Building for Prosperity: Public Infrastructure in Manitoba

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Minister's Message from Minister Lebel

Photo of the Honorable Denis Lebel

The Honorable Denis Lebel,
P.C., M.P.

Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Region of Quebec

Safe, modern and efficient public infrastructure is key to Canada's economic growth and long term prosperity. Knowing how important infrastructure is to our country as a whole, and to the quality of life of every Canadian, I am proud to be leading the development of a long-term plan for public infrastructure that extends beyond the expiry of the Building Canada Plan. A new long-term infrastructure plan will position our nation to meet the challenges and opportunities of the coming decades.

Through Canada's Economic Action Plan and our infrastructure programs, our government has maintained an open dialogue with partners and stakeholders about the best way to support national and local priorities through infrastructure investments. Moving forward we will continue to work closely on infrastructure projects that make a difference for communities large and small. From the Floodway that protects a region to a skate park aimed at local youth in Brandon, together, we have made Canada a better place in which to live, work and do business.

As the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, I am very proud of the achievements that have been made possible through partnerships with the Province of Manitoba and its municipalities. Looking ahead, these strong ties will form the foundation of our next long-term infrastructure plan and ensure Canadian communities continue to grow and prosper.

Working together, we will accomplish more and ensure Canada remains well-positioned for the future.

Minister's Message from Minister Lemieux

Photo of the Honorable Ron Lemieux

The Honourable Ron Lemieux
Minister of Local Government

Good roads, excellent recreation opportunities and other amenities, such as a strong health care system, safe water and education and training opportunities, make Manitoba a great place to build a home and raise a family.

Investments in our infrastructure support a broad range of services for Manitobans, communities and municipalities. Infrastructure investments are also creating steady growth and new jobs, leading to exciting opportunities and a high quality of life for Manitoba families.

These kinds of innovative projects benefit our communities by fostering economic development and strengthening the skill sets of Manitobans. As the Minister of Local Government, I am proud of the partnerships we have forged to build strong economic opportunities for urban, rural and northern communities across our province.

We will continue to work with our federal and municipal partners to further build our province. These partnerships are very important. They help our communities thrive and keep Manitoba moving forward.

We are proud of the work that has been done and is underway to build quality infrastructure and transportation networks in this province. We will continue to invest in our Province's future.

Success Through Partnership

Working Together to Accomplish More

Since 2007, federal, provincial and municipal governments have made significant investments in public infrastructure in the Province of Manitoba. More recently, Canada's Economic Action Plan accelerated existing programs and delivered new funding to create jobs and support economic growth. With a focus on job creation, economic growth, transportation and flood protection, infrastructure commitments under the Building Canada Fund, the Green Infrastructure Fund and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund's investments in Manitoba now total over $629 million.[1] The result: more than 150 projects across Manitoba, helping create the right conditions for economic growth and long-term prosperity. The investments and projects cover many types of infrastructure:

  • transportation:
    57 projects worth more than $285 million
  • green infrastructure:
    27 projects worth more than $94 million
  • sports and recreation:
    40 projects worth more than $118 million
  • drinking water:
    31 projects worth more than $91 million
  • culture and tourism:
    6 projects worth more than $13 million

Infrastructure Funding by Category

Infrastructure Funding by Category

[1]Based on total eligible costs

Note that these totals do not include funding associated with the $665 million Manitoba Floodway project, which was funded by provincial and federal governments under Building Canada and the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund.

Partnership in Action

Working together to build infrastructure achieves local and regional priorities while supporting national objectives. The Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the cornerstone of the Government of Canada's Economic Action Plan, has demonstrated what strong partnerships can accomplish. During the global economic downturn all orders of government responded quickly and effectively to identify shovel-ready projects, drive employment and boost the economy through 110 infrastructure projects in Manitoba worth more than $324 million. These projects will provide lasting benefits to communities across Manitoba.

In addition to Infrastructure Canada's programs, the Government of Canada provided $24 million for First Nations infrastructure projects in Manitoba. Thanks to the partnership and strong cooperation among all orders of government and stakeholders, First Nation communities received significant support for housing and drinking water infrastructure.

