Now complete, South Sparks Street is well lit, has a new driving surface, new curbs and gutters, an upgraded storm sewer system and a new sidewalk.

Federal contribution: $283,333

Station Road Bridge updated to modern standards

The new bridge along Station Road in Marmora and Lake

Project location: Marmora and Lake

The Village of Marmora and Lake in Hastings County is located along Highway 7, a major transportation route between Toronto and Ottawa.

At the time it was built, the village's narrow, single-lane Station Road Bridge was strong enough to accommodate the mostly light rural traffic. However, over the years, traffic weight and volume increased. The bridge's side barriers became inadequate as did the sight lines on its approaches. All this, combined with general deterioration, made the bridge a priority for replacement.

Thanks to a contribution from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, a two-lane structure has been built. The new bridge meets modern safety standards and has sufficient weight capacity to support current and future traffic.

Federal contribution: $268,333

One building, many benefits

The outside of the new recreational and cultural centre in Maynooth

Project location: Maynooth

For the Township of Hastings Highlands, August marked the grand opening of a newly constructed recreational and cultural centre in the town of Maynooth. The facility houses a new public library, municipal offices and a full-size gymnasium.

The library and municipal offices had been crowded into two small, residential buildings that were more than 120 years old. Neither building fully met today's standards. Maynooth Public School also lacked a gymnasium and there was no other indoor recreational facility in the area.

The new facility easily accommodates its three main functions, while also providing new space for community gatherings and functions. It is fully accessible and will allow the library to expand its programs and services to meet the growing needs of the community. This includes the addition of new computer terminals to increase rural access to electronic tools and the Internet.

"The Hastings Highlands Recreational/Cultural Facility forms the cornerstone of this municipality," said Hastings Highlands Mayor, Ronald Emond. "It provides a central location for all municipal, recreational and cultural functions and the addition of the public square in front of the building provides an attractive focal point and meeting place for the town."

This project was made possible by funding from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Federal contribution: $1,522,667

Infrastructure upgrades in Meaford complete

Rehabilitated existing infrastructure in Meaford

Project location: Meaford

Residents in the municipality of Meaford are already benefiting from the completed local projects for road renewal, the rehabilitation of curbs, and the installation of sewer services and water mains. Over $131,000 was provided through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Located within the Georgian Triangle region, Meaford is known as one of Canada's finest four season resort areas. Regarded as a destination worth discovering, rehabilitating existing infrastructure will continue to deliver benefits for both residents and tourists visiting the area for years to come. It will also help support the local economy and keep people in the municipality employed.

Federal contribution: $131,000

Keeping pace with community growth

Milton Sports Centre in Milton

Project location: Milton

With its proximity to both Toronto and the Niagara Escarpment, the Town of Milton is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Canada.

To meet the growing needs of this community, planning for development is important. That's why the Milton Sports Centre was designed from the outset to allow for future expansion.

Opened in 2003, the centre offered two ice pads, a gymnastics complex, a banquet hall, a concession shop, a pro shop and administrative space. Outdoor features included beach volleyball courts and an outdoor patio adjacent to the banquet hall.

According to plan, the centre has been further developed with help from the Government of Canada's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. Now complete, the project added two additional ice pads, an elevated walking track, an expanded lobby, a double gymnasium/multi-purpose space and an additional concession stand. Exterior improvements include an expanded parking lot.

Residents consider Milton's green spaces, parks and recreational facilities one of the most satisfying aspects of their town. This new investment ensures the Milton Sports Centre will continue to be an integral part of the community's recreational offerings for many years to come.

Federal contribution: $6,678,425

Solving sanitary sewer woes faster

New sanitary sewers in Mississauga

Project location: Mississauga

The Beach Street Pumping Station used to be the only sanitary sewer pumping station in the Port Credit area of Mississauga and had operated beyond its capacity for years. As a result, local basements were often subject to flooding during severe storms due to pipe back-ups.

The Regional Municipality of Peel applied for financial support from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to construct another sanitary sewage pumping station. New force mains and sanitary sewers were installed along Lakeshore Road, Beechwood Avenue and Richey Crescent to direct sanitary flow to and from the pumping station.

This sewage system upgrade has greatly improved capacity issues while also supporting future development plans in the area.

This project was able to move forward in good time thanks, in part, to the accelerated federal environmental assessment process, established in 2009, that allows work to renew existing infrastructure to get started faster.

Federal contribution: $2,944,267

Improving access and capacity at community facilities

The Almonte and District Community Centre in Mississippi Mills

Project location: Mississippi Mills

Located 50 kilometres from Ottawa, the Almonte ward of Mississippi Mills is a small, historic community of about 4,600 people. Primarily a commuter town, residents enjoy the rural lifestyle, in which the local community centre plays a big part.

Until recently, however, the Almonte and District Community Centre did not meet the requirements of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and lacked sufficient space in change rooms and spectator seating capacity. The building needed an expansion to solve these problems.

Thanks to a contribution from the Communities Component of the federal Building Canada Fund, the town completed work on this project in October 2010.

The 7,800 square-foot addition includes barrier-free automatic doors, new ramps and barrier-free washrooms. The building's new lobby now has an elevator and gives way to six accessible change rooms and a referees' room.

Now, everyone can access the improved centre and enjoy the prospect of a broader range of programs and services being offered.

Federal contribution: $651,740

Heritage building gets new lease on life

The newly expanded town hall in Newbury

Project location: Newbury

The Village of Newbury is a thriving, family-oriented community in southwestern Ontario that is rich in historical charm.

Its town hall occupies a half-century-old post office in the heart of the community. The building nicely complements the aesthetics of the village but, until recently, lacked the space to accommodate community delegations or public presentations to Council. It also didn't meet current accessibility or energy efficiency standards.

Newbury applied for a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to complete a much-needed expansion and renovation.

The community used the funding to double the building's size. The new space offers a larger council chamber, dedicated public seating and a staff meeting room. A barrier-free entrance with an automatic door opener and a new barrier-free washroom solved accessibility issues. Overall, energy efficiency went up and operating costs came down.

An important heritage building in Newbury is now a suitable home for the municipal offices and ready to serve the community for years to come.

Federal contribution: $98,000

Investing in the past to provide roots for the future

The Laura Secord Homestead in Niagara Falls

Project location: Niagara

On June 12, 1812, the United States declared war on Great Britain. For two years, battles raged in Ontario's Niagara region, then known as the British colony of Upper Canada. The War of 1812 was instrumental in entrenching the Upper-Canadian identity and defining the Canada of today.

Now, nearly 200 years later, the Niagara Parks Commission is planning to host a celebration of the war's bicentennial anniversary. The Commission is focusing on ensuring that its many military heritage sites are safe and accessible for staff and many tourists.

To support this celebration of our past, the federal government has invested in improving three historical sites through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Known as "Canada's Bloodiest Battlefield," Old Fort Erie was one of the pivotal sites of the war. Funds were used here to build a new welcome centre.

McFarland House borders the Niagara River and was used as a hospital by both the British and the American armies during the war. Improvements at this historic site included new electrical, HVAC and septic systems, and increased accessibility.

The Laura Secord Homestead was the starting point for the famous heroine's perilous 32-kilometre journey to warn the British of an imminent American surprise attack. While well preserved, the homestead lacked space to host large gatherings. Thanks to the funding, interpretive areas were expanded to accommodate more people.

By ensuring accessibility and safety, and maximizing visitor capacity, these projects will allow these key cultural landmarks to continue bringing Canada's past to life for generations to come.

Federal contribution: $4,470,000

Helping revive history for War of 1812 bicentennial

The refurbishment of Lundy's Lane Historical Museum

Project location: Niagara

The Niagara Falls History Museum is housed in the historic Stamford Township Hall. It holds a nationally significant collection of military equipment, relics and archival records relating to the War of 1812 and major events of the war such as the Battle of Lundy's Lane.

To support the 2012 bicentennial celebrations, work was undertaken to upgrade and enhance the museum. The structural supports were repaired, new windows installed, and the wooden and stone exterior features restored.

The federal, provincial and municipal governments shared the costs, with the Government of Canada contribution coming from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund.

The enhanced facility features a new War of 1812 / Battle of Lundy's Lane visitor centre. This houses an expanded exhibition about the war and showcases the Museum's significant collection of artifacts. A two-storey glass exhibit area allows passers-by to look directly into the museum from the sidewalk. Completely accessible to persons with disabilities, it incorporates new design elements for the visually and hearing impaired. It also includes a significantly improved and expanded artifact storage facility to accommodate and better protect the growing collection.

The refurbished museum provides an exceptional window into the war that helped shape Canada.

Federal contribution: $3,237,666

Wider, stronger bridge cutting greenhouse gas emissions

O'Reilly's Bridge in the Niagara Region
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Niagara

Located in the Niagara Region, O'Reilly's Bridge spans the Welland River and connects the farming communities of Pelham and Wainfleet. It also provides access to the Niagara Central Airport and the E.C. Brown Conservation Area.

