Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

December 1, 1996 / Le 1er décembre 1996

CMAJ 1996; 155 (11)

Contents / Table des matières

1543 - Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur

1547 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
1555 - Factors explaining the increase in cost for physician care in Quebec's elderly population, M. Demers [abstract / résumé]

1563 - Haida perspectives on living with non-insulin-dependent diabetes, G.D. Grams; C. Herbert, C. Heffernan, B. Calam, M.A. Wilson, S. Grzybowski, D. Brown [abstract / résumé]

Cover Story / En manchette
1569 - Aboriginal health, H.L. MacMillan, A.B. MacMillan, D.R. Offord, J.L. Dingle [full text / résumé]

Editorials / Éditoriaux
1581 - Improving the health status of aboriginal people in Canada: new directions, new responsibilities, V.F. Tookenay [full text / résumé]
1584 - Demographics, aging and health care: Is there a crisis?, W.B. Dalziel [abstract / résumé]

1592 - At a Glance / Aperçu

Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
1596 - Study by Alberta pharmacists indicates drug wastage a "mammoth" problem, S. Cameron [partial text / en bref]

Health Care / Les soins
1599 - MD crosses great divide when moving between practices in Canada, US, C. Gray [full text / en bref]

Computers / Informatique
1601 - Microchips versus stethoscopes, part 2: revisiting OSCAR at the Foothills Hospital, G. Powell [in brief / en bref]

Legislation / Législation
1604 - Quebec employs user-pay philosophy in launching drug-insurance plan, M. Martin [full text / en bref]

Computers / Informatique
1606 - Psychiatrist says counselling via email may be yet another medical use for Internet, C. Johnston [full text / en bref]

Vista / Panorama
1608 - The rationale behind rationing, D. Waugh]

Aboriginal Medicine / Médecine autochone
1609 - U of Manitoba program delivers care to natives, hope to aboriginal students, D. Square [full text / en bref]

Perspectives / Optique
1613 - Health care in North must acknowledge Inuit values, traditional medicine, G. Gray [full text / en bref]

Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
1615 - Nova Scotia hopes to solve recruitment problem with joint effort from MDs, government, N. Robb [partial text / en bref]

1617 - Deaths / Avis de décès

1552 - Conferences / Conférences

1587 - Continuing Medical Education / Éducation médicale continue

1619 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

1635 - Service Information / Renseignements aux lecteurs

1636 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

1648 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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