"Women as well as men, in all ages and in all places, have danced on the earth, danced the life dance, danced joy, danced grief, danced despair, and danced hope. Literally danced these and more...by their very lives." --Margaret Laurence, writer from Dance on the Earth: A Memoire (1989)
 | La Duchesse 1650 Documentary Art |  | Frances Brooke 1771 Documentary Art |  | Mary March (Desmasduit) 1819 Documentary Art |  | Map by Iligliuk 1822 Maps |  | Unidentified Woman 1838 Documentary Art |  | Jane Ellice 1841 Documentary Art |  | Naturalization certificate 1862 Manuscripts and Private Collections |  | Canoe Manned by Voyageurs Passing a Waterfall 1869 Documentary Art |  | Emma Lajeunesse Albani 1874 Photography |  | Red River Expedition 1877 Documentary Art |