Navigation Pages
Exhibition Items:
- Aboriginal totem signatures
- Address to Lord Dufferin
- Agnes MacPhail
- Anne Hébert
- Army Show
- Attack on all Fronts
- A. Berthelot
- Bird's eye view of Montréal
- Bird's eye view, Yukon
- A Black Wood Cutter at Shelburne
- Blanche Lavallée
- Bonaventure Station
- Le Canada
- Canadian artillery barrage
- Canadian Bill of Rights
- Canadian Headlines
- Canoe Manned by Voyageurs Passing a Waterfall
- Casualty list
- Chief Peepin
- Children of Louis Riel
- Chinese Quarter, Victoria, B.C.
- D-Day Landings
- Dance at the Château Saint-Louis
- Diary of Lady Macdonald
- Diary of William Lyon Mackenzie King
- Death of General Wolfe
- Dr. Stompin' Tom Connors
- La Duchesse
- Early winter morning
- Egypt-Israel Frontier
- Elders & Soldiers
- Eli Mandel
- Elsie MacGill
- Emma Lajeunesse Albani
- Empress of Ireland
- First Attack made by the British Fleet
- First episode of Un homme et son péché
- Florence Bird
- Florence Bird Autobiography
- Frances Brooke
- Funeral of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Great Seal of Canada
- Gregorian chant manuscript
- Grosse Île
- Gutenberg Galaxy
- Halifax
- Harvesting Hay, Sussex
- Harvesting on the Sandison Farm
- Head Tax Certificate
- Henry Ruttan
- HMS Shannon
- Imaginary Portrait of Jacques Cartier
- Imagine
- Immigrant children from Great Britain
- Indo-China
- Inuit Hunter
- Irving Layton
- Ishbel Maria Gordon, Lady Aberdeen
- Jacob Mountain
- Jacques Plante
- Jacques Plante Poem
- Jane Ellice
- Jeanne Sauvé
- John Lennon and Yoko Ono
- Joseph Bouchette
- Josiah Henson
- Karen Kain
- Kerry, a tree planter
- Kimiko Okano Murakami
- Kitagawa
- Kwagiutl Family Portrait
- Labrador fishing village
- Leaving the Somme
- Lees dit
- Leetia Onalik
- Leonard Cohen
- Letters of Nobility
- Log book of HMS Pegasus
- London Aquatic Centre
- Louis Fréchette
- Louis Riel
- Louis Riel's last letter
- Louis-Joseph Papineau
- Lucy Maud Montgomery's contract
- Main-d'Oeuvre féminine
- Major Georges P. Vanier
- Map by Iligliuk
- Map Exhibiting New Discoveries
- Map of Northern America
- Map of the world
- Map of Vancouver Island
- Marguerite d'Youville
- Marquis de Rigaud de Vaudreuil
- Marshall McLuhan
- Mary March (Desmasduit)
- Maurice Richard
- Medal of Louis XIV
- Métis Scrip
- Montagnais-French dictionary
- La Mort, by Louis Fréchette
- Naturalization certificate
- Nellie McClung
- Norman McLaren
- Ogilvie Flour Mills Co.
- Oscar Peterson
- "Our Lady of the Snows"
- Out of Sight
- Parliament Buildings
- Passchendaele
- Passchendaele Ridge
- Pauline Vanier
- Port Roseway Associates
- Priest's House
- Princess and the Witch
- "Principal events"
- Private Godard
- Proclamation of the Constitution
- Proposed Dome, Kingston City Hall
- Quarantine questionnaire
- Québec Conference Resolutions
- Queen of the Hurricanes
- Queen Victoria
- Rebels
- Red River Expedition
- Reforms in Time Reckoning
- René Lévesque interviews Lester B. Pearson
- Report on Concentration Camp
- S.S. Empress of Ireland
- Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow
- Saskatchewan pioneers
- A settler's home near Carberry
- Sir Robert Laird Borden
- Sir Sandford Fleming's notebook
- Sir John Franklin
- Sir Humphrey Gilbert
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Sir John A. Macdonald
- Sketch of Eskimos
- Snow in the streets
- So you met Connie!
- St. Jean Baptiste
- Sugaring off in Lower Canada
- Synod Hall and Sunday School
- Third World
- Thomas Kirkpatrick and family
- Tit-Coq
- Torah of the Shearith Israel Congregation
- Toronto Engine
- Trudeau, Turner, Chrétien, & Pearson
- A Ukrainian pioneer wedding
- Unidentified Woman
- Victory Speech of General Vanier
- View of Nunnery
- Vimy Ridge Memorial
- War telegram
- William Kurelek
- Winnipeg General Strike
- A Woman in a Man's World
- Women are not "persons"
- Young Canada