Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

Sept. 15, 1995 / Le 15 septembre 1995

CMAJ 1995; 153 (6)

Contents / Table des matières

735 - Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
The pursuit of objectivity; La recherche de l'objectivité P. Huston [full text / texte complet]

739 - Letters / Correspondance

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
745 - Discharging patients earlier from Winnipeg hospitals: Does it adversely affect quality of care?, M.L. Harrison, L.A. Graff, N.P. Roos, M.D. Brownell [abstract / résumé]

755 - Importance of and satisfaction with work and professional interpersonal issues: a survey of physicians practising general internal medicine in Ontario, D.J. Cook, L.E. Griffith, D.L. Sackett [abstract / résumé]

769 - Physicians' beliefs and behaviour during a randomized controlled trial of episiotomy: consequences for women in their care, M.C. Klein, J. Kaczorowski, J.M. Robbins, R.J. Gauthier, S.H. Jorgensen, A.K. Joshi [abstract / résumé]

783 - Editorial / Éditorial
Unbiased research and the human spirit: the challenges of randomized controlled trials, K.F. Schulz [full text / résumé]

793 - Clinical Digest

795 - Sélection d'articles cliniques

799 - At A Glance / Aperçu

801 - Annual Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle
Private health care dominates annual meeting as CMA decides to launch national debate on issue, P. Sullivan [full text / résumé]

805 - Cover Story / En manchette
Laboratory medicine needs higher profile with medical students, MDs, pathologists say, P. Harrison [abstract / résumé]

811 - Special Report / Document
Failure to perform autopsies means some MDs "walking in a fog of misplaced optimism", F. Lowry [abstract / résumé]

815 - Musings / Matière à refléxion
State of the art, W. Young [full text]

819 - Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
Jane Fulton: Cat among the pigeons?, C. Gray [abstract / résumé]

822 - Meetings / Rencontres
Activists decry physician disinterest in Lyme disease during Vancouver conference, E. LeBourdais [abstract / résumé]

825 - Tribute / Hommage
October induction ceremony will coincide with official opening of Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, J. Rafuse [full text / résumé]

827 - Meetings / Rencontres
Role of private insurance in public system source of debate at CHEPA conference, A. Silversides [full text / résumé]

744 - Conferences / Conférences

788 - Books and Other Media / Livres et autres documents

797 - Directory of CMA Services

798 - Répertoire des services de l'AMC

828 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

853 - Service Information / Renseignements aux lecteurs

854 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

868 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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