Attorney General of Canada represented by:
- Sylvain Lussier, Desjardins Ducharme Stein Monast
- Brian Saunders, Department of Justice of Canada
Office of the Auditor General of Canada represented by:
- Richard G. Dearden, Gowling Lafleur Henderson
Business Development Bank of Canada represented by:
- William Brock, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg
Canada Post Corporation represented by:
- John B. Laskin, Torys
- John A. Terry, Torys
VIA Rail Canada represented by:
- John A. Campion, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
- Jean H. Lafleur, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
Ernst & Young represented by:
- Peter H. Griffin, Lenczner, Slaght, Royce, Smith, Griffin
- Katherine Cornett, Lenczner, Slaght, Royce, Smith, Griffin
M. Jean S. Brault represented by:
- Harvey Yarosky, Yarosky, Daviault & Isaacs
- Danielle Barot, Yarosky, Daviault & Isaacs
M. Jean Carle represented by:
- Pierre V. LaTraverse, LaTraverse Avocats/ Attorneys
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien represented by:
- David W. Scott, Borden Ladner Gervais
Mr. Paul Coffin and Coffin Communications Inc. represented by:
- Raphaël H. Schachter, Lavery, De Billy
- Pierre Emile Dupras, Trudel, Nadeau
M. Jacques Corriveau and Pluridesign Inc. represented by:
- Richard Phaneuf, Malouin, Phaneuf
- Gilles Pariseau, Pariseau, Olivier
The Honourable Alfonso Gagliano represented by:
- Pierre Fournier, Fournier Associés
Mr. Joseph Charles Guité represented by:
- Michael D. Edelson, Edelson & Associates
Mr. Jean Lafleur represented by:
- Jean-C. Hébert, Hebert, Bourque & Downs
- Jean A. Montigny, Sternthal Katznelson Montigny
Malcom Média Inc. and M. Luc Lemay represented by:
- Éric Downs, Hébert, Bourque and Downs
- Louis P. Bélanger, Stikeman Elliott
The Honourable André Ouellet represented by:
- Raymond Doray, Lavery, De Billy
Mr. Jean Pelletier represented by:
- Guy J. Pratte, Borden Ladner Gervais
Mr. Ranald Quail represented by:
- George D. Hunter, Borden Ladner Gervais
Liberal Party of Canada and Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec) represented by:
- Charles B. Côté, Côté Prihoda
- Doug Mitchell, Irving, Mitchell & Associates
Public Service Integrity Officer represented by:
Association des agences de publicité du Québec represented by:
- Daniel Rochefort, Rochefort et Associés
BCP Ltd. represented by:
- Gérald R. Tremblay, McCarthy Tétrault
M. Marc LeFrançois represented by:
- Claude-Armand Sheppard, Robinson Sheppard Shapiro
Bloc Québécois represented by:
- Clément Groleau, Clément Groleau
- Katty Duranleau, Clément Groleau
Conservative Party of Canada represented by:
- Arthur Hamilton, Cassels Brock & Blackwell
- Laurie Livingstone, Cassels Brock & Blackwell