Building for Prosperity: Public Infrastructure in Prince Edward Island

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Minister's Message from Minister Lebel

Photo of the Honorable Denis Lebel

The Honorable Denis Lebel, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Region of Quebec

Safe, modern and efficient public infrastructure is key to Canada's economic growth and long-term prosperity. Knowing how important infrastructure is to our country as a whole, and to the quality of life of every Canadian, I am proud to be leading the development of a long-term plan for public infrastructure that extends beyond the expiry of the Building Canada Plan. A new long-term infrastructure plan will position our nation to meet the challenges and opportunities of the coming decades.

Through Canada's Economic Action Plan and our infrastructure programs, our government has maintained an open dialogue with partners and stakeholders about the best way to support national and local priorities through infrastructure investments. Moving forward we will continue to work closely on infrastructure projects that make a difference for communities large and small. From wind farms that power a region to safe and efficient highways, together, we have made Canada a better place in which to live, work and do business.

As the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, I am very proud of the achievements that have been made possible through partnerships with the Province of Prince Edward Island and its municipalities. Looking ahead, these strong ties will form the foundation of our next long-term infrastructure plan and ensure Canadian communities continue to grow and prosper.

Working together, we will accomplish more and ensure Canada remains well-positioned for the future.

Minister's Message from Minister Vessey

Photo of the Honorable Robert Vessey

The Honorable Robert Vessey
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal

The infrastructure needs of the Province of Prince Edward Island are far reaching and diverse. There is a tremendous need to improve arterial and collector highways, to rebuild drinking water and wastewater services, to provide more green energy and to make improvements in many other areas. That's why our continued relationship with the Government of Canada and local municipalities is so important. Without that strong relationship, the infrastructure challenges we face as a province would be far more difficult to overcome.

Over the last five years all three levels of government have worked diligently to identify key areas in need of improvement from an infrastructure perspective. Together we've made tremendous strides to improve the lives of Islanders by making strategic investments in local infrastructure projects. These types of projects not only provide an economic stimulus to the local economy, but they also improve the health and well-being of residents.

As Minister responsible for infrastructure on Prince Edward Island, I look forward to continued partnerships that aim to address critical areas in need of improvement from one end of the Island to the other. I am very pleased with what we've accomplished thus far and I am optimistic those partnerships will continue well into the future.

Success Through Partnership

Working Together to Accomplish More

Since 2007, federal, provincial and municipal governments have made significant investments in public infrastructure in the Province of Prince Edward island. More recently, Canada's Economic Action Plan accelerated existing programs and delivered new funding to create jobs and support economic growth.

With a focus on transportation and green infrastructure, commitments under the Building Canada Fund, the Green Infrastructure Fund and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund now total over $138 million* and have resulted in more than 75 projects across Prince Edward Island, helping create the right conditions for economic growth and long-term prosperity.

Joint Funding

  • transportation:
    25 projects worth more than $50 million
  • green infrastructure:
    23 projects worth more than $32 million
  • sports and recreation:
    9 projects worth more than $20 million
  • drinking water:
    11 projects worth more than $9 million
  • culture and tourism:
    7 projects worth more than $22 million

Infrastructure Funding by Category

Infrastructure Funding by Category

*based on total eligible costs

Partnership in Action

Working together to build infrastructure achieves local and regional priorities while supporting national objectives. The Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, the cornerstone of Canada's Economic Action Plan, has demonstrated what strong partnerships can accomplish. During the global economic downturn all orders of government responded quickly and effectively to identify shovel-ready projects, drive employment and boost the economy, through 20 infrastructure projects in Prince Edward Island worth more than $33 million. These projects provided lasting benefits to communities across Prince Edward Island.

Canada's Gas Tax Fund at Work in Prince Edward Island

Local Projects Long-term Results

Photo of bus

Between 2005 and 2014 the Province of Prince Edward Island will receive a total of $97.5 million from the Gas Tax Fund. Since 2005, the Province has invested heavily in three key areas:

  • local roads and bridges;
  • wastewater and drinking water; and,
  • community energy projects.