Built over a century ago, the historic steel-framed bridge was declared unsafe and subsequently closed in 2009. Since it was the only river crossing for an 11-kilometre stretch, traffic had to be diverted a considerable distance when the bridge was closed.

The original bridge was also not strong enough to support heavy farming and commercial vehicles and was only a single lane wide. This led to traffic congestion at the bridge and forced heavy vehicles to travel even longer distances to find a suitable crossing point.

Thanks to financial support from the federal Gas Tax Fund, a wider, stronger bridge is now in place. This has significantly improved traffic circulation, which will go a long way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment.

Protecting Canada's largest freshwater lake

Nipigon's wastewater treatment plant

Project location: Nipigon

The Township of Nipigon sits on the northern edge of Lake Superior, the world's largest freshwater lake. Located at the junction of Highway 11 and Highway 17 on the Trans-Canada Highway, a significant portion of cross-Canada traffic passes through the region. The area is also a mecca for anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Nipigon's tourism, economic growth and quality of life all rely on its natural surroundings, making preserving the environment a priority for the Township. Ensuring wastewater is properly treated before being discharged into Lake Superior is a key part of this.

With financial support from the Government of Canada's Building Canada Fund – Major Infrastructure Component and from the Province of Ontario, Nipigon took steps to expand and upgrade its wastewater treatment plant to address water quality concerns. The renovated facility now incorporates a secondary treatment process that uses additional filtration devices to further reduce bacteria from the treated wastewater being released back into the environment.

The Great Lakes Basin is an economic hub that generates the majority of Ontario's power and water for domestic use and manufacturing. Committed to preserving these vital natural resources, the Government of Canada is investing in a number of water treatment improvement projects across the region. This is part of a concerted effort by all levels of government to de-list regions in the Basin that had been identified as Areas of Concern in the Canada – United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.

Federal contribution: $3,450,000

Improving social services delivery

The Board renovated the 7th floor of North Bay's City Hall in North Bay

Project location: North Bay

The District of Nippissing Social Services Administration Board provides a range of services to people in the Nippissing region, such as community housing, emergency medical services, employment assistance and children's services. Until recently, it operated out of various locations in North Bay. To facilitate operations and provide services more efficiently, the Board decided it needed to consolidate its offices.

With help from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the Board renovated the 7th floor of North Bay's City Hall. It moved in on October 8, 2010.

There is now more space for staff, records and clients. The washrooms and offices are fully accessible. More efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems have been installed, which will help reduce future energy costs.

"The renovation has enabled District of Nippissing Social Service Administration Board's North Bay operation to integrate its service delivery and increase its workflow," said former North Bay Mayor, Vic Fadeli. "It is now better equipped to serve the most vulnerable members of our communities."

Federal contribution: $900,465

Ensuring safe travel through North Kawartha Township

Anstruther Lake Road in North Kawartha Township

Project location: North Kawartha Township

The Township of North Kawartha is a four-season tourist destination in the northeastern quadrant of Peterborough County. The area encompasses over 700 square kilometres of forest, lakes, creeks and rivers, and hosts an abundance of wildlife, scenic views and recreational activities.

Anstruther Lake Road is the most heavily travelled road in the Township. It is the access road to three lakes, which are surrounded by more than 400 cottages and businesses. It is also the main entrance to the new Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park.

Despite ongoing maintenance, the road's poor condition and narrowness had made it unsafe. Funding from the Communities Component of the federal Building Canada Fund helped see this busy route completely rebuilt.

The project involved earth and rock excavation, the installation of granular base and application of a hot mix surface treatment to the road surface. The road is now better aligned and wider, with guide rails for increased safety.

These improvements greatly reduce the risk of accidents and have help pave the way for even more tourists to the area.

Federal contribution: $1,133,215

Essential bridge rebuilt

The new Hilpert Bridge in North Perth

Project location: North Perth

The 2007 closure of the Hilpert Bridge in Perth County forced local residents, farmers moving equipment, emergency services and school buses to detour for several kilometres around the unsafe, single-lane structure. No one was happy with the extra travel time to reach essential community services.

But, like many other communities in Canada, the Municipality of North Perth was struggling with the effects of the economic downturn that had to be balanced against the need for necessary infrastructure renewal. Rebuilding the bridge was delayed.

That situation changed with a successful application to the federal Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund for help in rebuilding the bridge.

Completed with a few months' work, the new Hilpert Bridge opened to traffic. The structure is now two lanes wide and can accommodate wider, heavier loads. The approaches have been raised and widened, and guardrails added to improve safety.

Former North Perth Mayor Ed Hollinger appreciates the federal and provincial contributions that helped put a key component of the transportation infrastructure in his municipality back in use. "Rural transit in the Municipality of North Perth is very important." Thanks to the new Hilpert Bridge, traffic is flowing smoothly again.

Federal contribution: $182,117

Solving the burning need for a new fire hall

The new firehall in North Perth

Project location: North Perth

Made possible by a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, a new fire hall for the community of Listowel in the Municipality of North Perth, has brought much relief to both area firefighters and residents.

Until recently, the fire services branch shared a small and inadequate part of the North Perth Administration building with the local municipal offices, the North Perth OPP detatchment and the Provincial Court Services.

The newly constructed Fire Hall now provides enough space for both work and equipment storage. As Fire Chief Ed Smith puts it, "The Municipality of North Perth is very pleased and excited with the completion of our new fire hall. It supplies the North Perth Fire Department with the proper facility for today's needs and well into the future."

Work is now under way on phase two of the project – rehabilitating and upgrading the space vacated by the fire department at the North Perth Administration building. This work will allow the municipality to better accommodate the amalgamated municipal needs and ensure that the facilities are up to current health, accessibility and safety standards.

Federal contribution: $1,200,000

From dusty road to smooth county throughway

The Finch-Roxborough Boundary Road in the Township of North Stormont

Project location: North Stormont

The Township of North Stormont consists of six small Eastern Ontario communities, each with a unique history and character. Tying them all together is a network of county roads.

The terrain in the area is conducive to sand and gravel mining. As a result, heavy truck traffic increases the need for repairs and maintenance of the township's roadways.

Last reconstructed in 1977, the Finch-Roxborough Boundary Road is a busy link between County Road 43 and County Road 6 to the north. It is popular because it leads to Highway 417 and doesn't pass through any of the township's villages.

Because it only had a gravel surface and had deteriorated beyond repair, the township used a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to completely reconstruct 6.1 kilometres of the roadway. This included installing a new base, drainage system, guardrails and asphalt surface.

This investment has improved the safety and efficiency of the region's transportation network. It has also established the Finch-Roxborough Boundary Road as a permanent alternate route for heavy commercial traffic.

Federal contribution: $377,233

Basement flooding relief

Storm water management in North York

Project location: North York

When it rains it sometimes pours in North York – directly into basements. Combined with intensive land development and an aging sewer system, a heavy downpour frequently lead to flooded basements.

With the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund picking up about one third of the total $30-million price tag, the City of Toronto dug up affected neighbourhoods, street by street, in a multi-year storm water management program that involved 24 different projects.

Work began in the fall of 2009 and continued well into 2011 as crews moved through the affected neighbourhoods building storm drainage facilities, improving sewer systems and constructing dry ponds and underground storage tanks.

The federal contribution helped accelerate the work schedule, which means more homes were protected sooner from flood risks and the resultant health hazards than if the city had carried the cost burden on its own.

Federal contribution: $9,999,999

Municipal services now more accessible

A new municipal building with improved access for persons with disabilities in O'Connor

Project location: O'Connor

O'Connor Township is a small community just West of Thunder Bay known for country living at its best.

Recognizing that municipal services could not be properly delivered because of the size and location of its former town hall, O'Connor sought $107,800 in contributions from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to help construct a new municipal building with improved access for persons with disabililities.

Previously located on the second floor of a community centre, the municipal office was too small and inaccessible, which made it difficult for some residents to get the services they required.

Now, the office is completely accessible and has ample room for service delivery and employees. It consists of a reception area, complete with a waiting room and washroom, a clerk's office, a record storage area and council chambers.

Township Mayor Ron Nelson acknowledges that this project is an important one for the area. "This funding has enabled O'Connor Township to better serve all its residents, tax payers and visitors within our community."

Federal contribution: $107,800

Making space for the full fleet

Bus storage and maintenance facility in Oakville

Project location: Oakville

Thirty years ago, the town of Oakville built a bus storage and maintenance facility to accommodate up to 42 buses and five maintenance hoists. With steady growth over the last three decades, this popular lakeside community's transportation system now includes almost 100 buses.

Rather than renovating an aging building that lacked the space for the new fleet, the town decided to build a brand new facility. Thanks to an investment from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, this project is now complete.

