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le 29 mai 2001 / May 29, 2001

JAMC 2001; 164(11)
Highlights of this issue
Éditorial Editorial |
1557 |
Driven to distraction: cellular phones and traffic accidents
PDF] |
1559 |
Les téléphones cellulaires et les accidents de la circulation
PDF] |

1563 |
Correspondance Letters
Directives aux correspondants
- Obesity in Canadian children R. Auer, et al [HTML / PDF]; M. Finkelstein [HTML / PDF]; P.T. Katzmarzyk [HTML / PDF]; responses: M. Tremblay, J.D. Willms [HTML / PDF]; R. Andersen [HTML / PDF]
- D is for drug addiction and disability P.B. Berger [HTML / PDF]
- Fie on this book review C.M. Godfrey [HTML / PDF]; response: V.M. Hanlon [HTML / PDF]
- Travel warning issued after polio outbreak in Dominican Republic, Haiti [Correction]
Recherche Research |
1567 |
Abuse: A risk factor for low birth weight? A systematic review and meta-analysis
C.C. Murphy, B. Schei, T.L. Myhr, J. Du Mont
PDF] |
1573 |
Reviewing the reviewers: the quality of reporting in three secondary journals
P.J. Devereaux, B.J. Manns, W.A. Ghali, H. Quan, G.H. Guyatt
PDF] |
Exposé de recherche Research Letter |
1577 |
The underuse of probiotics by family physicians
L. Edmunds
PDF] |
Commentaire Commentary |
1578 |
Abuse during pregnancy: a quintessential threat to maternal and child health so when do we start to act?
J.C. Campbell
PDF] |
1580 |
Reports of reports: How good are secondary publications in medicine?
F. Davidoff
PDF] |
1581 |
Car phones and car crashes: some popular misconceptions
D.A. Redelmeier, R.J. Tibshirani
PDF] |
Synthèse Review |
1583 |
Rationing medical care: rhetoric and reality in the Oregon Health Plan
J. Oberlander, T. Marmor, L. Jacobs
PDF] |
1589 |
Bioethics for clinicians: 26. Assisted reproductive technologies
L. Shanner, J. Nisker
PDF] |
1595 |
Rheumatology: 14. Diagnosis and management of anterior knee pain
J.E. Taunton, M. Wilkinson
PDF] |
1602 |
De l'oreille gauche The Left Atrium [HTML] |
- M.T. Greenwood reviews Patricia
Van Tighem's The bear's embrace [PDF]
- Colin Rankin learns about power tools [PDF]
- David McMillan photographs the
Chernobyl evacuation zone [PDF]
- L. Hazelton stands under Jacob's ladder [PDF]
1607 |
Nouvelles News |
- Large fee increase in hand, Alberta goes courting Canada's MDs [HTML / PDF]
- Drug giants drop suit against South African drug law [HTML / PDF]
- Places to smoke going way of the dinosaurs? [HTML / PDF]
- FDA issues warning on propofol (Diprivan) [HTML / PDF]
- Global crusade to combat measles [HTML / PDF]
- Special CDC Web site debunks Internet's medical urban legends [HTML / PDF]
- Can we afford medicare? Romanow to find out [HTML / PDF]
- First double-lung transplant recipient dies [HTML / PDF]
- Tuition fees continue upward spiral, hit new high at Western [HTML / PDF]
On the Net: Virtually there: take a medical school tour without leaving home [HTML / PDF]
Pulse: The rural and urban realities of family medicine [HTML / PDF]
Bush marches to own beat as patient-rights initiative takes off in US [HTML / PDF]
Death but one unintended consequence of gene-therapy trial [HTML / PDF]
Clinical Update: The sodium-restricted DASH diet lowers blood pressure [HTML / PDF]
Public Health: Measles in your office [HTML / PDF] |
1648 |
Gens de cur Heart & Soul |
A career shaped by a father's death
H. Kent
PDF] |
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Droit d'auteur 2001 Association médicale canadienne ou ses concédants |