Gas Tax Fund at Work in Manitoba

Local Projects, Long-term Results

Each year, Canada's Gas Tax Fund is delivered to municipalities across the country to support local infrastructure initiatives and encourage economic growth. Increased to $2 billion per year nationally in 2009 and made permanent in 2011, the Fund supports municipal infrastructure projects that create jobs. Between 2005 and 2014, Manitoba will receive a total of $431.9 million from the Gas Tax Fund for local infrastructure priorities.

Gas Tax Expenditures by Category
2005-06 to 2010-11

Text description of figure 2

Did you Know?

  • In Manitoba, 38 communities have made investments under the Gas Tax Fund in wastewater upgrades, resulting in enhanced water protection and cleaner water for Manitoba citizens.
  • Close to 70 percent of Gas Tax funding in Manitoba has been invested in projects to improve local roads and bridges.

Transit Fleet Make-Over in Brandon

Public transit bus in Brandon

Brandon has invested its Gas Tax funds in the purchase of four new 12-metre and seven new 10-metre transit buses. With its state-of-the art low floor buses, Brandon Transit now has the first fully accessible transit fleet in Manitoba. In addition, the new buses will dramatically reduce fleet emissions and provide a complete "make over" of Brandon Transit—some of the buses being replaced have been in service for 22 years.

CentrePort Canada

CentrePort Canada in Winnipeg

CentrePort Canada is North America's newest 20,000-acre inland port and Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ), offering unique access to tri-modal transportation (road, rail and air). Located next to Winnipeg's James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, one of Canada's top cargo airports, CentrePort Canada provides companies with easy access to major national and international road, rail and sea corridors and gateways.

With an investment of $203.2 million from the governments of Canada and Manitoba, CentrePort has taken key steps to solidify Winnipeg's position as a key North American trading centre.

The first major project now under construction is CentrePort Canada Way, a four-lane divided expressway linking the inland port to the Perimeter Highway. The development of this high-speed transportation corridor will reduce congestion for residential traffic and support a smooth transportation network leading to and from Centre Port.

Federal funding for this project comes from the Provincial-Territorial Base Fund and the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative. It is part of a larger federal-provincial announcement of $292.6 million that will also improve the TransCanada Highway, Highway 75 and Winnipeg's Perimeter Highway. These are all key connections to national and international trade corridors that link into CentrePort Canada.

Red River Floodway

Red River Floodway

The Red River Floodway Expansion is one of the most important and historic public infrastructure projects in Manitoba's history. After a two-year environmental assessment process, project construction started on September 23, 2005. The project involves a major expansion of the existing flood protection system, including: excavating 21 million cubic metres of earth from the 48 kilometre floodway channel; replacing and upgrading eight highway and rail bridges that cross the floodway; improving the Inlet Control Structure; expanding the Outlet Control Structure; relocating utilities and services; and making improvements to the West Dike.

By spring of 2009, the floodway expansion project decreased the odds of flooding from 1-in-90 to 1-in-700 year flood. As a result, the project will protect more than 450,000 Manitobans, 140,000 homes, 8,000 businesses, and prevent more than $12 billion in damages to the provincial economy during a major flood.

Work on the final stages of the project is currently underway. The $665 million project was funded on a 50/50 cost-shared basis between the governments of Canada and Manitoba.

Funding Core Infrastructure under the Provincial-Territorial Base Funding

MTS Iceplex

MTS Iceplex, Winnipeg

West Perimeter of CentrePort Canada

Perimeter Highway, Winnipeg

Under the Provincial-Territorial Base Fund, federal, provincial and municipal governments have committed more than $375 million to core infrastructure priorities in Manitoba. A key goal of this fund is to provide provinces and territories with stable long-term funding geared toward their priorities. The funding is streamlined and flexible with simplified administrative requirements.

In Manitoba, highway infrastructure has been a top priority, with the majority of funding helping ensure that Manitobans benefit from the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on highways throughout the province.

Investments are also being made in initiatives that help protect communities from natural disasters, support a cleaner environment through improved wastewater treatment, and provide residents with more opportunities to engage in sport activities.

Brandon Wastewater Treatment

Brandon wastewater treatment facility

Wastewater Treatment Facility, Brandon

The City of Brandon is improving the quality of its wastewater by making upgrades to its treatment facility. This initiative will complement the work completed in 2009 which brought the wastewater treatment plant standards up to meet new provincial standards for nutrient removal.