Four times larger than the original, the new building has ample space for bus storage, as well as administrative, operational and maintenance functions. It is fully accessible, built to silver LEED environmental standards and located on a much larger site to accommodate future expansion. The new facility is also one of only four in Canada to feature a driving-simulation training room.

Besides addressing a pressing space shortage, this project will allow the town to go ahead with plans to buy hybrid buses and create a new cross-town bus route.

Federal contribution: $15,000,000

Improved access to community services

The Rosslyn Linrary in the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge

Project location: Oliver Paipoonge

For Rosslyn Village in the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge near Thunder Bay, upgrading the local library was important to the community.

In addition to its traditional role, the Rosslyn Library is home to three important community service programs, serving as a Service Ontario Site, Contact North Site, and Community Access Program (CAP) site. The library is also the only location in the municipality that provides free wireless Internet access to the public. Although the library serves one of the largest populations in northwestern Ontario, its cramped location on the second floor of the community centre made it inaccessible to persons with disabilities, many seniors and people with children in strollers.

Through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the village secured the funding it needed for an expansion and accessibility improvements. The project was completed in February 2010.

Today, a new ground-level addition is attached to the existing community centre and makes all services available on a single level. A barrier-free washroom was added, as was a foyer that leads to the community centre, where visitors will find the gymnasium, meeting rooms and hall.

Federal contribution: $100,000

Gas Tax Fund improves four well-travelled roads

Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Oro-Medonte

The Township of Oro-Medonte sits on the western edge of Lake Simcoe and is just a short drive from Orillia, Barrie and Toronto. Its location affords residents both a charming rural lifestyle and easy access to all the amenities large cities have to offer.

Keeping its municipal roads in good condition is a priority for the Township. It recently invested a portion of its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation into reconstructing four local roads.

Line 10 North is one of the main roads that leads to the local Community Hall. It was so dusty and filled with potholes that people hesitated to use it, resulting in reduced community event attendance. Located next to the waterfront, Moon Point Drive is heavily used, but had become a bumpy patchwork of piecemeal repairs. Lakeshore Road to Skyline is another well-travelled route, but its foundation was unstable and the road was badly broken up after years of wear. The fourth refurbished road was Mount St. Louis, from Scarlett Line to Line 2 North. In each case, improvements included strengthening the existing road base and laying a new driving surface.

"This funding enabled the Township to upgrade roads throughout Oro-Medonte," commented Oro-Medonte Mayor, Harry Hughes. "This investment will lead to lower vehicle maintenance costs, allow for smoother and safe bus rides for students."

Better drainage improves road safety

8th Line Road in Ottawa.

Project location: Ottawa

The Village of Metcalfe, in the southern part of the City of Ottawa, serves the surrounding rural area and the many commuters who choose to live in Metcalfe neighbourhoods. Over the years, these residential areas gradually expanded, making the 8th Line Road North a major commuter corridor to more urban parts of Ottawa.

Regular repairs to the storm water system along the 8th Line had become routine. The ongoing need to cut through the pavement to fix problems left the roadbed with multiple, irregular patches that increased vehicle wear and tear, and commuter frustrations. Drainage was also an issue.

To improve conditions and reduce the cost of these ongoing repairs, the City of Ottawa applied to the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund for one third of the money required to fix the storm water system and repave the 8th Line Road. The city and province matched the federal funding.

Workers replaced and extended the storm water system to connect with a sewer line on a nearby street that feeds into the main municipal drain. Once that was done, crews resurfaced the road and installed curbs and sidewalks to increase safety for pedestrians. Improved signage and crosswalks now also make getting to school safer for children attending the two elementary schools in the area.

Federal contribution: $833,333

Celebrating diversity

The gateway arch across Somerset Street in the heart of Ottawa's vibrant Chinese community.

Project location: Ottawa

The City of Ottawa and Beijing, China, have worked together to build a gateway arch across Somerset Street in the heart of Ottawa's vibrant Chinese community.

Beijing provided the design, decorative materials and specialized artisans, with the federal government contributing $125,000 through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. In addition to federal and provincial funding and donations from the City of Beijing, the project successfully raised $250,000 in donations from the community.

Now completed, the gateway is beckoning residents and visitors alike to explore a unique part of the city. In addition to creating jobs in the short term, the gateway has helped preserve the historical characteristics and cultural spirit of the area, putting a vibrant community on the map for tourists and increasing economic activity for the many businesses along Somerset Street.

The Chinatown Gateway arch has been named a 2011 public works project of the year by the American Public Works Association, winning in the category of structures less than $5 million.

Federal contribution: $125,000

Helping champion positive social change

The Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre in Ottawa

Project location: Ottawa

In Ottawa, the inception of the Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre dates back more than 20 years. Over the years, community growth and expanded services saw the Centre spread into four buildings that were dispersed throughout the community. This situation posed operational issues for the Centre and challenges for clients who had to travel to different locations to access the help they needed.

To consolidate and expand its services by remodeling a vacant building, the Centre received federal government support through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, in addition to provincial funding.

The new location is delivering a wide range of social programs and services, from crisis counselling to early childhood education. Along with its longstanding programs, the Community Resource Centre also houses the Ottawa Youth Services Bureau and La Cité collégiale's employability program for the area's significant francophone population. Other new programs include a diabetes clinic, housing assistance and immigrant support services.

With space for more than a dozen community partners, the new Centre features several group meeting rooms, a second floor mezzanine lounge for volunteers and a large refrigeration area for the food bank.

Federal contribution: $250,000

Keeping the nation's capital moving

A larger, barrier-free platform to improve accessibility at transit stops

Project location: Ottawa

Efficient, highly-used transit systems promote economic development, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and allow communities to build towards a more sustainable future.

With these benefits in mind, the federal government committed more than $30 million to 20 Ottawa transit improvement projects through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

This wide-spread support allowed the City to complete projects such as the Southwest Transitway Extension, which has helped speed up transit commute times. New stations were also built at Fallowfield, Longfields and Marketplace. To avoid disrupting personal and commercial vehicle traffic, an underpass is now in place at Strandherd Drive. Extensive repaving and road rehabilitation were also completed.

Numerous transit stops also have new shelters, improved lighting, better ventilation and larger, barrier-free platforms to improve accessibility. Other projects involved improved supervisor facilities, as well as the addition of secure, onsite storage for maintenance equipment to provide better service to customers and quickly respond to operators' concerns.

To facilitate alternative modes of transportation, a number of new bike racks and lockers were installed at transit shelters, and new overpasses are making it easier for pedestrians and transit users to get around.

The large-scale federal investment in these projects reflects the Government of Canada's commitment to providing its citizens with safe, reliable, user-friendly transit services.

Federal contribution: $34,589,497

New path to active living

Sawmill Creek Pathway in Ottawa

Project location: Ottawa

Residents in the southern part of Ottawa get to enjoy a new pedestrian and cycling pathway thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

The newly completed, 1,275-metre urban Sawmill Creek Pathway is an off-road, multi-use trail that loops around the Sawmill Creek storm water management ponds. It also links into existing paths at both Walkley and Hunt Club roads.

This project has helped increase pedestrian and cyclist safety in Ottawa. It has also helped bridge the gap between residential and business areas for those wanting to use alternative forms of transportation.

Emphasizing its commitment to building a greener community, the city has described the project as "an important milestone on the way to connecting residents with rapid transit, neighbouring communities and local commercial areas."

Federal contribution: $83,333

Protecting the Ottawa River

The replacement of combined sewers into separate wastewater and storm-water sewers in Ottawa

Project location: Ottawa

The Ottawa River was once used by explorers and fur traders as a main transportation route west from Montréal into the continental interior. Today, it serves as the primary water source for the National Capital Region. With its beaches and marinas, the River is also a popular summer destination for locals and tourists alike.

Over the years, the quality of effluents discharged into the Ottawa River has improved but combined sewer overflows still cause bacterial contamination of the river water and beach closures. Further pollution stems from industrial wastewater and agricultural run-off.

In 2010, the City of Ottawa approved the Ottawa River Action Plan (ORAP) to help restore and protect the health of one of its most important natural resources. The Action Plan is receiving financial support from the federal government through the Major Infrastructure Component of the Building Canada Fund. The funding will support work at 15 project sites including the installation of new flow control and monitoring devices, the replacement of combined sewers into separate wastewater and storm-water sewers and the renovation of wastewater management facilities.

With work now well under way, these projects will reduce the risk of untreated wastewater releases and help conserve the vitality of the Ottawa River for generations to come.

The Ottawa River Action Plan is receiving financial support from the federal government through the Major Infrastructure Component of the Building Canada Fund.

Federal contribution: $33,000,000

Southwest Transitway extension—Fallowfield to Barrhaven

Southwest Transitway Extension—Fallowfield to Barrhaven, in Ottawa

Project location: Ottawa

Thanks to a financial contribution from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the Southwest Transitway extension between the Fallowfield and Marketplace transit stations in Barrhaven is now complete.