Each year, Canada's Gas Tax Fund is delivered to municipalities across the country to support local infrastructure initiatives and encourage economic growth. Increased to $2 billion per year nationally in 2009 and made permanent in 2011, the Gas Tax Fund supports municipal infrastructure projects that create jobs and help to protect the environment - contributing to cleaner air, cleaner water and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Gas Tax Expenditures by Category
2005-06 to 2010-11

Text description of figure 2

Gas Tax Fund projects have improved the standard of living of Island residents and have had a tremendous impact on both the health of communities and the Province's carbon footprint. A total of 200 projects have been approved under the program and many of these are already complete.

Did you know…

  • Projects approved under the Gas Tax Fund have helped save more than 58,000 tonnes of CO2 and 13,000 litres of heating oil on the Island.
  • These projects have connected more than 450 Islanders to municipal water services and have seen more than 23 kilometres of new sewer line installed or replaced.
  • More than 40 kilometres of roadway have been rebuilt under the program to improve the safety and efficiency of local roads.

Island Wind Energy: Securing our Future

Residents of Summerside are now benefitting from greater use of clean renewable energy

A wind turbine at the Summerside

In August 2011, the Summerside wind farm was officially opened. The new wind farm produces enough energy to provide one-quarter of the city's electricity needs. Located in the neighbourhood of St. Eleanor's, the four-turbine, 12-megawatt wind farm reduces the city's carbon footprint while simultaneously lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing the city's dependence on fossil fuels for electricity. The wind farm was made possible through a joint investment of $30 million by the Government of Canada, the Province of Prince Edward Island and the City of Summerside.

Quick Facts

  • The Summerside wind farm is replacing fossil fuel generated energy with renewable resource energy.
  • The amount of electricity purchased from out-of-Province will decrease significantly now that the turbines are operational.
  • Presently, the City of Summerside consumes 121 Gigawatt Hours (GWH) per year, and the farm is expected to displace 30.6 GWH of electricity annually. That means the wind farm will supply the City with over 25 percent of its energy needs.

Investing in renewable energy production continues to be a priority for the Province of Prince Edward Island and it is actively seeking new investment opportunities.

Funding for Local Priorities: Building Canada Fund – Communities Component

The Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund recognizes the unique infrastructure needs of smaller communities (populations fewer than 100,000), focusing on projects that meet economic, environmental and quality-of-life objectives. Under the Communities Component and Top-up, more than 50 community projects worth more than $70 million are being funded across the province. These projects are improving wastewater treatment capacity, drinking water infrastructure, local roads and bridges, sports and recreation facilities, and cultural spaces.

Summerside West End Walkway

Summerside West End Walkway, Prince Edward Island

Island residents can now enjoy over 1.5 kilometres of new walking trails, educational kiosks and outdoor fitness equipment thanks to a $3.6-million investment to complete the City of Summerside's 6.5-kilometre multi-use trail. The project supports healthy lifestyle choices of local residents by providing a beautiful outdoor venue for physical activity.

Charlottetown Traffic Flow Improvements

Charlottetown is benefitting from improved traffic flow with the expansion of an important section of University Avenue from two lanes to four, and the construction of a new roundabout at the Belvedere Avenue entrance to the University of Prince Edward Island and the Farmer's Market. The $6.3-million project is improving safety and helping reduce greenhouse gases by reducing idling time.

Tyne Valley Lagoon Upgrade

By increasing the capacity of its wastewater treatment facility, the community of Tyne Valley can move ahead with economic development activities. The $1.2-million project completed upgrades that will allow further residential and business development in this rural community, including connecting several existing homes to the system.

Safe and Efficient Highways

A top priority for Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island highway

Safe and efficient highways are vital to the economy of Prince Edward Island. The agriculture and fishery sectors rely on quality highways to export their products to market. Tourists need safe and efficient roads so they can make it to their destination safely. Business operators benefit from quality roads to safely and efficiently import and/or export a huge variety of products to the marketplace. And since the Island is predominantly rural, tens of thousands of Islanders who cannot access public transit depend on safe and efficient roads to get them where they need to be. That is why the province places a premium on a safe and efficient road network. It is essential for the Island's economy.

