Bytown Pavilion (Former City Hall), Ottawa
September 7, 2004
1. Office of the Auditor General of Canada (panel)
- Sheila Fraser, Auditor General of Canada
- Shahid Minto, Assistant Auditor General
- Ronald Campbell, Assistant Auditor General
- Louise Bertrand, Audit Principal
September 20, 2004
2. Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat (panel)
- Jim Judd, Secretary of the Treasury Board of Canada
- Mike Joyce, Assistant Secretary, Expenditure Operations and Reporting Sector
- Susan Cartwright, Assistant Secretary, Government Operations Sector
- Jane Cochran, Executive Director, Procurement and Project Management Policy Directorate
- Jim Libbey, Executive Director, Strategic Systems Infrastructure Directorate, Office of the Comptroller General
3. Public Works and Government Services Canada (panel)
- I. David Marshall, Deputy Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Yvette Aloïsi, Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services, Human Resources and Communications
- Myra Conway, Director General, Financial Operations
- George A. Butts, A/Director General, Policy, Risk, Integrity and Strategic Management Sector
- Gerry Thom, Director, Classification, Compensation and Business Systems, Corporate Services, Human Resources and Communications
September 27, 2004
4. Privy Council Office (panel)
- Alex Himelfarb, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet
- Michael Wernick, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Plans and Consultation
- Kathy O'Hara, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Machinery of Government
5. Allan Cutler, Former Manager, Public Relations and Print Contract Services, Public Works and Government Services Canada
6. Ernst & Young (panel)
- Deanna Monaghan, C.A.
- Madeleine Brillant, C.A.
- Julie Morin, C.A.
October 4, 2004
7. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), Audit and Ethics Branch (panel)
- Norman Steinberg, Director General, Audit and Ethics Branch, PWGSC
- Jim Hamer, Audit and Review Principal, PWGSC
- Janet Labelle, Investigations Manager, Fraud Investigations and Internal Disclosure Directorate, PWGSC
- Steven Turner, Retired Public Servant
- Raoul Solon, Consultant
8. Quick Response Team (panel)
- Steven McLaughlin, Director Payment, Products and Services Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Rod Monette, Assistant Deputy Minister Finance and Corporate Services Department of National Defense
- André Auger, Director Assurance, Accounting and Audit Services Consulting and Audit Canada
- Myra Conway, Director General Financial Operations Public Works and Government Services Canada
9. Kroll Lindquist Avey (panel)
- Steven Whitla
- Guillaume Vadeboncoeur
10. Finance Canada (panel)
- Kevin G. Lynch, Deputy Minister of Finance, Finance Canada
- Jeremy Rudin, Director General, EFP - Assistant Deputy Minister's Office, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch
11. Demers Administrative Review Committee (panel)
- Jean-Claude Demers, Q.C., Lawyer who chaired the Demers Administrative Review Committee
- Jean Quevillon, Labour Relations Program Manager, Labour Relations, Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Normand Masse, Senior Director (Contract Expert), Logistics, Electrical, Fuel and Transportation Directorate, Public Works and Government Services Canada
October 12, 2004
12. Advertising and Public Opinion Research Sector (APORS) /Communications Coordination Services Branch (CCSB), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)
- Huguette Tremblay, Chief, Special Projects, CCSB, PWGSC
October 18, 2004
- Isabelle Roy, Former Special Assistant, Minister Gagliano's Office, PWGSC Communications and Strategic Planning Officer, CCSB, PWGSC
- Joanne Bouvier, Former Special Assistant, Minister Gagliano's Office, PWGSC
- Ghislaine Ippersiel, Former Special Assistant, Minister Gagliano's Office, PWGSC Analyst, Communications Canada
- Paul Lauzon, Director, Advertising and Project Management, CCSB, PWGSC
- Evelyn Marcoux, Director General, Client Services and Industry Relations, CCSB, PWGSC
October 25, 2004
- Andrée LaRose, Acting Director General, Public Access Programs, CCSB, PWGSC
- Marie Maltais, Director General, Strategic Communications Coordination, CCSB, PWGSC
November 1, 2004
- David Myer, Director General, Communications Procurement, CCSB, PWGSC
- Patrick Lebrun, Former Special Assistant, Minister Gagliano's Office, PWGSC
- Mario Parent, Coordinator, Advertising Program, APORS, PWGSC Coordinator, Advertising Program, CCSB, PWGSC
November 8, 2004
- Joseph Charles Guité, Executive Director, CCSB, PWGSC
November 15, 2004 - Hearings are in Recess
November 22, 2004
* Joseph Charles Guité, Executive Director, CCSB, PWGSC
13. Anita Lloyd, Access to Information and Privacy, Public Works and Government Services Canada
14. Dominique Francoeur, Corporate Secretary, Public Works and Government Services Canada
15. Ranald Quail, Former Deputy Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada
16. James Stobbe, Former Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada
November 29, 2004
17. Richard Neville, Former Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada
18. Communications Canada (panel)
- Guy McKenzie
- Guy Bédard
- Diane Viau
- Gilles Pelletier
- Liseanne Forand
19. Roger Collet, Former Executive Director, Canada Information Office
December 6, 2004
20. Denyse Paquette, Project Coordinator, Communications Coordination Services Branch, Public Works and Government Services Canada
21. Marc Lafrenière, Former Executive Director, Canada Information Office
22. Ron Bilodeau, Former Deputy Clerk, Privy Council Office
23. Jocelyne Bourgon, Former Clerk and Secretary to the Cabinet (1994-1999), Privy Council Office
24. Michelle d’Auray, Former Director General, Communications, Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office
