Greening Government Operations (GGO)

Green Procurement Reporting For Departments and Agencies Not Bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act

Mandatory reporting on meeting the requirements of Section 7 of the Policy on Green Procurement, as applicable to departments and agencies bound by the Policy on Green Procurement but not the Federal Sustainable Development Act, are reported here.

Green Procurement Targets

PART 1 of 2: NRC will establish and work on 3 SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

Commodity: Computer workstations and laptops

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status
By March 31, 2015, NRC will implement a consolidation and standardization initiative for the purchase of computer workstations and laptops via the use of PWGSC consolidated procurement vehicles (thereby reducing packaging, transportation, and increasing green procurement measures already incorporated in the PWGSC procurement tools).
Percent reduction in the number of individual purchases 50% by March 31, 2014

Strategies / Comments

  1. This self-selected target is SMART:
    • Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity (computer workstations & laptops) and procurement vehicles.
    • Measurable: Procurement data readily available via the NRC financial system.
    • Achievable: Departmental directive for standardization and consolidation where possible.
    • Relevant: The decrease in high volume of individual computer purchases decreases use of packaging and transportation.
    • Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Commodity: Leased multifunctional devices/copiers

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status
By March 31, 2015, NRC will implement a standard for all leased multifunctional devices/copiers to incorporate energy efficient criteria.
Percentage of purchases made of energy-efficient devices, using the PWGSC procurement vehicle. 30% by March 31, 2014

Strategies / Comments

  1. This self-selected target is SMART:
    • Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity (multifunctional devices/copiers) and procurement vehicles.
    • Measurable: Procurement data readily available via the NRC financial system.
    • Achievable: Departmental directive for standardization and consolidation where possible.
    • Relevant: Energy efficient devices reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Commodity: Paper

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status
By March 31, 2015, 80% of annual copy paper purchases will contain a minimum of 30% recycled content (pre-consumer waste and/or post-consumer fibre).
Percent of copy paper purchases made containing a minimum of 30% recycled content. 50% by March 31, 2014

Strategies / Comments

  1. This self-selected target is SMART:
    • Specific: Refers to specific commodity (copy paper) and achievement level of 80%.
    • Measurable: Procurement data readily available via the NRC financial system.
    • Achievable: Departmental directive will be to purchase paper from PWGSC standing offer.
    • Relevant: NRC purchases a significant quantity of paper. This will directly contribute to reduced consumption of virgin paper and reduced environmental impact.
    • Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

PART 2 of 2: SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision-making.

Training for select employees.

Beginning March 31, 2013, 80% of all new acquisition card holders and new material managers will be provided guidance and training within one year to become familiar with the principles of materiel management and procurement best practices relating to green procurement.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status
Percentage of new acquisition card holders and new material managers who are provided with guidance and training on the principles of materiel management and procurement best practices relating to green procurement. Baseline data not available
Planned progress against measure in the given fiscal year 80%

Strategies / Comments

  1. This self-selected target is SMART:
    • Specific: Achievement level of 80%, specific employees and training.
    • Measurable: Information available through the acquisition card approval process and HR (for newly appointed Material Managers).
    • Achievable: One year to complete training is reasonable.
    • Relevant: This target will ensure new Material Management staff and new acquisition card holders are familiar with green procurement so as to incorporate within their decision-making;
    • Time-Bound: Date established for target implementation.

Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and material management.

By March 31, 2015, environmental considerations will be incorporated into the annual performance evaluations of all functional heads of procurement and materiel management.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status
Percentage of identified key positions that have included environmental considerations related to green procurement initiatives in performance evaluations. Baseline data not available
Planned progress against measure in the given fiscal year 100%

Strategies / Comments

  1. This self-selected target is SMART:
    • Specific: Achievement level of 100% and specific employees (see item ii below)
    • Measurable: Information available from in-house tracking system;
    • Achievable: All functional heads of procurement and materiel management will be required to include environmental considerations in their annual performance evaluations;
    • Relevant: Targets relevant employees;
    • Time-Bound: Date established for target implementation.
  2. NRC has identified three positions as functional heads of procurement and materiel management: Director General, Director, and Head, Procurement and Contracting Services.

Management processes and controls.

By March 31, 2015, as part of NRC's key management procurement process, the Contract Review Committee (CRC) will incorporate environmental considerations into its decision-making for 70% of the procurement files for applicable commodities it reviews annually.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status
Percentage of applicable procurement files that contemplated environmental considerations for applicable commodities reviewed by the CRC. Baseline data not available
Planned progress against measure in the given fiscal year 70%

Strategies / Comments

  1. This self-selected target is SMART:
    • Specific: Achievement level of 100% of files reviewed by the CRC for applicable commodities.
    • Measurable: Data available through CRC log sheets, CRC completed checklists and/or meeting minutes.
    • Achievable: The CRC checklist includes items with reference to green procurement and environmental impacts as part of the review process.
    • Relevant: This target will ensure Procurement Officers and the Committee incorporate green procurement considerations where applicable.
    • Time-Bound: Date established for target implementation.
  2. Applicable commodities are all groups of goods and/or services that are presented to CRC for approval that may have environmental impacts.