New bus-only lanes between Berrigan Drive and Oriska Way link the Fallowfield transit station with the Strandherd Park and Ride lot. Bus-only lanes and a multi-use recreational pathway also now join Strandherd station to Jockvale Road. Finally, a new underpass is in place at Strandherd Drive, and a new transitway link has improved the connection between Strandherd Station and the Chapman Mills Marketplace.

These improvements provide more efficient transit services to one of Ottawa's fastest growing communities. These changes should also encourage more commuters to leave their cars at home, which will reduce traffic congestion and help preserve the environment.

Federal contribution: $17,533,333

State-of-the-art convention centre a showpiece for the Nation's Capital

The new Ottawa Convention Centre

Project location: Ottawa

Ottawa's previous main convention centre was too small and did not have the technological systems to accommodate the growing demand for more sophisticated facilities.

Thanks in part to support from the Major Infrastructure Component of the federal Building Canada Fund, a striking new addition to the downtown core has enhanced the City's hosting prospects. Other major contributors were the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa, with the balance of costs covered by a long-term financing solution.

The new Ottawa Convention Centre offers state-of-the-art event facilities and is architecturally unlike any other building in Canada. Its elliptical façade, which mimics the shape of a tulip, is made up of 1,045 unique glass triangles. Inside, there is a 13-storey wall made of century-old lumber recovered from the Ottawa River. This serves as a backdrop to the uninterrupted view of the Parliament Buildings and Rideau Canal through floor-to-ceiling windows.

In addition to four levels of gala ballrooms, boardrooms, adaptable meeting rooms, exhibition halls and reception spaces, it offers highly sophisticated technology and exceptional food preparation services.

Certified to a Silver level of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), it is also a "green" facility that features numerous energy- and water-saving devices. It was finished with materials that are low in harmful chemicals and boasts a comprehensive recycling program to manage waste. Aside from using logs recovered from the Ottawa River, 90 per cent of the old centre's debris was recycled into the new building, including the roof trusses.

With its prime downtown location in the City's central shopping, restaurant and hotel district, the new Ottawa Convention Centre is attracting thousands of out-of-town guests. This translates into an estimated annual spin-off revenue for local businesses of more than $82 million.

"The new OCC is proof…that Ottawa is a world-class city worthy of competing with the best of the best in the meeting and convention sector," remarked Jim Durrell, Chair of the Ottawa Convention Centre Board of Directors. "This dramatic new site is the perfect venue for 'Canada's Meeting Place.'"

Federal contribution: $50,000,000

Bridge renewed to support non-motorized commuting

Waubuno Bridge in Parry Sound
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Parry Sound

Located on Georgian Bay just two hours north of Toronto, Parry Sound is considered the jewel of the 30,000 Islands. It is a popular tourist destination with a population that increases seasonally from 18,000 in winter to approximately 60,000 during the summer months.

Originally built in the 1920s, the Waubuno Bridge is a 12.8 metre-long structure that connects two sections of a multi-use pathway. The pathway provides an alternative way to get to and from Parry Sound's downtown core.

To encourage continued active living and sustain a key piece of local infrastructure, Parry Sound used part of its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation to replace the bridge's aging beams and supports. Providing residents with a viable, safe alternative to personal vehicle use reduces congestion on local roadways, which contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner air.

Canada's Gas Tax Fund provides predictable, long-term funding to help municipalities build and revitalize public infrastructure that achieves positive environmental results.

Expanding and revitalizing the Peel Heritage Complex

The Peel Heritage Complex

Project location: Peel

The Peel Region, west of Toronto, is home to more than one million residents. Its history dates back to First Nations and settlement in the seventeenth century, a story preserved by the Peel Heritage Complex through its archives and art gallery, museum, former county jail building and the Whitney Community Gallery. The Complex needed upgrades to continue its work.

Revitalizing the Peel Heritage Complex involved expanding the heritage buildings and renovating amenities to better serve local residents and visitors. Thanks to the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, together with provincial and municipal funding, this project is now complete.

"Peel is very pleased that the Government of Canada and Province of Ontario ... listened to us on our economic recovery priorities," said Emil Kolb, Peel Regional Chair, "and [came] to the table to join us in stimulating employment and supporting critical services for our residents and businesses."

The renewed Complex is helping tell the "Peel Story"—one of immigration, innovation and development—and present a strong focal point for the community's diverse population.

Federal contribution: $3,333,334

New paramedic satellite station speeding up response times

Peel's first paramedic satellite station in the neighbourhood of Malton

Project location: Peel

Mississauga's Peel Region is improving and expanding its emergency services. Part of this 10-year program involves building 25 paramedic stations throughout the region, both main reporting stations and subsidiary satellite stations.

Satellite stations provide a place for paramedics to work between calls and help improve response times. With assistance from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, construction is now complete on Peel's first paramedic satellite station in the neighbourhood of Malton.

"Until now, Malton did not have an ambulance station," said Peel Regional Paramedic Services Chief and Director, Peter F. Dundas. "Locating stations in the community will help paramedics respond more quickly to accidents and other emergencies in the area."

The accelerated federal environmental assessment process, established in 2009, helped move the project forward in good time. This faster process allows work to renew existing infrastructure to get started more quickly.

Federal contribution: $266,666

Key artery gets upgrades

Rehabilitating 1.4 kilometres of Wilson Street West in Perth

Project location: Perth

The Town of Perth is well known for its historical architecture and beautiful parks. Until recently, however, the northern leg of the town's primary artery was becoming known for its high accident rates. Underground water mains dating back to 1915 were also causing frequent service issues and traffic snarls.

To resolve these issues, the town applied for a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

The funding went towards rehabilitating 1.4 kilometres of Wilson Street West, which links Highway 7 to Lanark County Roads 1, 6, 10 and 43, and provides access to Perth's downtown core. This corridor carries about 17,000 vehicles a day, including a high volume of truck traffic.

The work is now complete. It involved repairing the deteriorated road surface and replacing the underlying water infrastructure. Intersection improvements included new turning lanes and signal systems to ease traffic flow. Wider sidewalks and bike lanes were added to accommodate greater accessibility. With new heritage lighting and landscaping enhancing the route, it also now better complements the town's aesthetic charm.

Traffic flow, service issues and safety have been greatly improved. The community's local businesses can look forward to more business with the improved entrance to the town's commercial district now in place.

Federal contribution: $3,033,333

New library makes learning more accessible

New library in Perth

Project location: Perth East

For over 100 years, the library in the Township of Perth East, west of Kitchener-Waterloo, has been a treasured community resource. Located in the township's Milverton ward, it was housed in a building dating back to 1909.

Throughout the years, the library's collections, services and programs expanded and evolved in keeping with its growing community and their changing interests. Although the interior of the building was renovated a number of times, it remained inaccessible to persons with disabilities and was too small to accommodate increasing resources and public needs.

With support from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Perth East has now constructed a new library to continue its legacy of supporting lifelong learning.

Completed in September 2010, the new building is barrier-free and has ample space. It has allowed the library to offer more literacy and training programs, among other service enhancements. For example, increased Internet access and computer training programs are now offered.

Now this southern Ontario library can effectively provide information access and resources for individuals and families for yet another century.

Federal contribution: $400,000

New path boosts activity and economy

A multi-use trail along the edge of the Otonabee River in Peterborough
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Peterborough

Residents of Peterborough are enjoying an enhanced waterfront and new active transportation network thanks to financial support from the federal Gas Tax Fund.

The City used the funding to stabilize the shoreline and build a multi-use trail along the edge of the Otonabee River. The trail provides a direct link between Millennium Park in the downtown core and Del Crary Park, which hosts many local events like the Little Lake Musicfest. Connecting these two premier parks provides residents with better access to recreational opportunities. It will also help stimulate the economy by drawing more visitors into the downtown core.

The trail is wide enough to accommodate all users and fully accessible to people with mobility impairments. Built to support the City's green infrastructure initiatives, it provides an attractive, environmentally friendly commuting option for all residents.

"The completion of the Otonabee River Trail between Millennium Park and Del Crary Park is a wonderful accomplishment that has greatly improved our waterfront access, function and presence," remarked Peterborough Mayor, Daryl Bennett.

Restoring Pickering's historical buildings

Pickering Museum Village

Project location: Pickering

In the heart of Durham County lies Pickering Museum Village, Southern Ontario's largest living history museum. This 1800's village re-creates the daily life of Pickering's early settlers, educating visitors on such historical issues as the Temperance Movement (the era's attempt to control alcohol consumption) and offering an inside glimpse into the makings and activities of a 19th-century town.

Pickering Museum Village is a large tourist attraction for Durham County, easily seeing more than 1,000 visitors a day during peak season.

However, the Village's historic buildings had deteriorated over the years and needed to be restored. In fact, one of its focal points, the Brougham Central Hotel, had boards over its windows and was closed to the public. Rodent and termite problems in the Village posed potential health and safety concerns.