December 13, 2004
25. Robert-Guy Scully, Journalist, TV producer, representative of l'Information Essentielle Inc.
26. Giuliano Zaccardelli, Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
27. Dawson Hovey, Chief Superintendant, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
28. Odilon Emond, Assistant Commissioner, Commanding Officer, "C" Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
29. Allen Burchill, Former Assistant Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
30. André Thouin, Public Affairs Director, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
31. William Beahan, Director, Strategic Partnership, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
December 20, 2004 - Hearings are in Recess
January 11, 2005
32. Marc LeFrançois, Former President and Chief Executive Officer, VIA Rail Canada Inc.
33. Christena Keon Sirsly, Former Vice President, Marketing and Vice President, Information Services; currently Chief Strategy Officer, VIA Rail Canada Inc.
34. Anthony Rumjahn, Corporate Comptroller, VIA Rail Canada Inc.
35. Christiane Beaulieu, Former Vice President, Public Affairs, Business Development Bank of Canada
36. Richard Morris, Vice President, Audit and Inspection, Business Development Bank of Canada
37. Guy G. Beaudry, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Chief Planning Officer, Business Development Bank of Canada
38. François Beaudoin, Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Business Development Bank of Canada
January 17, 2005
39. Daniel Sawaya, Former Vice President Marketing and Product Management, Canada Post Corporation
40. Alain Guilbert, Vice President, Communications, Canada Post Corporation
41. Stewart Bacon, Senior Vice President, Customer Relationship Management, Canada Post Corporation
42. Micheline Montreuil, Director, Stamp Products, Canada Post Corporation
43. The Honourable André Ouellet, Former Chairman and Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Post Corporation
44. Anne Buston, Director, Public Relations, Canada Post Corporation
45. Lily Sioris, Manager, Public Relations, Canada Post Corporation
46. The Honourable David Dingwall, Former Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada
47. Warren Kinsella, Former Executive Assistant, Public Works and Government Services Canada
January 24, 2005
48. Georges Clermont, Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Post Corporation
49. Gordon Feeney, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Canada Post Corporation
50. The Honourable Diane Marleau, Former Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada
51. The Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of Environment
52. The Honourable Denis Coderre, Former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Former Secretary of State (Amateur Sport)
53. Jean-Marc Bard, Former Senior Special Assistant and Executive Assistant to Alfonso Gagliano (Former Minister, Public Works and Government Services Canada)
54. The Honourable Marcel Massé, Former Minister of Intergovernemental Affairs
55. The Honourable Lucienne Robillard, President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development
56. The Honourable Martin Cauchon, Former Minister of Justice and Secretary of State (Federal Office of Regional Development-Quebec)
January 31, 2005
57. The Honourable Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada
58. Stefano Lucarelli, Former Corporate Comptroller, Business Development Bank of Canada
59. Alan Marquis, Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Business Development Bank of Canada
60. The Honourable Alfonso Gagliano, Former Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada
61. Jean Carle, Former Chief of Operations to Jean Chrétien and First Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Business Development Bank of Canada