Cardigan Bridge Replacement

Cardigan Bridge, Prince Edward Island

The Village of Cardigan in Kings County is now benefitting from a new bridge. The $2.1 million project replaced the old bridge, located in the centre of the village. The new bridge is 18 metres longer than the original structure to improve tidal passage. The bridge also includes a new sidewalk.

The project was made possible through the Gas Tax Fund, which is vital to maintaining municipal roads and bridges across the province.

Improved Safety on the Charlottetown Perimeter Highway

Charlottetown Perimeter Highway, Prince Edward Island

This $6.5-million cost-shared project saw the Charlottetown Perimeter Highway at Riverside Drive rebuilt to improve traffic safety and efficiency. The busy Riverside Drive was widened to four lanes, and new dual lane roundabouts were built where Riverside Drive intersects with Walker and Exhibition Drives.

The roundabouts improve safety by slowing traffic to reduce the severity of collisions, and by eliminating left turns across traffic. The new roundabouts also improve efficiency by reducing idling time.

Looking to the future, the Province of Prince Edward Island is committed to investing in the infrastructure that matters most to Islanders

Roads and Highways

When it comes to infrastructure investment, the main focus of the Province of Prince Edward Island is the safety and efficiency of the National Highway System and the local road and bridge network. The Province's road and bridge network is essential for trade, in both import and export contexts, given the absence of rail service. Since 2007 the Province has invested close to $240 million to improve the quality of its roads and bridges. Various cost-shared programs helped contribute to that investment.


Another key area for investment is sewer and water infrastructure. One hundred per cent of the Island's drinking water comes from the ground. That means special measures must be taken, and key investments made, to help ensure residents continue to have quality drinking water for years to come. On top of that, effluent treatment and control are also important to ensure the health of various saltwater fisheries in coastal areas of the province. Such fisheries can be greatly harmed without proper wastewater management, so it's critical that sewage is treated properly.

Links to the Mainland

The Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island also depends on its links to the mainland. The Confederation Bridge provides the most heavilytraveled link, but that does not reduce the importance of air travel and especially the role of Northumberland Ferries and the connection to Nova Scotia. These vital links must be maintained for the health of the economy.

Other Priorities

Looking to the future and the challenges that lay ahead, the Province is also focusing on other priorities, including disaster mitigation, green energy, public transit, health and education.

Moving Forward Together

Continuing Partnerships

Achieving our goals as a nation means that all orders of government and other partners must work together. We all know that public infrastructure plays a key role in our lives and in our economic well-being. Canada's long-term prosperity relies on the strength of our communities and the basic services that support them.

Through Canada's Economic Action Plan, and infrastructure initiatives such as the Building Canada Fund, the Gas Tax Fund, and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, great things have been built in Yukon. People across the territory have safer roads, cleaner water and improved sport, recreation and cultural infrastructure. The tangible benefits of our infrastructure investments increase every day as more and more projects are completed.

The Government of Canada is committed to continuing a partnership approach to national, regional and local infrastructure priorities. Strong partnerships mean that every dollar invested in public infrastructure will meet today's needs and sustain future economic growth and development.

A New Long-Term Plan

On November 30, 2011, the Government of Canada launched a process to engage partners from across the country on the development of a new long-term public infrastructure plan. Building a new long-term infrastructure plan means working with provinces, territories, municipalities, key stakeholders, as well as with technical experts, to build knowledge around five broad themes:

  • infrastructure and the economy;
  • infrastructure and the environment;
  • infrastructure and stronger communities;
  • financing infrastructure; and
  • asset planning and sustainability.

In the lead up to the new long-term infrastructure plan, we will undertake a constructive dialogue that focuses on the broad principles, priorities and future directions for public infrastructure in Canada. Working together will ensure that Canada has a strong public infrastructure foundation for sustained growth and economic prosperity - now and for years to come.

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