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Élément graphique


You must have noticed how much these little drawings can be different from the real pictures in the book. First of all, they are sketched in pencil, in black only. And they are very little. Ginette Anfousse made them very quickly. They look like rough copies. And here's the proof! Neither the sketch nor even the bits of sentences on some pages, the fifth one, for example, are the same as in the original French book.

Close-up of fifth sketch (Jojo holds up a ruler)
Close-up of fifth sketch
The schoolteacher
The schoolteacher

Look at the sketch and the picture in the book that matches this part of the story. Also, read what Jojo says on the sketch: "Je sais que j'aurai la plus gentille maîtresse. Elle aura des cheveux blonds, un chignon, des lunettes." ("I know that I will have the nicest teacher. She will have blond hair, a bun, glasses.")

In the sketch, we see Jojo talking to us on the fifth page of the book. But, in the book, the picture that goes with this part of the text is the schoolteacher and she's not wearing glasses.

Can you find other differences between the storyboard and the final picture?
