"No single ethnic group accounts for the majority of the Canadian people. This should be recognized as a fact of enormous significance." --Frank McGilly, author and professor, McGill University, 1990
"In the morning I go to the Korean dépanneur to buy Le Devoir and The Gazette. Then I go to get my fresh chala at the European Kosher Bakery and say bonjour to my Greek neighbour. This may not be your Canada, but it is my neighbourhood. And my neighbourhood is my country." --David Homel, novelist, essayist, translator and journalist, 1996
 | Map of the world 1560 Maps |  | Sir Humphrey Gilbert 1582 Manuscripts and Private Collections |  | Torah of the Shearith Israel Congregation 1768 Manuscripts and Private Collections |  | Jacob Mountain 1778 Documentary Art |  | Port Roseway Associates 1782 Manuscripts and Private Collections |  | The log book of HMS Pegasus 1786 Documentary Art |  | A Black Wood Cutter at Shelburne 1788 Documentary Art |  | Map of Vancouver Island 1798 Maps |  | Map Exhibiting New Discoveries 1802 Maps |  | Josiah Henson 1830 Postal Archives |