With a contribution from the Communities Component of the federal Building Canada Fund, four of the museum's more prominent buildings received immediate attention, guaranteeing their longevity and protection. Work included the installation of new foundations, exterior siding and flooring. A much-needed historical porch was also added to the Redman House.

Later work saw the installation of new walkways and street lighting to increase pedestrian safety. Drainage and grading were also improved.

Fully completed in June 2012, the restoration of this historical village demonstrates how a little bit of the present can help safe-guard the past for future generations to enjoy.

Federal contribution: $295,000

Improved water management

The sewers and water mains are being replaced along two streets in the older part of the town in Picton

Project location: Picton

Located on the north shore of Lake Ontario along the Bay of Quinte, Picton is a destination for tourists who come to Prince Edward County's many cottage communities, historic sites and wineries, and to admire its beautiful vistas.

But Picton's water and sewer systems, with cast iron water mains and clay sewers, were out of date and running out of capacity.

With a commitment of $2 million from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, Prince Edward County set to work to rehabilitate Picton's infrastructure. Below grade, 1930s-era water mains and sewers were replaced along two streets in the older part of the town. The work also involved upgrading sidewalks and curbs.

The modernized water and sewer system is providing more dependable services and helping ensure sufficient water pressure is available for firefighters. Improved roads and sidewalks have also facilitated traffic flow and increased safety for cyclists and pedestrians.

Federal contribution: $2,056,667

Improvements to South Shore Road

South Shore Road, Parry Sound

Project location: Pointe au Baril Station

Pointe au Baril Station is a waterfront community on Georgian Bay and provides access and services to more than 1,500 water-access cottages, 500 local residences, pleasure boaters and tourists.

The existing road infrastructure of the Station entails three main roads: Highway 69, South Shore Road (Hwy 644), and North Shore Road.

The infrastructure of Hwy 644 was dated and had road drainage issues. There were also vehicle versus pedestrian safety concerns in the community and insufficient parking to accommodate permanent residents, seasonal ratepayers and tourists.

This project involved the realignment and restoration of 800 metres of South Shore Road (Hwy 644). A sidewalk was installed and roadside parking added.

Archipelago Reeve, Peter Ketchum, expressed appreciation for the federal support when it was announced, commenting that "the Building Canada Fund - Community Component funding will allow the Township of The Archipelago to repair the dilapidated South Shore Road, not only making it safer for motorists and pedestrians but also enhancing the entrance to our picturesque village of Pointe au Baril."

Federal contribution: $597,714

Consolidating municipal operations to cut costs and improve efficiency

The fully renovated Joint Operations Centre in Port Hope

Project location: Port Hope

Located only one hour east of Toronto and acclaimed for its heritage designation, Port Hope is an inviting place to live, visit and do business.

Enjoying a steady growth in its population and economy, this community has made long-term sustainability a priority. Facilitating municipal operations and cutting costs are part of that vision.

The town recently consolidated its municipal works, water distribution and parks departments by updating and expanding its existing Public Works maintenance building. Once scattered among different locations throughout the community, these departments are now under one roof. This reduces the amount of time workers spend on the road, greenhouse gas emissions, and fleet wear and tear. It also means cost savings, as the municipality no longer needs to rent space for these operations.

The fully renovated Joint Operations Centre now has enough space for all administrative staff, materials, equipment and maintenance operations. The facility also features new green technologies such as geo-thermal heating and energy efficient lighting.

Port Hope successfully applied for funding to the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, to help make this project possible.

Federal contribution: $1,672,448

Meeting long-term transportation goals

Smithfield Overhead Bridge replacement in Quinte West

Project location: Quinte West

In planning for the Smithfield Overhead Bridge replacement, Quinte West's city council wanted a structure that would meet the needs of the community for years to come. The old bridge was reaching the end of its lifespan and load restrictions hampered the movement of local trucks and farm equipment. Rail lines through the region were becoming busier, and bicyclists and pedestrians needed safe access to the nearby Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail.

Thanks to over $2.3 million in funding from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, matched by the province and the municipality, and with financial investments from the rail companies too, workers completed the new bridge in August 2010.

The new bridge has no load restrictions and is wider to improve safety. Farmers can now move their heavy equipment and loads more efficiently without having to take detours. For pedestrians and cyclists, the bridge provides a safe crossing point to recreational trails for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Additional tracks installed in the wider corridor under the bridge are also accommodating more rail traffic through this part of the much-used Québec City-Montréal-Toronto-Windsor corridor.

The new Smithfield Overhead Bridge is expected to meet transportation needs in the region for the next 75 years, the projected lifespan of the new structure.

Federal contribution: $2,365,833

Efficiency improvements for recreational hub

The Red Rock Recreation Centre has delivered quality recreational services to the township's residents for over 50 years in Red Rock
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Red Rock

Located on the edge of Nipigon Bay surrounded by beautiful countryside, the Township of Red Rock offers an impressive array of outdoor recreational opportunities.

The Red Rock Recreation Centre has delivered quality recreational services to the township's residents for over 50 years. It houses an arena, gymnasium, curling rink, bowling alley, community meeting rooms, and more.

To bring the aging Centre up to current environmental standards, the Township combined financial support from the federal Gas Tax Fund with a contribution from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund to improve the facility's energy efficiency.

Work crews replaced the roof shingles, installed an insulated ceiling in the arena and placed metal cladding over the exterior block walls. At the curling club, they installed a dehumidifier to help refrigerate the ice more efficiently and a positive pressure ventilation system to improve moisture control.

This project is a prime example of how the federal Gas Tax Fund helps municipalities rehabilitate public infrastructure to achieve more positive environmental outcomes.

Federal contribution: $352,002 from the Building Canada Fund + Gas Tax funding.

Old house, new recreation space

A house built in 1828 in Richmond Hill, is restored to its original character and detailing

Project location: Richmond Hill

A house built in 1828 in Richmond Hill is restored to its original character and detailing, with interior spaces upgraded to support programming for youth who might not otherwise be inclined to participate in active recreation.

The heritage structure and surrounding parkland are all that is left of the David Eyer homestead, one of the earliest Pennsylvania-German Mennonite dwellings still standing in the city.

Thanks to a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, matched provincially and municipally, Eyer House meets current building standards. The project improved accessibility, wiring and telecommunications, the heating and ventilation system, insulation, and installed an alarm system and sprinklers.

New programming space includes two general-purpose rooms, a computer room, kitchen and a preparation room. Planned outside facilities include a giant chessboard, basketball hoop, grassed areas for informal games and a ropes course to promote physical activity and team building.

A full slate of indoor and outdoor activities is planned with the home becoming Richmond Hill's base for delivering youth-oriented programming in the city.

Federal contribution: $1,020,000

New multi-purpose building delivers immediate benefits to residents

A new multi-purpose facility in the hamlet of Madewaska, in South Algonquin

Project location: South Algonquin

Before the Township of South Algonquin built a new multi-purpose facility in the hamlet of Madawaska, community services were delivered to a highly dispersed population through three small, outdated buildings.

Courtesy of a financial contribution through the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the people of South Algonquin now have a safe, accessible and energy-efficient building that houses their community centre, library and fire hall.

Adjacent to the ice rink and baseball diamond, this community hub will provide 1,200 residents and an equal number of seasonal cottage residents with central access to cultural and educational services. The building will also provide space for a shared clinic, an Ontario Provincial Police community policing division and First Nations meetings.

"This new building will allow for better integrated services for the residents and visitors of the Township of South Algonquin," said Township Mayor Percy Bresnahan. "[It] will revitalize the community of Madawaska and the surrounding area by providing a much needed facility for year round services and activities that were not previously available."

Economically, constructing a new building that would support the community development needs over the next several decades made perfect sense. Savings in heating and maintenance alone will account for about $20,000 each year.

Federal contribution: $500,000

Energy-efficient municipal complex

A new energy-efficient municipal complex in South Stormont

Project location: South Stormont

The new town hall for the Township of South Stormont in Eastern Ontario provides residents with what Mayor Bryan McGillis calls a "first-rate modern facility" that reflects a "positive future" for the Township.

Made possible with funding of over $900,000 from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, together with equal shares from the province and the municipality, the multi-functional building centralizes township offices in one energy efficient, low maintenance structure designed to reduce operational costs now and in the future.

The new complex includes a community hall that accommodates up to 285 people. The hall also functions as the Township's emergency operations and training centre. The entire complex has been wired for high-speed connectivity.

The completely accessible building gives residents central access to municipal services and a modern facility for social functions, community events and meetings.

Federal contribution: $904,739

Investing in the future by consolidating maintenance buildings

The new maintenance garage in Stone Mills

Project location: Stone Mills

The Township of Stone Mills is located east of Greater Napanee in Lennox and Addington County. Known for rolling green hillsides, rugged limestone outcroppings and picturesque lakes, it places a high priority on conserving and protecting the environment.