This Provincial-Territorial Base Fund initiative will receive $33 million in financial support from the federal and provincial governments and will include: construction of onsite storage tanks; modifications to current systems to accommodate larger flow volumes; and expansion of the system to incorporate new membrane filtration.

Upgrades to the Brandon wastewater treatment plant will increase the treatment capacity of the municipal waste stream. In turn, this will allow for commercial and residential growth in the area, as well as ensure compliance with the Manitoba's Nutrient Management Strategy.

Funding for Local Priorities: Building Canada Fund – Communities Component

The Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund recognizes the unique infrastructure needs of smaller communities (less than 100,000 people), focusing on projects that meet economic, environmental and quality of life objectives. Under the Communities Component and Top-up, more than 50 communities around the province are benefiting from important community infrastructure investments worth more than $118 million.

Border to Beaches

Bridge section on the Border to Beaches trail

Manitobans will be able to take advantage of more than 165 kilometres of trail through some of the province's most beautiful parks thanks to the Border to Beaches trail project. The federal and provincial governments contributed over $2.8 million to the project under the Building Canada Fund – Communities Component program.

Border to Beaches consists of over 40 individual initiatives covering 165 kilometres of non-contiguous trail. This project will link completed sections of trail and connect two of Manitoba's tourism gems: Grand Beach Provincial Park and Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Border to Beaches is a pilot project, both for Manitoba and for the Trans Canada Trail. The approaches and solutions learned in this project will assist in the completion of other large segments of the trail, contributing to the dream of a national trail system connecting Canada from sea to sea to sea. Manitoba has a diverse geography and the Borders to Beaches project will allow more Manitobans and visitors to experience the province through improvements to trails and connectivity between them.

Looking ahead at Provincial Priorities

Investing in public infrastructure is a priority for Manitoba and municipalities throughout the province. These investments create jobs and improve the foundation of our communities. The Province of Manitoba welcomes a commitment from the federal government to develop a long-term infrastructure plan in partnership with municipalities and the province.

Tri-Level Partnership

Manitoba recognizes that municipal input is critical to developing a successful infrastructure plan that best addresses local priorities and needs. Areas such as roads, sewer and water, flood mitigation and recreation have been identified as priorities by Manitoba municipalities in the past. Working with municipalities to identify specific areas of need will be Manitoba's first priority as this process unfolds.

Over the coming months, the Province of Manitoba will be consulting with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and the City of Winnipeg to identify local priorities for inclusion in a new federal long-term public infrastructure plan. Investing in public infrastructure priorities keeps Manitoba's economy growing and improves life for families across the province. Bringing all levels of government together to continue to build the services Manitobans count on will mean stronger, more prosperous communities.

Skate park in Brandon

Kristopher Campbell Memorial Skate Plaza, Brandon

Water treatement plant in Winkler

Water Treatment Facility, Winkler

Community centre in Thompson

Regional Community Centre, Thompson

Moving Forward Together

Continuing Partnerships

Achieving our goals as a nation means that all orders of government and other partners must work together. We all know that public infrastructure plays a key role in our lives and in our economic well-being. Canada's long-term prosperity relies on the strength of our communities and the basic services that support them.

Through Canada's Economic Action Plan, and infrastructure initiatives such as the Building Canada Fund, the Gas Tax Fund, and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, great things have been built in Manitoba. People across the province have safer roads, cleaner water and improved flood protection. The tangible benefits of our infrastructure investments increase every day as more and more projects are completed.

The Government of Canada is committed to continuing a partnership approach to national, regional and local infrastructure priorities. Strong partnerships mean that every dollar invested in public infrastructure will meet today's needs and sustain future economic growth and development.

A New Long-Term Plan

On November 30, 2011, the Government of Canada launched a process to engage partners from across the country on the development of a new long-term public infrastructure plan. This means working with provinces, territories, municipalities, and other partners to build knowledge around five broad themes:

  • infrastructure and the economy;
  • infrastructure and the environment;
  • infrastructure and stronger communities;
  • financing infrastructure; and
  • asset planning and sustainability.

In the lead up to the new long-term infrastructure plan, we will undertake a constructive dialogue that focuses on the broad principles, priorities and future directions for public infrastructure in Canada. Working together will ensure that Canada has a strong public infrastructure foundation for sustained growth and economic prosperity — now and for years to come.

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