February 7, 2005
62. Jean Pelletier, Former Chief of Staff to Jean Chrétien and Chairman of VIA Rail Canada Inc.
63. The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, Former Prime Minister of Canada
64. The Right Honourable Paul Martin, Prime Minister of Canada
February 14, 2005- Hearings are in Recess
Conference Centre, Guy-Favreau Complex, Montreal
February 28, 2005
For the facts pertaining to Jean Lafleur Communications:
65. Jean Lafleur
* Alex Himelfarb, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet, Privy Council Office
For the facts pertaining to Jean Lafleur Communications:
* Jean Lafleur
March 7, 2005
* Jean Lafleur
66. Pierre Michaud
67. Pierre Davidson
68. Éric Lafleur
69. Stéphane Guertin
March 14, 2005
* Stéphane Guertin
For the facts pertaining to Gosselin Communications Stratégiques:
70. Gilles-André Gosselin
71. Andrée Côté Gosselin
72. Nicolas Gosselin
73. Bernard Thiboutot
74. Enrico Valente
March 21, 2005
March 22, 2005- Hearings are in Recess
March 29, 2005
75. Josée Thibeau-Carrier
* Huguette Tremblay, Chief, Special Projects, CCSB, PWGSC
* Mario Parent, Coordinator, Advertising Program, APORS, PWGSC Coordinator,Advertising Program, CCSB, PWGSC
For the facts pertaining to Gosselin Communications Stratégiques:
* Gilles-André Gosselin
76. Wendy Cumming
For the facts pertaining to Groupaction:
77. Jean Brault
April 4, 2005
* Jean Brault
78. Jean Lambert
79. Alain Renaud
April 11, 2005
* Alain Renaud
80. Roger Desjeans
81. Bernard Michaud
For the facts pertaining to Groupe Polygone / Expour:
82. Luc Lemay
For the facts pertaining to PluriDesign Canada:
83. Jacques Corriveau
April 18, 2005
* Jacques Corriveau
For the facts pertaining to Groupe Polygone/Expour:
84. Gaëtan Mondoux
For the facts pertaining to PluriDesign Canada:
85. Gaëtan Sauriol
For the facts pertaining to Groupaction:
86. GPF1 Inc. (panel)
- Martin Spalding
- Jean Laflamme
For the facts pertaining to Groupe Everest - Media IDA Vision:
87. Claude Boulay
88. Diane Deslauriers
April 25, 2005
* Diane Deslauriers
89. Vincent Cloutier
90. Alex Polevoy
91. Pierre Bibeau
92. Benoît Renaud
For the facts pertaining to Coffin Communications:
93. Paul Coffin
94. Robert St-Onge
95. Jacques Guérin
* Joseph Charles Guité, Executive Director, CCSB, PWGSC
May 2, 2005
* Joseph Charles Guité, Executive Director, CCSB, PWGSC
For the facts pertaining to Liberal Party of Canada and/or Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec):
96. Louis Pichette
97. Guy Bisson
98. Jacques Roy
99. Franco Iacono
100. Thalie Tremblay
101. Serge Gosselin
102. Monique Thomas
103. Carolina Gallo-Laflèche
104. Michel Béliveau
105. Claire Brouillet
May 9, 2005
106. Benoît Corbeil
107. Marc-Yvan Côté
108. Richard Boudreault
109. Daniel Dezainde
110. Antonio Mignacca
111. Beryl Wajsman
112. John Welch
May 16, 2005
* Office of the Auditor General of Canada (panel)
- Sheila Fraser, Auditor General of Canada
- Ronald Campbell, Assistant Auditor General
- Louise Bertrand, Audit Principal
113. Privy Council Office, Treasury Board, Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada (panel)
- Richard Robesco, Acting Senior Director, Communications Procurement Directorate, Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Laurent Marcoux, Director General, Public Opinion Research and Advertising Coordination, Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Jodi Redmond, Director, Strategic Communications Planning, Privy Council Office
- Stephen Wallace, Assistant Secretary, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
114. John Hayter, Vickers & Benson
115. Luc Mérineau, Éminence Grise
116. Yves Gougoux, BCP Ltd.
May 24, 2005
117. Kroll Lindquist Avey (panel)
- Robert Macdonald
- Pierre St-Laurent
- Steven Whitla *
For the facts pertaining to Liberal Party of Canada and/or Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec):
118. Gaetano Manganiello
119. Giuseppe Morselli
120. The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Finance
121. The Honourable Don Boudria, Former Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada
For the facts pertaining to PluriDesign Canada:
* Jacques Corriveau
May 30, 2005
* Jacques Corriveau
For the facts pertaining to Groupe Polygone/Expour:
122. Monique Carle
123. Michel Bibeau
* Jean Pelletier, Former Chief of Staff to Jean Chrétien and Chairman of VIA Rail Canada Inc.
For the facts pertaining to Liberal Party of Canada and/or Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec):
124. Françoise Patry
125. John Parisella, BCP Ltd.
126. For the facts pertaining to Liberal Party of Canada and/or Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec) (panel):
- Steven MacKinnon
- Hervé Rivet
* The Honourable Alfonso Gagliano, Former Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada
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