This is one reason the Township decided it was time to build a new facility that could house all its maintenance vehicles. The equipment was previously dispersed among four separate buildings in three different locations, causing gas consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to be unnecessarily high. The garages were also built to lower energy efficiency standards.

Thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the Township now has a brand new maintenance garage in Centreville. It has plenty of room to accommodate the fleet's three road graders and twelve snowplows and sanders, and includes an area for repair work and office space for various municipal departments.

The building also features many green technologies and environmental safeguards, including upgraded fuel tanks, a fuel consumption tracking system and a solar-paneled roof.

These improvements will help Stone Mills provide high-quality, environmentally responsible municipal services to its residents for years to come.

Federal contribution: $833,550

Improving safety—supporting economic growth

The new, 10,000-square-foot hangar in the St. Thomas Municipal Airport

Project location: St. Thomas

To attract more light jet traffic, improve overall safety and support the local economy, the City of St. Thomas used a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to build a much-needed hangar at the airport.

With this new 10,000-square-foot hangar now completed, jets are protected from the weather year-round and maintenance crews can work in a safe, climate-controlled space. It also means emergency medical needs and delicate cargo can be unloaded without exposure to the elements. For pilots, the hangar provides space to plan their flights and get some rest during down time.

"This important new hangar allows the St. Thomas Municipal Airport to more safely accommodate industrial, commercial, health and recreational aviation clients," said former Mayor Cliff Barwick. "But the benefits of its existence reach further into our community. It also ensures that the airport is positioned to receive more aircraft, and in turn, support our local economy."

Federal contribution: $500,000

Outdoor amphitheatre revitalization

The Grace Hartman Amphitheatre in Sudbury

Project location: Sudbury

Built as a centennial project in 1967, the Grace Hartman Amphitheatre, located in downtown Sudbury's Bell Park, had long been an essential venue for special events, public gatherings and annual festivals. But crumbling concrete seating and a substandard stage area had left the facility unused in recent years.

Thanks to the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund and matching provincial and municipal contributions, the Amphitheatre received a facelift and upgrades.

The concrete seating was replaced. Improved security and easier set-ups facilitated by the new stage, dressing room, roof and sound system are making it easier to attract more and bigger events and concerts to Sudbury. Existing events, such as the Northern Lights Festival, will also be able to expand.

Additionally, the main entrance to Bell Park incorporates upgraded access roads, pathways, parking, site lighting and the box office. The Amphitheatre is more accessible to people with disabilities and new landscaping acts as a sound buffer around the property.

Sandra Harris, former Executive Director of the Northern Lights Festival, described Bell Park as "the jewel of Sudbury."

Federal contribution: $1,665,000

Vital north-south link gets improvements

Highway 69 in Sudbury, Ontario

Project location: Sudbury

When it opened to the public in the 1950s, Highway 69 provided southern Ontario residents and businesses with a much-needed alternative to taking Highway 11 north and Highway 17 west to get to Sudbury and points further northwest.

Since then, population growth in the communities along the corridor, as well as greater seasonal and commercial traffic, led to congestion and highway access issues. The road was often closed due to collisions.

To alleviate this, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation implemented the Highway 69 Action Plan. The Plan outlines a long-term strategy for completing the expansion of the highway to four lanes from Parry Sound in the south to Sudbury in the north, a corridor over 150 kilometres long.

Thanks to financial support from the Government of Canada's Building Canada Fund–Major Infrastructure Component, eight-kilometres of lane expansion work have now been completed. The expanded highway stretches from the community of Estaire to a newly constructed interchange at the intersection of Highway 637, which was also funded as part of the project. A new underpass with forest access for wildlife and a realignment of the highway to eliminate a series of dangerous "S" curves rounded out the project.

Safety and traffic flow will now be greatly improved along this stretch of Highway 69. This, in turn, will support continued economic development in the region.

Federal contribution: $35,800,000

New paramedic station improving response times

The new paramedic station in Sydenham

Project location: Sydenham

Beautiful Canadian Shield geography and communities situated by lakes and rivers are just two of the reasons why people have been migrating to the eastern Ontario Township of South Frontenac in recent decades and as the region's population grew, so too did the need for increased municipal services.

Frontenac Paramedic Services responds to 20,000 emergency calls a year and operates a fleet of 22 vehicles. Fifty-three per cent of the total rural call volume comes from the southern part of the township. Until recently, however, there was no paramedic station in this area, forcing ambulances to travel long distances to respond to emergencies.

A new paramedic station, including two ambulance bays, office space and staff quarters is now complete and located in Sydenham.

As the regional hub for this part of the township, the new station is reducing ambulance response times by a factor of three. The big benefit for local citizens – increased patient safety and survival rates.

Federal contribution: $250,000

South Bruce gets revamped library

The newly renovated interior of the Carnegie Library in Teeswater

Project location: Teeswater

The Municipality of South Bruce includes the former rural townships of Carrick and Culross, the hamlet of Formosa, and the villages of Mildmay and Teeswater. It is the gateway to beautiful Bruce County for travellers from southern Ontario and beyond.

In November 2010, South Bruce held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of renovations to the historic Carnegie Library in Teeswater. Originally built in 1914, the building was not fully accessible, didn't meet current energy efficiency standards, and lacked the space to expand its resources and programming.

Using a funding contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the library now has an accessible entrance, wheelchair friendly washrooms, and an elevator. Electrical and heating upgrades were also completed. The facility now boasts almost 1,000 square feet of additional space for public use.

These improvements have restored and expanded a key local facility and will go a long way in reducing maintenance costs. The library will continue to encourage learning and foster a sense of community, while providing additional resources and services.

Federal contribution: $115,000

New green space 'turning point' for community

New green space in the Village of Thedford

Project location: Thedford

Part of the Municipality of Lambton Shores, the Village of Thedford lacked a suitable outdoor gathering place for the community.

Now, thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, residents and visitors alike are reaping the benefits of a new community park.

The Thedford Village Green is a multi-use space designed in keeping with the municipal community plan, which incorporates a consistent look and feel for all of the towns and villages it encompases.

It also acts as a civic square, providing residents with a beautiful outdoor gathering spot in the downtown core. With a children's playground, bike loops, walkways, lighting, a pavilion and many other features, the park is helping to bring the townsfolk out to play and meet. The many gardens, shrubs, and trees featured in the park are also helping rejuvenate the area.

Former Mayor Gord Minielly considers the Village Green a turning point for Lambton Shores. "With this new parkette and the soon-to-be completed Legacy Centre, it is starting its revitalization and creating a fantastic base for the future of this community," he proclaimed when the project was first announced.

Federal contribution: $167,899.37

Big improvements for Victoria Park commuters

Victoria Park bus terminal in Toronto

Project location: Toronto

With over 1.5 million Torontonians using public transportation daily, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is focused on maintaining reliable service.

At Victoria Park Station, a key transit hub on the Bloor-Danforth line, a number of longstanding design and structural issues lead the TTC to initiate a major modernization project in 2008.

The bus bays at this station had been on a deck above the parking lot and transfer corridors. Over the years, deck corrosion increased to the point of becoming a serious safety concern. Run-down, cramped entranceways and sidewalks limited station access. Wheelchair ramps were non-existent.

With the help of a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the TTC built a new bus terminal at street level. Ramps, elevators and wider, automated entranceways make the station fully accessible. The project also improved the Victoria Park pedestrian bridge, and widened Victoria Park Avenue to make way for bike lanes. The facility incorporates a living roof that uses grasses and other vegetation to improve its insulation value and better manage storm water. Rounding out the new station's features are aesthetic enhancements, better signage.

These completed upgrades are improving the safety and general commuter experience of Victoria Park Transit Station users now and for years to come.

Federal contribution: $7,582,333

Getting creative with urban development

Regent Park in Toronto, Ontario
Photo courtesy of Diamond and Schmitt Architects

Project location: Toronto

Established in 1948, Regent Park was Canada's first and is now its largest social housing development. Made up of residents from 56 different countries who speak 47 different languages, it is one of downtown Toronto's most dynamic communities.

To support the neighbourhood's evolution from transitional housing to a thriving residential community, the City of Toronto is undertaking a six-phase project to revitalize the area and develop a higher quality of life for residents. A key part of the second phase of this massive initiative—the building of the Regent Park Arts and Cultural Centre—opened to the public in September 2012.

Called the Daniels Spectrum, the new, 18,288-square-metre centre has brought seven cultural organizations dedicated to developing arts and social programming together under one roof. Custom-designed to showcase and foster local arts talent, the facility includes soundproof music studios and rehearsal space, art galleries, a 400-seat theatre that can be adapted to multiple purposes, and a courtyard featuring an outdoor stage.

These features represent a big step forward for the organizations making the centre their home. Many of these organizations had previously worked out of church basements and other make-shift spaces. They also have a new opportunity to share ideas, resources and inspiration for the benefit of residents.

