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le 17 octobre 2000 / October 17, 2000

JAMC 2000; 163(8)
Highlights of this issue
Les enjeux de l'exercice de la profession en milieu rural et éloigné
Éditorial Editorial |
945 |
What can you buy with a $33 bill?
PDF] |
947 |
Qu'est-ce qu'on pourrait acheter avec un billet de 33 $?
PDF] |

Recherche Research |
961 |
Child hunger in Canada: results of the 1994 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth
L. McIntyre, S.K. Connor, J. Warren
PDF] |
969 |
Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation: a utilization review of use in a teaching hospital
T. Sinuff, D. Cook, J. Randall, C. Allen
PDF] |
977 |
Prevalence and detection of delirium in elderly emergency department patients
M. Élie, F. Rousseau, M. Cole, F. Primeau, J. McCusker, F. Bellavance
PDF] |
Commentaire Commentary |
985 |
Child hunger: semi-starvation study repeated in Canada
C.L. Birmingham
PDF] |
986 |
The limitations of evidence from randomized trials
S. Magder
PDF] |
991 |
Risk factors for thromboembolism: pathophysiology and detection
S. Solymoss
PDF] |
Synthèse Review |
999 |
Rheumatology: 9. Physical and occupational therapy in the management of arthritis
B.M. Clark
PDF] |
1009 |
Environment and health: 4. Cancer
R. Clapp
PDF] |
1016 |
Criteria for evaluating evidence that laboratory abnormalities are associated with the development of venous thromboembolism
S.M. Bates, J.S. Ginsberg, S.E. Straus, H. Rekers, D.L. Sackett
PDF] |
1024 |
De l'Oreille Gauche The
Left Atrium [HTML /
PDF] |
- Tuberculosis in time (book review by D.A.E. Shephard)
- The reflecting pool F. Paola
- All forgiveness, A.M. Todkill
- The Famous 5 and the infamous Lizzie, D. Woollard
1029 |
Nouvelles et analyses News and analysis [PDF] |
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Droit d'auteur 2000 Association médicale canadienne ou ses concédants |