Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports = Rapports de recherche sur l'opinion publique publiés par le gouvernement du Canada

Natural Resources Canada = Ressources naturelles Canada - 2005

2005-1020 - Project Green daily tracking study, final survey findings

2005-1024 - Project Green / climate change plan ad post-test survey, final report

2005-1042 - Tracking study: awareness of Energy Star/EnerGuide symbols 2005, final report

2005-1111 - CanMOST client satisfaction survey

2005-1111 - CanMOST potential enhancements research

2005-1111 - CanMOST Research summary report on software usage & reasons for non-use

2005-1260 - The one-tonne challenge guide focus group study

2005-1274 - 2005 One Tonne Challenge tracking survey, Phase II: final report

2005-1274 - Le Défi d'une tonne en 2005, enquête de suivi, 2e étape: ébauche du rapport final

2005-1394 - The Source: focus on Energy: proprietary questions for Natural Resources Canada

2005-1394 - La Source : enquête sur l'énergie : questions exclusives pour Ressources naturelles Canada

2005-1428 - Disaster check focus groups energy ads, final qualitative report

2005-1446 - Qualitative testing of energy ad concepts, topline report

2005-1446 - Pré-test qualitatif de concepts publicitaires sur l'énergie, rapport synthèse

2005-1494 - A qualitative study exploring public attitudes towards the new OPPI website, final report

2005-1532 - Light vehicle study 2006 - fuel economy report

2005-1539 - One-tonne challenge employee awareness toolkit website: evaluation of website and related materials

2005-1586 - Needs of Canadian science educators for science and technology information: a qualitative exploration

2005-1792 - Manitoba Motor Dealers Association pilot project, final report

2005-1929 - A qualitative study exploring public attitudes towards a new OPPI website prototype, final report

2005-1930 - Energuide for vehicles fuel consumption guide focus groups, final report

2005-1951 - Qualitative testing of a new consilidated corporate Intranet site concept

2005-1954 - The FH research survey of the North: views of business decision makers

2005-1964 - Report of findings: testing the new CFS web presence