Made possible by financial support from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the Regent Park Arts and Cultural Centre has provided some much-needed arts infrastructure that will encourage the community to celebrate and develop its creative potential.

Federal contribution: $12,000,000

Major library revitalization project

The Toronto Reference Library

Project location: Toronto

The Toronto Reference Library's goal is to be the city's foremost public centre for lifelong learning, idea exchange and community engagement.

The role of libraries and user needs have changed dramatically since the building was constructed in 1977, so the Toronto Public Library embarked on a major capital project that would completely renovate the facility.

Construction started on the main and second floors in 2009 thanks to a fund-raising campaign by the Toronto Public Library Foundation and a financial contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

These state-of-the-art floors now feature more research and computer areas, exhibition space, a gift store and a coffee shop. The changes better reflect the way people study, seek and share information. An updated entranceway, a "green" roof and more efficient electrical controls improved the building's energy efficiency.

At the time of the project's announcement, Matthew Church, then-Chair of the Toronto Public Library Board, remarked that it "will provide users with more and better technology to access the library's rich resources, study areas to meet their unique needs, and an open forum for community dialogue."

Federal contribution: $3,000,000

New generation of streetcars coming to Toronto

New Toronto Transit Commission streetcar
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Toronto

The streetcar has evolved from its horse-drawn days to become one of the most efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly modes of public transit.

The Toronto Transit Commission's (TTC's) streetcar system is the largest in North America. It provides most of the downtown core's surface transit service and moved more than 87 million passengers over 13 million kilometres in 2011 alone.

With this level of ridership, maintaining streetcar safety and accommodating more passengers are top priorities for the City.

After 30 years of service, the current fleet of light rail vehicles is due for retirement. Thanks to the federal Gas Tax Fund, the City of Toronto has purchased 204 new streetcars to replace them.

A product of more than three years of collaborative planning between the TTC and the manufacturer, these low-floor, modern streetcars will be able to carry more passengers and be accessible to people with disabilities for the first time. Air conditioning is another new feature of the updated vehicles, an amenity many will appreciate during Toronto's hot summers.

The prototypes are currently being tested to determine if any changes are required ahead of production. The first streetcars are expected to be fully operational by the fall of 2013, with the rest coming into service over a five-year period.

Preserving a treasured cultural asset

A new gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto

Project location: Toronto

Scarcely needing an introduction, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is one of North America's finest museums of natural history and world cultures. Located in Toronto, the museum opened to the public in 1914.

Although the heritage buildings that house the ROM are considered part of the museum's architectural assets, their mechanical, electrical, heating and ventilation systems were badly outdated. Moreover, several pieces of the museum's collection were in storage due to limited exhibit space.

With a financial contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the ROM constructed three new galleries, and updated its existing buildings' structure, flooring and lighting, as well as the mechanical and environmental systems. Security improvements and restorative work were also included.

Adding more than 2,100 square metres to its public exhibition space, these stunning new galleries are now allowing visitors to explore the ancient civilizations of Imperial Rome and Byzantium, and better enjoy the museum's many other major exhibits.

Also incorporating the latest in museum exhibit technology, this project has helped preserve the ROM's position as one of Canada's most treasured cultural assets.

Federal contribution: $2,750,000

Rebuilding the home that rebuilds lives

Toronto's Interval House

Project location: Toronto

Toronto's Interval House provides counselling, advocacy, legal and housing programs and services for women trying to escape domestic violence. It was Canada's first shelter, offering a safe haven for abused women and children since 1973.

When the organization moved into its current location in 2005, it had planned to develop the unfinished top floor to improve and expand its services. This vision has now become a reality thanks to a contribution from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

Completed in September 2010, the renovations added a new counselling room, classroom and computer lab, and updated the kitchen. The shelter's signature program, Building Economic Self-Sufficiency, also got a dedicated resource centre and space for its Career and Household Boutique of donated items. The outdated and undersized children's area got a revamp as well. It is now a bright, cheerful area for free play and art therapy, or can serve as quiet space for counselling and homework.

With these improvements, Interval House can continue to meet the needs of women and children in crisis.

Federal contribution: $250,000

Revitalizing a legendary landmark

The Mattamy Athletic Centre.

Project location: Toronto

The President of Ryerson University, Sheldon Levy, called it a "game changer" for his university and the City of Toronto.

With $20 million from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Ryerson University has transformed part of the former Maple Leaf Gardens into a sports facility for the university that also provides more academic space and improved recreational opportunities for the entire city.

The new, almost 67,000-square-metre Mattamy Athletic Centre more than doubles the university's athletic space. It includes a full-sized skating rink, a running track, basketball and volleyball courts, and a fitness centre with studios and a high-performance gym.

Loblaw Companies Ltd also renovated and developed the ground floor of the Gardens for retail use.

The existing façade and roof lines were preserved while redeveloping and retrofitting the interior to maximize the building's functionality in a sustainable, energy-efficient manner.

Revitalizing this historic Toronto landmark has not only improved downtown sports and university facilities, it has also helped enhance the connection between past and future generations.

Federal contribution: $20,000,000

Safer, more reliable commuting

Subway track along the Yonge/University/Spadina and Bloor/Danforth lines in Toronto

Project location: Toronto

Timely investment in track renewal is an important part of maintaining and increasing public use of subway transit systems. It also plays an essential role in keeping passengers safe.

In Toronto, almost one million people already use the subway every day. With this ridership and the goal of encouraging more people to use public transit, the federal government contributed one third of the costs, through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, to update stretches of badly deteriorated outdoor tracks on some of Toronto's busiest lines.

Tracks in several locations along the Yonge/University/Spadina and Bloor/Danforth lines were replaced to improve the safety and reliability of the system. The upgrades made the system safer and reduced commute times. The work also reduced ongoing maintenance costs for the Toronto Transit Commission.

This project was supported by the Government of Canada to expand and modernize public transportation in the City of Toronto.

Federal contribution: $1,590,667

New bridge improves local routes and access to trails

Webb Road in Uxbridge

Project location: Uxbridge

With hundreds of kilometres of trails and 3,237 hectares of land, the Township of Uxbridge is known as the Trail Capital of Canada. Its lush south-central Ontario countryside is also home to a prosperous farming community, including a major grain handling depot.

The township's Webb Road crosses West Duffin Creek at the Glasgow Bridge and provides a direct route to the grain facility.

Until recently, however, the bridge's width and weight restrictions made it inaccessible to large agricultural vehicles. Because of this, farm equipment operators were forced to detour around Webb Road, lengthening their travel times and increasing fuel consumption.

To address this problem, the township applied for a financial contribution from the Communities Component of the federal government's Building Canada Fund. Funding was approved from the special top-up funds set aside as part of the Economic Action Plan.

With the new bridge now in place, vehicles of almost any weight can cross it. This is helping streamline trucking routes and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With two full lanes and a new pedestrian/cycling walkway, the bridge has also improved safety for those accessing the area's recreational trails.

Federal contribution: $275,000

Green energy for a future based on the environment

Solar panels on the Wawa Wastewater Treatment Plant building in Wawa
Economic Action Plan button

Project location: Wawa

The Municipality of Wawa is located along the shoreline of Lake Superior in northeastern Ontario and counts tourism, mining and forestry as its main industries. Considering the town's connection to the environment, it's not surprising that the community decided to invest a portion of its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation into producing "green" energy.

In January 2012, Wawa celebrated the installation of a new solar power system. The panels are connected to the provincial power grid and housed on top of several municipal buildings.

The system produces 63.46 kilowatts of clean energy for the area per year and is expected to generate $53,000 annually in municipal revenue. This will be reinvested to offset the operational and maintenance costs of municipal buildings. The system is also expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1,129 tonnes over the next 25 years.

Supporting a cleaner environment and contributing to the local economy, this project will advance Wawa's commitment to sustainability in two critical areas for years to come.

Upgrades to Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre

Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre in Wawa

Project location: Wawa

The Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre opened in Wawa in 1996. This multi-purpose recreation facility combines an arena and curling facilities, meeting and special events space, squash courts, a fitness centre, a dance studio, showers and a sauna area. Residents from neighbouring communities including White River, Dubreuilville and Hawk Junction also use the Centre.

To bring the building up to date, the Town used financial support from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund to replace the arena's dasher board, build higher plexiglass barriers around the rink for spectator safety, replace vinyl flooring with stone tiles and add stadium seating.

These improvements are helping the Town attract more sporting events and residents from neighbouring communities, which also brings positive economic spin-offs.

As Howard Whent, the Mayor of the Municipality of Wawa stated, "This will have a very positive impact on the local economy."

Federal contribution: $58,333

Bolstering community spirit

The new arena in Wellington

Project location: Wellington

Located on the shores of Lake Ontario and with the largest freshwater sand dunes in the world, Prince Edward County welcomes over 100,000 tourists every year. Its reputation as a prime family vacation destination is second only to the passion that residents feel about living there.

In the county's Village of Wellington, the community centre plays an important role. Among other functions, it houses the village's only arena, which is home to the popular junior hockey league team, the Wellington Dukes.

Until recently, the aging community centre wasn't fully accessible and was expensive to maintain. An under-sized ice surface also forced the Dukes to get special league permission to play games there.

Thanks to federal support from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, this is no longer a problem.

Now fully accessible, the new centre boasts an NHL-sized ice pad, a walking track, exercise equipment and change rooms. The large community room has its own kitchen, while a smaller multi-purpose room can be used for a variety of activities. Modern mechanical and electrical upgrades also help reduce operational costs.

Today the Wellington Dukes are happy to play on their home ice, and their fans have ample room to cheer them on.

Federal contribution: $3,949,000

Preserving history in Wellington County

The Wellington County Museum and Archives, in Ontario

Project location: Wellington County

The Wellington County Museum and Archives building dates back to 1877 and traces the region's social, agricultural, economic and cultural history.

This important landmark, however, lacked proper ventilation and lighting, wasn't fully accessible, and had run out of space for its increasing collections and visitor volume.

To meet the important goals of preservation and public accessibility, Wellington County applied for a contribution from the Communities Component of the federal Building Canada Fund to expand the museum and bring it up to current standards for archival care.

The project was also facilitated by the accelerated federal environmental assessment approach, established in 2009, which allows projects for the renewal of existing infrastructure to move forward more quickly.

The addition incorporates new energy-efficient climate, lighting and safety controls. It provides plenty of space and has barrier-free entrances and washrooms.

Former Museum Administrator Bonnie Callen couldn't be more pleased with the upgrades. "Now the documents, photographs, maps, newspapers and municipal records at the Wellington County Museum and Archives have a fitting home."

Federal contribution: $1,522,800

Keeping up with transportation growth and development

The Ayton Maintenance Depot in West Grey

Project location: West Grey

The Municipality of West Grey in southwestern Ontario consists of the former Townships of Bentinck, Glenelg and Normanby; the former Village of Neustadt; and the former Town of Durham.

When the Durham Maintenance Depot opened in 1975, it was an innovative facility with a large bay door, room for additional road maintenance supplies and an office. That was over three decades ago. Since then, local road development and improvements in maintenance equipment have made the 35-year-old building obsolete. It also needed to be relocated. This prompted West Grey to apply for funding from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

With the funding they received, the Municipality has built a depot in a more central location. The new Ayton Maintenance Depot has 20,000 square feet and eight bays with ample room for maintenance supplies and offices. The building can now house the larger trucks used today, as well as the municipality's backhoe and road grader.

This new facility will deliver more efficient and better road maintenance and services to the residents of West Grey.

Federal contribution: $500,000

New animal shelter brings new beginning

Durham Region Humane Society in Whitby

Project location: Whitby

Just days before the holidays in December 2008, a fire destroyed the Durham Region Humane Society and tragically claimed the lives of more than 140 animals.

The community and nearby shelters quickly came to the aid of the devastated staff and volunteers, offering temporary homes and care for the handful of remaining animals. Other support arrived in the form of much-needed financial assistance for the urgent construction of a new facility.

Thanks, in part, to a contribution from the federal government's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, a modernized and more spacious shelter opened its doors. Built on two acres of land in central Whitby, the new building boasts an advanced ventilation system and environmentally friendly lighting to reduce energy costs. New features include indoor/outdoor dog-runs and an off-leash play area to ensure the shelter's tenants get exercise.

"We are overwhelmed by the amount of support from the community and the Government," says Karen Martens, President of the Humane Society of Durham. "I can't thank Infrastructure Canada enough for their contribution."

Federal contribution: $697,000

New community centre and library for Whitby

The Brooklin Community Centre and Library in Whitby

Project location: Whitby

The Brooklin Community Centre and Library project is an important one for the Town of Whitby. Until recently, space for community services was scarce and concentrated in an inconvenient location. The town's library was also in need of replacement.

Recognizing the many benefits a new centre would bring to the community in Whitby's application for funding, the federal government pitched in to help build a new one with a contribution from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

The new 3,716-square-metre building is located in the heart of Whitby's downtown. It includes a library, large divisible gymnasium, craft room and multi-purpose banquet room. It also has a seniors' activity room, youth centre, dedicated pre-school program space and a number of small meeting rooms.

The entire community now enjoys recreational, social and educational opportunities.

Federal contribution: $4,853,333

Updating to the central meeting place for town activities

the Hagerman Community Centre in Whitestone

Project location: Whitestone

In many locations, the community centre is the very heart of small town life. It's the place where celebrations are held, meetings occur, public events, seminars and conferences happen, and the place where everyone comes together to get active.

Located in the Village of Dunchurch, the Hagerman Community Centre was built in 1982. It serves the Municipality of Whitestone and other small communities north of Parry Sound. Until it received funding through the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund for renovations, the centre had been showing its age and need for repair.

Completed in December 2009, restoration work included the installation of heavy duty commercial tiles on the floor and energy efficient toilets and sinks in the washrooms. The walls and ceiling were refreshed with new paint and the windows dressed with energy-saving window shades.

For Dunchurch and its member municipalities, this community centre can continue to be frequently and well used by the community for many years to come.

Federal contribution: $16,667

From condemned building to vibrant community hall

The new community centre in Williamsford

Project location: Williamsford

The Hamlet of Williamsford is located just south of Owen Sound in the Township of Chatsworth. With its ice rink, curling rink and upper-level hall space, the hamlet's community centre was a hub for local sporting and social activities since 1957.

As the years passed, however, the building's age began to show and in 2007, the skating rink was condemned and closed.

Now, with help from the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the community's main gathering place has been fully restored and re-opened.

The project entailed reinforcing the building's structure and doubling the size of the meeting hall, while addressing health, safety, energy efficiency and accessibility issues.

Williamsford is now set to promote community participation and spirit, and to attract more residents to the area.

Federal contribution: $250,000

Airport Operations Building Rehabilitation

Airport Operations Building Rehabilitation in Windsor

Project location: Windsor

The Airport Operations Building Rehabilitation project at the Windsor International Airport upgraded two important primary facilities – the Airport Terminal Building and the Combined Services Building. Both buildings dated back to 1950s. "Today, we are using the airport to attract jobs, encourage development, and to work for the people of our City," commented Eddie Francis, the Mayor of Windsor when the project was announced.

This project involved several structural repairs to the Airport Terminal Building and have improved its accessibility, energy efficiency and security. The funding went towards new automatic terminal doors, heating and cooling upgrades and the replacement of outdated telecommunication lines. New fibre optic cables were also added to better serve the call centre, airport and NAV Canada operations. The Combined Services Building received new windows, doors and siding.

"Four years ago, no one was thinking about the potential of our airport. It was just there," added Mayor Francis. "We have taken control of our assets - ensuring our airport, tunnel and infrastructure are there for us, operating more efficiently and effectively."

These improvements have extended the useful life of the buildings while bringing them in line with current building codes.

Federal contribution: $750,000

Facilitating future growth

Facilitating future growth in Windsor

Project location: Windsor

The site was perfect for development: 2,500 hectares of land just north of one of North America's busiest highway corridors—the 401—and very near Windsor International Airport. The City of Windsor realized its worth for residential, commercial and industrial development and began planning for the future.

Called the Sandwich South Employment Lands, the massive undertaking involved laying 12 kilometres of new sanitary sewers. This work was made possible thanks to $30 million in financial support split equally between the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Windsor. The federal support came from the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.

In the short term, the project created 327 much-needed local jobs at a time when the entire area was feeling the effects of layoffs in the automotive industry. In the long term, the foundation has been laid for community growth and economic development that will be felt for years to come.

Federal contribution: $10,000,000

Aspiring athletes receive new sports centre

The new sports field house and multi-purpose hall in Woodstock

Project location: Woodstock

Woodstock is a picturesque town nestled in the rolling hills and farmland of southwestern Ontario's Oxford County. It has produced a handful of promising young athletes in recent years and along with them, the need for better training opportunities.

Oxford County previously had no public indoor sports facilities. Sports teams had to travel to London or Kitchener to use an indoor field. This was expensive and the competition for turf time meant limited access.

With a financial contribution from the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, Woodstock became the proud owner of a new sports field house and multi-purpose hall. The new facilities, located in central Cowan Park, opened to much enthusiasm.

"The Soccer Club has enjoyed a 147 per cent increase in our Indoor Soccer House League and developmental programs," Duane Griffith, President of the Woodstock Soccer Club indicated about the immediate benefits. "The indoor walking track is also a huge success with 465 members using the track seven days a week."

The field house features a full-size indoor soccer field and an exercise track on the second level. The multi-purpose hall includes a gymnasium and can be used for important community events, such as receptions or banquets.

Federal contribution: $1,700,000